Page 270 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 270
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1934-35 of Decroosc ct•. .. . . . 50.00 58,400.00 6,300.00 20,347.78 91,200.00 3,900.00 207.48 42,OUO.00 5,000.00 53,000.00 650,000.00 30,000.00 2,000.00 10,300.00 918.10S.26 ending
crêàii.s de Appropriation.. 1934-35 Diminut,ion S . . . . ... . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . ............ ----y- 3,151,092.32 yeM for
1936. nveo le. with AUgmentation" lncreal)c ot•. 599,134.49 957,603.76 4,000 .00 187,741.00 806,435.00 -10,000.00 21,500.00 6,000.00 466,483.33 15,000.00 155,000.00 171,000.00 00 30,000.00 00 ),),000.00 ........... ,. 4,315,791.58 of Quebec,
1936. June, Comparé Compared :1 oaO,OOO 302,000 PraviTWJ
juin 30th
30 ct~.
le Ending 1931-35 des Tot.a! crédita Total Appropriat; oIl.B 5.873,120.51 2,383,561. 7~ 659,100.00 2,506,()70.00 1,681,380. 00 2,708,873.83 2,827,470.00 83,000.00 1,247,324.85 683,000 .00 285,600.00 2,780,000.00 6,5-15,000. 00 1,458,-100.00 1,121,000 .00 466,000.00 )21,400.00 32,520,300.94 Expen... of the
finissant Year S Budget
l'exercice Fiscal Totsl ot•. S 6,472,255.00 3,341,065.51 663,050.00 2,635,411 .00 2,481,515.00 2,821,;;26.U5 2,757,770.00 85,100.00 1,713,600.70 6~6,OUO.00 4:15,600. 00 2,808,000.00 5.0145,000. 00 1,458,400. 00 1,421.000.00 481,000.00 111,10.0.00 3S,B77,393.26 the lrom
pour the for
Québec, Quebec 1935-1936 Autorisé stat.ut Slatutory ct•. 6,080,833.76 3,341.065. ~1 344,000.00 2,431,411.0U 987,615.00 438,236.05 475,000.00 00 56,100 384,763.33 ........... 376,000.00 200,500 .00 ...... 275,150.00 4,000.00 54,000.00 15,447,6'4.65 1936.-Extract
de of pa.r $ . . .. . . . . . . . juin
province Province Voted ct,f1. . .. . 30 te
la the voter Be 391,421.24 319,050 .00 204,000.00 1,493,900.00 2,3&.1,200.00 2,282,770.00 39,000.00 1,328,817.37 656,000.00 60,600.00 2,697,500.00 5,445,000. 00 1,183,250.00 1,417,000.00 481,000.00 57,100.00 20,429,698.61 6nisSllnt
de of A Ta 5 . . . . . ... l'année
dépenses Expenditure .......... ..... ..... .... &Fi.h.; .... ... .......... , . ....... .... .... .... pour
des ....... .... Mine........... Q·u.!bec,
budget Estirnated Debt: InL and ot.her expenditures .. ~inkiDgIunds. ete.Adminififration of Justice . .Provincia.1Secretary..... Public Works, (lame PublicWorks ....... Gnme a.nd Fisberies ........ · .. Colooizaiion ......... de
du the Publie .Le.Q;i~lation .. Bervice .. Ed U1~âtion. ..... Munieipal Affl1ir~... .Labour......... . .......... Agl"icull,ure .. · .. Roadaand · .. Land a nnd Foreat•. .... J\.fuœUa.neou~Scrvicea provi',ce la
10-Sommaire of la---Summary SERVICE et au Lres d6pensel!i .. '" .......... Civil laprovince.. ..... " . .. .. .... Chargea sur le revenu ......... Cha.rges on Revenue.... de d.".·"... de.
publique: Fonùs d·a.mOTti~BerneDt. Législation .... GOllvernementoivil, pullliQue... Afiaire~" mUDidpa1es. Trav. puhlic.,oha.aee~pêeh.: Travaux publies. pêcheri es . Voir ie et. mines........ l orêt B . Services diverfl ........ B·udge! du
Dette Inté'!"e-i.~ Sccrét.a.irede Instruction Cba",cet Travail. Agricult.ure.. Terreti el Coloni::p.tion.. Extrait 1~6.
" 1 June,
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