Page 254 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 254

~          of                ."  ....  ~  ,.  :.:t,  ~  !Jo  %  .

                1'J37.  1935-:11:\  ùe'.  orodltIJ  ApproprilitlOIL:l  Diminution  -  DecreMe  otll  •  154,654.05 .  ;'3.ooU:00  .......  4,'mO.00  1,500. 00  Q.168  3',000:00'  ...  60,200.00  lUi,OOO.On  8.000.00  30,OQO.00  --~~~~-..-  _  endiTlil llf Qucbn, fllr thr. YliGr
           1937.        with  1935-36  1  1  ,"                 "'1"        1,196,094.85 _.

           juin  June,  aux    Au.;mentation  IncTeA.'le  404.898.88  841J,077.00  160·,642.00  ......  ·M:.500: 00'  10,000.00  ...."'  0,000.00  -1,'74,;;'~--;'-
           30   30th -=:...:---=--c-----=-------=-.---=-""='--------:---__=__  Comparf:  COUlpQ.TllJ  _1__  PTllvincr.
           le         1  \        1      1  •                   1··"'·· 1,421,000.00.............
           finissant  EndJng  Year  193.5-3ü  \------  ri"  Total  crédits  -  Total  AppropTlll.tiona  ,~  6,472,255.00  a.a41 ,OB:' _ 51  063,050.00  2,tl3.'i.411.00  2,481,515.00  2,821,52t1. 05  2,7ù7.770.oo  85.100.00  1,713,600.70  295.00(J. 00  435,600.00  65l\,OOO.O\l  2,898,000.00  5.1fiO,000.00  1,45S,400.00  481,00Q.\lu....  11 L,100.

           l'exercice  Fiscal  1  1  1 ________________  1  •  d  1  •  1  82.100.00  1  1  86,100.00  afthe

           pour  the  for  ---==-  T~~    •  6,812,499.33  4,190,142.51  660,050.00  2,7gt,.'i53.00  2,480,015.00  2.812,357.55  2,812,270.00  1.653,400.00  29.'1,000.00  445,600.00  65'\,000.00  2.,';93,000.00  5,J5IJ,OOO.00  1,4~,400.00  1,317,000.00  473,000.00  37.•~~;'~-  E~timuttlill

           Québec,  Quebec  ~--::=-  1  1  ,"  344,000. 00  987,115.00  48.';.000, 00  513,100.00  384,783.33  375,000.00  _.....  275,150.00  ...........  1  29,000.00

           de   of      1931:\-t937  Aut<>riOO  statut  par  -  StatlltOry  _______J  •  6,575,732.64  4,190,142.51  2,587,553.00  429,067.55  . 200,500.00 . .....  ...•..  ~...~~:~;-I  30 illin 1IlS7.-E:ltrllo~t boom
           province  Province  -- ----  Voted  ,"                                le

           la   the            A votel'  Be  236,76fj. 69  ,.aÏti,ow:00  2Q4.,OOO.OO  1,492,900.00  2,383,290.00  2,327,270. OQ  213,000.00  1,268.617.37  295,000.00  70,600.00  6513,000.00  2,697,500. 00  5,150,000.00  1,Ui3,25().OO  1,317,000.00  443,000.00  57,lUU.00  20,124.344.06  fini'll'lll.nt
           de   of         1     Ta  -------1-------  •
           dépenses  Expendlture            expenditurClJ  .  ,  lltC .• . .  Com.  &  '1  .  .  Fhhf>l"ÎNI  . . .  l'anée  pour

           des                              other  J  of  Secretary  _  Tude  . Works. .  _. ..  Uolid  . . .  Fi~heri~s.  .  , .... , Fou'lIts. .  ..  .  .  R~venue...  Serviues.  Québec,
           budget  Rstimated               IJublic and fun& ...  Sîuking :tr;jT~;~rœ·.·.·.·.·.:: Wltice,  WorkEl:  Publio ..•.•.... 1\11p68 Game . . . . .. Labor.. , . .  and  and  .Colonizativn.  on  pro~iflee de
           du   the          SERVICE        Int.  Provin<:iaI publique..•......Ech.watlon Affaim, cornm,Muuicipal  Public  ,. pêC'.he.rielS: . .. .A.!r,riculture Ganle  . .. noad~....  .LAnd.  '" . .. Miscellaneous Charges  la  dt;
           Sommaire  of                     dépenses.. , d'amortÎ8f1emen.t.... Administrationdel3.hllltice, etc.AdminîatratÎon  la'province  <'lt  ind.  publi~. . . . . . . . . . . .  .  . . .  .  . .  pêcheries.  ..  .....  . revenu ..  .  IMpenslili  de8

           10-  IO-Summary                 Dette publique:  autres  ct  Intérêts  Fonda ~~~~r~~:~~i'c'iVÜ:::::::::  Sccréta-i~e de  In..,truçtIOD  roun.,  publics: Travaux  Travaux Mines ohM$a et . . Travail,  .. Trav!Ûl.....  et .... ,... Chaso;e  Agriculture Voirie.................  fQréta . . . (':t  Colon.isl\tioD.  le  SUI' ChargCll  divers.

                        "  ~  .g  ~  ~  0  ci  Z  ---1  1  r:  ml  IV  v  VII  Affairea  VII  VIII  IX  X  XI  Terres  XII  XIV  XV  E.ll:trait  June,
                         li  .~  {lllS  ,  ~  o  Z               XIU              aOth
   249   250   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259