Page 228 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 228

~  ~  '"  ~  r:>  '"  ~  ~  ~  '-;  '3  "<  <0  -  ..,
                            ' ..2,4'05',89Q .  342,fi68  769,060  3,117.127  3,1358,49-1  2,670,788  2,3!l7,766  2,268,489  2,563,282  2,166,196  2,499,606  2,011,551  771,853  510,092  253,209  6\l2,55-t  702,8.10  600,924  3,532,062  3,660,407  2,624.[193  2,391,808  2,3\l4,7SU  2,564.668  2,174,188·  2,528,626  2,131,318
                 Total     •                         •

               1  1
                8ai~t~ii~~r.l  Archange  .~3'O30'  63,935  18,226  no:,l91  791,169  785,207  755,191  548,582  551,460  464,794  947,872  587,H18  259,621  •  !J7,921  68,4113  24::1,715  55,068  724,788  7lH,255  785,221  755,666  647,592  554,462  464,79U  947,871  622,201

                   1         1··
                Hôpital  1 Baint-Julien  '."." .  53,139  U6,U8  261,145  242,247  50,725  48,603  45,820  43,543  45,219  44,158  ----'  •  15,123  21,300  15,321  10,095  IS,373  59,375  U6,U3  261,261  242,0.11  51,143  48,~08  45,958  43,204  1  44,697  4tl,665

                HôpitBI  Saiut-Jenll-  de-Dieu  •  1,201,590  137,554  496,068  1,835,212  1,939,998  1,016,491  1,013,776  1,062,955  1,047,199  %7,705  \.151.246  90~,,';S8  •  ::I2S,949  257,920  112,045  234,771  632,3\lU  279,987  1,842,962  1,938,38::1  1,0l7,6R8  1,025,462  1,0058,527  1'050' 236  \l77,OB8  960,2.'58  934,296  lto.'lpitu.L

         aliénés.  Insane.  1 Hôpi'"  Bainte-Ann~ -"------'---  •  ·lii,497·  5,308  112,105  188,374  168,185  144,500  148,283  144,203  134,000  126,457  l.Ia,331  -  • 7,205  36,71.13  8,::Il.''i  91,496  .4:,",220·  119.029  181,091  168,248  144,444  148,355  144,001.1  134,233  126,406  102,602  prh·a.te

         pour  for  1       ....  iûi,926'            75,562  40,033          Benoit J0'6eph  Hospital's report.
         hôpitaux  Hospltals  of  ProteAtant  1-  HospitBl  In~ane  lor  •  ..  141.079  1!JO,019 ._---- -----_.  548,024  387,922  363,101  336,146  377,488  672,\.105  449,267  347,425  305,235  •  114,9Iil  1-01,756  ."'2ÏtVHi'  548,653  397,931  316,128  317,665  3SO,203  672,90fi  449,266  307,436  29'\\,282  of Saint  Ardmngc

         des    La  tcole  Jemmerais  (2)  RECETTE8-RECEIPTS  •  (3)  (3)  (3)  (3)  82,578  98,695  106,837  81,387  67,071  DÊBOURBtS-DISBURSE1ŒNTS  • . "  ..  , .. ,  .....  .....  (3)  (3)  (Jl  (3  (3)  97,038  105,627  81,958  68,Q2tI ----.__._----- _._----.  report  1931,
         déboursés  Dlsbursements  1  ...  ...  1     , .. ,  9,032  '.'    report.  1927 to

         et  and  llôpital  Bordeaux  •  89:977'  .. "  .....  .. .  ...  89,977  89,886  9,''i,677  97,",,28  (l)  (1)  (l)  (l)  (1)  •  48,!J94  21,230  10,721  ...  89,9n  89,8M  95,677  97,428  111,,';95  (1)  (Il  (1  58,366  Goal'.... Saint-Micbe1-Archange.-Inclllded in Sllint Michel
         Recettes                                                      ...  Bordcaul: Saint-Benoit-Jo9cph,-From

         -  71-Receipts                                  eIpensetl.     .....  in
                          Governmt'!lt.:  grants... ' l'uhlic paüenta..  ,. recelpts.  ......... Salariee , .............. .....  wlI.tcr,  und  maillt.enance '  , . expeD8ee.  prison.-Included  privé

                 tNUMÊRA.TION  Provincial  Allowuner.A.  . .. Paid  by  .. .Other  1935..  1934..  11.133...  1932. .  11.131.  11.130.  1\l21:l.  1928  1927  ,Food.. light , ...  ....... Heat, èa.;\·.: ......... Othcr . .. Im~ovement ....  er  ,Ot  11:135.  1934.  1933....  11.132.' .  1931.  1930..  ..  192!J....  .....  1928..  1927.  la  de r

                          provincial:  .... . , ..  _ .. wWrné~  TOTAL  lllmi~re  d~pense!> d'entretien . .  . d'wnélioru.tinn.  fin.q..  Il-utres  TOTAL  daIlllle Comprises  1931,  il.  1927  le  danti Comprisee:

                          Gouverncment  Allocn.tions...  publiee Oetroill lee  par  Payé  Autre~ recettes.  gll.M\le.  et  Salaires Nourriture, ....... et Chauffage,  Autres  DépeIllletl  pour D(;pclll:ie:i!  (1)  De  (2)  (3)
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