Page 234 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 234


          Au 30 avril 1935, la Commission avait 105  On the 30th April, 1935, the Commission
         ma.gasins dont 78 dans le district de Monliréal  had 105 stores, 78 of wmch wcre in the District
         ct 27 dans le district de Québec. Au cours du  of Montl'eo.l snd 27 in the District of Quebec.
         dernier exercice, les ventes se sont élevées à  Durillg  the  last  year,  sales  aggregated
         $11,688,,510,                        $11,688,510,

                        82 - Nombre de mal!asins et'montant des ventes.
                           81-Number of Stores and Amount of Sales.

                                                District de-Dü;trict of    Ventes
                     ANNÉES-YEAR8                                 Total
                                                Quéhec  MoDtr~o.l          Sa.leE':
         1934~35 .                                27       78      105   $ Il.68'i.510
         1933·34                                  27       82      109     11,370,604
         1932-33.                                 27       8.      113     12,702,927
         1931-32 ..                               ..       8.      114     17,970,782
         1930-31.                                 25       86      l1l     22,711,640
         1929-30.                                          B5      '''''   27,539,966
         1928-29                                  23       SI      104     27,007,430
         1927·28.                                 22       79      lOI     24,229,624
         1926~27 .                                20       76       9.     22,426,136
         1925~Z6.                                 19       72       91     19m8,209
         1924--2&.                                19       71       90     17,887,588
         1923-24 .                                lB       • 7      8•     19,812,781
          La Com.miBsion des Liqueurs a le droit exclu-  The Liquor Commission has the exclusive
         8if de vendre des liqueurs alcooliques, Les vinS'  right to Bell nlooholic Iiquors. Wines are sold
         sont vendus aux magasins de la Commission  in the stores of the Commission as weIl as in
         ainsi qu'aux hôtels, restaurants, etc" qui ont  hotels, restaurants, etc., which have received
         obtenu un permis à cette fin, Au cours du der-
         nier exercice, on note une augmentation sur  permits for this purpose. Last year, the sale
         l'année précédente de 16.0% dans la vente  of wine was 16.0% and that of aleoholic liquors
         des vina et de 6.2% dans celle des alcools.  6.2% greater than the previous year.
                           83 - Ventes comparêes, en gallons, des vins.
                               83-Sales of Wloes, in Gallons.

                CLABBIFICATION        1929-30  1930-31  1931-32  1932-33  1933-34  1 1934-35
                                            \              1
         Champagn<!ll.                 82,616.3  35,074. a  21,295.3  14,952.8  17,223.1  16,965.9
         Claretlf.....                 61,3i11.0  50,839 ..)  42,304.7  36,870.0  25,553.5  19,192.5
         Sauternes, ....              134,665.0  113,335.0  95,468.8  69,949.9  51,148.3  36,635.4
         Portos·Porta.                614,413.2  548,784.5  444,573.0  314,111.6  330,880.8  358,715.2
         Shernes..................    502,407.4  412,735.0  358,942.0  275,070.9  298,131. {)  441,2'20.9
         Bourgognes-Bur/nUldies, .     55,606.4  42,759.6  31,056.2  2.'i,333.2  17,494.7  13,101. 7
         Vermouths ............  .,.......  75,933.5  60,464.4  55,836.4  45,212.4  26,7G4.8  18,503.2
         Divere-Various.. ,.   .........  ---- ~~ 82,2·1.1   75,203.7  76.90•.  14,911.4
              TOTAL...    .......  .. 1,120,551.4 I,Ul,l8S.2 1,131,737.8  856,734.5  N4.U3.4 1 979,74&.2
                        84 -. Ventes comparées, en gallons, des spkitueux.
                           84-Sa)es of Spirituous Liquors, in Gallons.
                                                                      -      .-
                 CLASS[FICATION       1929---30  1930-31  1931-32  1932-33  1933-34  1934-35
         Alcool, "'hiaky·Atcohol, whl.te whi~ky ..  87,492.6  66,641. 6  46,330.6  35,357.9  42,035.5  50,160.5
         Brandit'li & cognacs.,  ..................  151,000.5  136,153.8  113,023.1  11,396.5  4.3,078.8  39,315.2
         Gins.. , .......  ........ .....  252,Q22.8  217,119.6  182,133.7  141,299.7  149,148.5  168,335,4
         Irish whiskiee.      .,.       2,986.8  2,228.0  1,600.7  1,094.0  649.6  54R.2
         Liqueurs......                20,910.4  13,130.9  9,551.0  0,445.9  4,681.7  3,978.7
         RhUms-RUUl...    .......      34,730.1  27,812.0  23,116.5  16,266.3  13.378.1  13,270.1
         !tye "..hi!lkie!l....-       104,641.3  110,064.9  12,364,3  53,1."1.7  54.308.0  M,l61.8
         Scotch whiaki~ . ..  , .     336,933.7  288,302.5  240,128.9  176,117.6  178,215.9  185,826.1
         Divers-VarioUB. ,  ,  . ,.  ., .  5,616.1  4,405.3  :t,415.4  2,218.0  1,828.7  2,168.6
               TOTAL. . . - ... . , . ..... .. ...  996.394.3 .5',·'8,61  692,270.2  5D4,843.6  487,324.8  517,774.2 de RapPul't d~ la COmmÜA1lm d~:I Liqu.eur8, QIlo'b"'l?-Extraçt from the repDrt of the Quebec Liquf)T Commi,w!ln.
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