Page 230 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 230

ASSISTANCE-CHARITY                           199

                     74 -  Classification des. patients décédés selon la cause.
                   74--Classiflcation of Patients Deceas.ed accordln~ to Causes.

                                              1929 11930  1931  1932  1933  1934
        Géll~rales ou épidémiquea ... GelWra\ or epidemie...  1,6891~6  1,604  1,155  1,162  1,064
        Du l';yFtême Denoeux....... .Oi nervoUll system ....  263  251  182  201  234  188
        De l'a~a.Teil:    Of:
         Cirl' ataire....  Circulatory 3ystem ..  308  491  306   378   408   478
         Respiratoire. . .  Respirator~'  "  .. "'"  816  645  552  623  534  703
         Digestif. .. .....  Digestive  "       712   757   925   816   816   802
         Génito-urinaire.  . . . ..  Genito-uriuary"  430  382  385  472  4~~  496
        Etat puerperaL .......... ,Puerperal state.........  91  97  76  111  191
        De la pUll et tis,''JUs......... Of skin and ti3:luea.......  llB  130  112  98  86  121
        Des or3,anes de la lotlornotion Of locomotor argaIlll .....  3.  47  56  31  26  42
        Vices e conformation ..... Defective conformation.  25  73  43  45  21  40
        Débilité congénitale  Congenital debility  385  452  363  332   222   390
        Vieillesse.......  Sf.'nility...         57    41    26    27    14    34
        Inconnues.........  .. Enknown .........  423  440  91•  1,381  1,441  1,254
        Causes extérieures.  .. External causes..  214  2'0  271  S,90S .,m .....
              TOTAL.                           5,568  5,902  5.121
                          75 - Malades traités dans les dispensaires.
                           75--Patients Treated in Dispensaries.
                     DÉSIGNATION              1929  1930  HI31  1932  1933  1934
        Service de médecine:  Medical ~eryiœ:                 1
         )"h.lades traités ... ......  Po.lient~ trea.ted..  52,294  97,399  133,582  1  111,757  148,260  132,794
         Petites opéra.tions.  Minor operations.      178   634  2,172  1,982  481
         Traite.ment.s...  Treatments.......  .. Si:i,983  63.276  48,331  71,368  56,219  30,558
         Corumltat.ions......... ..  COTl.9ultations ......  74,509  103,984  104,814  169,112  220,220  244,067
         Prescripti()ruj remplies.  Pr6ficriptions filled.  95,210  132,507  124,513  147,472  269,839  250,36&
        Servic.(! de chirurgie:  8urgical Servil'le:
         Malades tra.lth; ....  Patients treated....  24,139  91,471  133,568  76,578  102,784  105,811
         Petites opémtions.. .. ....  Minor operatiOll.\!..  12,644  14.633  13,697  12,333  18,433  17,g51
         Tro.itement:d... .. ,. ... . . Treatments... ...  70,847  75,576  78,645  89,613  99,655  148,693
         Consultations........  Consultations ......  79,179  63,900  77,326  120,219  139,409  145.g43
         1'rel'lCriptions remplies ....  Preseriptions filled.  18,002  16,871  15,434  13,157  17,646  16,607
        Service d'opthalmologie:  Opthalmological Service:
         Malades traités ....... . ..  Patients treated.......  42,028  53,139  61,131  36.055  40,894  42,678
         Petites opérations... .....  l\finor operations.  ..  11,492  9,35  Il.01.  10,580  11,08$  12,34.3
         Traitements........... ...  Trl'lI.tments ...  ...  107,382  85,990  79,540  72,316  67,323  84,271
         Consultations., .......  Consultations .......  91.313  86,494  93,751  121,521  126,183  120,40S
         Prescriptions remplie~.  Prescriptions Jilled.  133,902  59,524  61,211  70,362  73,923  114,783
        Autres services:  Other Services:   1
         Malades traités ..... .....  Patients treated.... ....  50.000  221,333  191,513  88,175  111,469  113,134
         PetÎt.('s opératioM.. ....
         Traitements...... ...  Minor operations..  ..  26.065  85,323  83,350  42,889  154,624  152,051
                           Treatments..... , .
         Consultations......... ...  Consultations ..... ..  153,625  95,999  107,191  292,842  315,617  318,141
         ~f.'riptioll!l remplies..  PTe8t'riptiollS filled. ....  1  59,579  104,895  113,094  250,229  429,080  856,397
                   76 - État financier des hôpitaux, maternités et crèches.
             7lt-----Financial Statement of General and Maternity Hosp:ltals and Crèches.
                    l!:NUMÉHATlON             1929  1930  Hi31  1932  ---- ----
                                              •     •   1  •     •     •     •
        Recettes:         Recei~ts:
         En caisse le 1er ianvier...  On and on Ist January. ..  250,889  316.003  2.'B,311  293.344  141,240  190,914
         Payé pm: les patients.....  Paid by pa.tient~....... .. 3.451.682 3,457,892 3,306,516 2,841,597 2,588,938 2.662,158
         OctroIs du gouyernement..  Government granb  .  1.302,lJ70 1,594,083 2,097,411 2,273,538 2,795.411 3,313,075
         Octrois des municipalités..  Grants ~ municipalities...  467,367  524,063  596,311  70l•.'i42  768,251  832,505
         DOWl particulier;;. .....  Private onatiom........  684,433  7:)1,558  553,006  534,571  403,879  452,978
         Autres recettes.  .... ..  Other receipts... .... ....  1.783,387 1,427,518 1,617,456 1,476,790 1,996,931 2,109,055
                                            ---- ---- ---- --- ---- ----
             TOTAL..... ... .... .. ................ .. ..... 7.'40,728 "071,U7 1,422,1111 ..121,182
        D6boursés:        Disbur6ements:
         Traitements des médecins.  Salarie" of physicians. ....  1M,470  183,691  252,475  32O,318  372,701  407,845
         Salaires du peraoJUlel.. .  Salaries of staff.. ..... .... 1,882,646 2,008,140 2,113,731 2.355,151 2,329.385 2,119,068
         Remèdes, ete ...... ......  Medicine, etc.............  431,020  433,806  507,800  528,431  532,678  644,766
         K ourriture ...............  Food............... , .... 1,628,070 1,63-1,468 1,493,085 1,343,879 1,304.710 1,481,991
         Blanchissage et habillement  LtLundry and clothing .....  21>3,778  290,948  293,020  251,400  255,471  267,150
         Cba'll'fage...............  Hl'aLîng ......•. , .....•..  554,101  570,2.,)4  562,199  585,743  535.165  633,538
         Ta:<e.!l. :Msurance;l. etc...• ,  Taxes. insurance. etc......  796,931  798,278  993,096  748,910  71)7,983  919,247
         Autre;! d~bours(·.•........  Other di"bursements .•.•.. 1,810,039 1,847,0.')4 1,868,820 1,804,187 2,405,588 2,796.762
         En c!ii~ile le 31 d('oombre.  On band on 3Ist.JDecember.  409,373  303,878  337,785  174,363  190,969  290,.'H8
                                                        ~-~- ---- ---      -~--
              TûT.U.. ........ ... ......... ... ..  7,940,728 8.071,u7 8,422,011 1,121,182 8,194,&50 9,160,685
   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232   233   234   235