Page 257 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 257

                REVENUS ET DttPENSES               REVENUE AND EXPENDITUR.ES
         En 1934, les corporations municipa.les ont  IVluntcipal corporations supplied a state-
        fourni pour la première foiB un état de leurs  ment of their re\~enues and expenditures for
        revenus et dépense9. AuparaVff.llt J elles tra.ns-  the first time in 1934. Previously, an &coount
        mettaient un relevé de leurs reœtte3 et  of their rec.eipts and paymenta wa,s trana-
        mentfl. En conséquence, on se gardera. d'établir  mitted. Therefore! it must be noted thB.t
        des comparaîsofi8 entre les chîffrea de l'année  comparisons eannot he made between figures
        19.14 ct ceux des années antérieures qui appa-  for the year 1934 and those of previous years
        raissent au tableau 13.              shawn in Table 13.
                   12 - Revenus et dépenses des cités de la province, en 1934
                 Il-Revenue and Expenditure of Cities of the Province. in 1934.
                                   Revenus-Revenue          Dépenaes-Expendîture
                             l'lpécÎales  Autres       Serviœ de  Autre!
                             et a.utrei:l  revenus      lflo dctto  d~pflnses
                                                Toini    Debt     Gther    Total
        __________"_I_""_"_i~:o_:r_~_:,_ Rovenu,J       8erviee  Expenditures
        Arvida  ,           S  47,gr,o 1$  535 1"                        $  4.",467
        Cap"de-la--Madeleine..  .g5,232  28,536                            112,254
        Chlcoutimi... . . . . .. .  146,3F.5  66,013                       263,350
        Granby.... ....        »9'147   38,948                             135,66]
        Grand' Mère...         143,.t67  125,344                           268,036
        Hull.....              457,545  608'3481                          1,181.963
        Joliette...            73,512   9\1,570                            162,572
        Lachine..          1   m3,469  1  175,284                          667,516
        U,-jB...  ,.           127'8371  120,."i1l.'Î                      24B,i4]
        Longueuil.             136,985  31,590                             160,536
        Montréal."           16,5-1-7,';75  Il,001,3451                  33,561,422
        Outremont.          U)  783,083  457,191                          1,243,941
        Québec....            3,267,%2  1,200,174-                        4,76fMlO
        Riviêre-du-Loup.. , . . . . .  '1  90,529  134,438                 237,554
        Salaberry-de-Valle~'field.  103,837  96,612                        280,305
        SlwwioÎgtW Falls..... , ....  1  382,2\'11  56,1&l 1               434,597
        ~~~f~~~~:.··:::_. .... .:  i~:gg~  8~;~8~                         1,156,606
        St--Hyacinthe.....  ..  1  139,795  Hl9,753                        326,680
        St--Jean-St. John.  .  176,278  80,037                             242,217
        St-Lambert..      . .  209,187  65'697                             340,lOS
        Thetford Mines     1   88,728   54,984                             123,196
        Trois-Rivières-Tluee River8...  1,13.'),117  438,077              1,571,788
        Verdun_ ". . .. . .  . . (1)  90l.672  780,400                    1,691,478
        'W~t01ount....  .  (  1,103,0300:  543,-1.34                      1,634,903
                             27,426,750 1-="'~'~"'~7~40=- 1
             TOTAL..                                                     51,135,716
           (l) T8xes seolaircs inclu!es.--School taxes includeu.
             13 ~ RevenUB et dépenses des corporations municipales de la province. (1)
            13--Revenue and Expenditure of Municipal Corporations of the ProvInce. (1)
                           1 .,~;:Jw, ~v"u~R'venul·_'  I    D6pelnses-Expendi,~'_
                           1 spéciale..  Autres        Service de  Autres  1
                             "._utres  reveuUl>         la rletœ  1  déDeD8_w
                                                Total                     Total
                           l  General,  Other            Debt  1  Otber'
                           1 and other  Revenue         Service  RXIlenditure6!
        1934..            ." 8_,_,_,'_'_5,_54_8_ $ 21,550,189 il 55,985,7371$ 26,619,811 $ 35,4-16,858 $ 62,036,669
        1003(1) ..           67.559,680  114,135,934  4,480,221  52,711,610  12C,583,771  6,880,454
        1932...              66,284,289  121,961,118  ::i,08IJ,2lJ3  37,323,026  151,050,::113  4,958,361
        1931..               62,759,516  107,808,970  5,411,157  4C,400,700  124,567,569  5,011,383
        1930...              63.6-37,.':i1l  92,752,905  6,953,150  45,622,390  1l1,232,629  5,488,M7
        1929..               59.994.328  97,39M.42  3,729,812  33,642,699  121,1;22,940  5,854,343
        Hl28  .              57,504,035  71,461,10::1  3.953,071  32,505,027  06,7~1,370  3,ô.'J2,412
        lQ27  .              54,256.367  57,276,899  3,808,852  54,259,457  57,030,200  4,052,461
        lQ26.                51,500,983  52,B32,538  3,091,076  50,820,486  53,SSO,318  2,753,793
        HJ:ui...            49,4R9.2fXi  51,252,833  3,851,285  49,257,256  52,186,177  3,149,961
        HI24..               48,774,624  49,200,7117  ::1,512,292  47,200,817  50,"153,871-  3.&1.3,022
          (1) Recettes et pa.iements de 1924 à 1933. Pour ces allnéoo, les en-tête! des colonne! CI-dessous dOlvent se lire
        r:llnHlle &uit: Reesttes ordinaiN!l; 1tecetb.ll extraordÎDnirefl; En ca.i1llJfl au d~but do l'année; Paiemelltll ordiuaÏr€ll;
       Paiements enraordinairoo; En c&iBse Ale. fin de l'année.-Reeeipl;s tWd PeymentB [rom 1924 to 1033. For thase yeRIl'l
       headinsl:s for tbe above COluUlns sbould he reflod as foJlows; Ordina.ry Reœipts;...Exha.ordinary R8ceipts: Cash on HfIoDd
       at the 6eginning oi the year; Ordinary PaymentB; E~traordinaryPfloyments: Gash on Band at end of yeflor,
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