Page 256 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 256

222                             FlNANCE8

             11- Base de l'impôt dans les corporations municipales de la province.- (Fin)
             U-Basis of Taxation in Municipal Corporations of the Provlnce.-(Coneluded)

                                                ÉVâl'JatiQf\. des biens-fonds
                        Nombre de-Number of     .oU~~ment of Real hM.Rte   Autres
                                         1 -------                        valeuI'll
            ANNtE8                Acres            1 Impoottbles         ilDpœablee.
                       Personnes  de terre  1"     1mai~ exemptéa  :->lon-  (2)
            YEARS      pa..vaot  irnpo_ble>i  lmp~ble~  temporaÎrement  impo~fl.bk.ll  Other
                       d~ taxes                                           Taxable
                                 Acres of  1  TalC3ble  Tallab!e but  Noa-  Value:s
                      To.xpayers  Taxable           Tl'mporarily  tll.xabl..
                                  Land             1  ElI:empted  1
                          IVIUNlCIPALITÉ8 DE CITÉ--eITY ~:IUNrcIPALITIES
         1934                                                              43,736,379
         1933                                                              42,206,243
         1932..                                                            37,920,U7
         1931.                                                             7,451,140
         193{] .                                                           7,613,749
         1929.                                                             6,120,828
         1925.                                                             5,~23,57.J.
         1921.                                                             4,564,984
         1921.L .'                                                         4,<;172,343
         1925. _  .. ·1                                                    2,2IH,348
         19240..                                                           14,419,672
         1923.                                                             14,622,532
         1922.                                                             19,655,709
           1                                 S          •              1 •
         1931...          5\1,Y::!:l       209,130,348  35,631,677  59,109,322  4,98S,il7
         1933.            48,005           208,471,264  34,940,541  59,711,181  5,041,974
         1932..           46,119         1  208,920,361  32,790,968  61,461,9RS  3,S93,357
         1931..           ~8,081           207,744,379  ae.,1.5a,lU2  57,040,7]7 1  3,925,055
         }930..           47,585           203,630,541  37,163,662  55,875,863  4,447,981
         1929,            48,118         1  203,506,956  31,980,920  55,0%,423  2,778,501
         1928.. '         46,102         !  191,933,106  32,499,909  .'l6,875,5!l2 1  2,589,377
         1921..           55,826           178,310,007  32,578,120  50,282,033  3,109,017
         W26...           53,739           170,487,550  23,915,736  46,332,425  1  2,368,964
         1925..             266          1  lSO,897,224  25,523,444  44,787,046  2,455,723
         1924.            52'  1 ,.  .     150,614,759  3],179, 840 1      4,438,239
         1923             50,472       ., 1  145,900,087  30,092,<;194  13:g~~:~g 1  5,4<l5,424:
         1922             50,528  j' ••    146,259,665  25,400,647  36,8]9,043  1  2,501,273
                        MU~ICrpALIT.G:S RURALEB-RUR.AL :\!UNICIPALIT!ES
                                             •     1   •                    •
         1934            290,55.< 1..      509,432,885  11,262,8<13  Y5~36,932 !  1,064,415
         19.:13..   1    ~!l8,856  21.180,345  510,419, 875 1  11,621,797  94,955,080 1  1,129,977
         1932,.          287,121  21'221'1221  512,613,970  10,529,088  92,486,846  1,191,151
         19.31.          235,972  21,032,402  527,049,967  10,179,876,!510  1,159,011
         1930. ..        2.i\f"lf':,:-i  20,903,517  522,Z68,Il-lS  6,28b,782  80,924,029  1,427,123
         1929..   .. : 1  284,109  20,965,200 .  512,740,  618  6,221,877  78,576,355  1,075,446
         1928..          284,8~9  21,227,131ô  500,872,712  1  10,675,301  76,993,658  377,617
         1927            280,362  20,359,152  1  495,100,497  8,7.'5f1,M3  7S,658,lS7  1  703,312
         1926.      i    235,066  20,720,733  1  4!'lû,254,297  5,469,198  76,397,634 '  713,250
         1925.           279,486  20,672,787  470,815,637  5,554, 284  70,632,619 ,  388,228
         1924            2i9,198  20,4';}1,917  413,877,651  5,669,090  1  70,278,017 1  625,44.1;1
         1923       \    277,817  20,771,074 1  410.497,600  5,{)88,537  68,437,030 1  654,200
         1922            277,911  21,a75,28G  465,783,27ô  6,020,568  59,$.138,751)  785,125
                    !                              1
                                                       •                    •
         1934.             1,374             Z:k9,970 1.     1    • 446,890
         1933..     1      1.382   , Ù3,4i7'  2,3\1,';,999        441,890
         19.32             1,376   123,419   2,388,016            445•.340
          Hl31.            1,369   122,027      2i3  1            330,365
         1930, .           1,322   175,318 ,  2,394,              :ln,165      249
         1929..     1      1,290   175,318 !  1,918,4tl6     1    306,OÔ5
         1928 ..           1,286    J75,318  2,244,899            301,065     ·259'
         1927.      \      1,364   293,808   2,277, 032  1  '.;558 1  382,  1315  1  3.0
         1926..            1,415 j  288,868  2,234,657   M,503    301,316      287
         192:'>.    1      1,31H             1,779,617.  598,885 ,  341,815    287
         1924,             1,201   285,028 1  1,715,313  339,074  407,37,5 ,-  177
         1923,             1,194   25~478    1,700,341 1  300,949  300,15ù 1   ,72
         1922..    ..  1   1,129 1  80,763   1,4iID,251l  G,_     44fl,1I0   13,042
            (11 Voir note (3) ~ la page 221.-See foot-DOte (3) on pIlge 221.
            (21 Voir note (1) à la page 221.-Soo foot-note (1) ou page 221.
            (3 DimlllUtion cll.wêe par le tran'tfert par la. oit6 de Gmnd'~ère d'une 80mme de $12,(lO},OOO à la colonne dei'
         biens-fonds imposab1ee.-Deereaee Cll.UfIed by the transfer by the city of Grand'Mêre of an amonnt of $12,000,000
         to the oolllmn of Taxs.ble Real Eirtate.
            (4) Voir Ilote (2) pago 221.-Sce foot.-llote (2) QD page :t21.
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