Page 210 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 210
On a daSHé SOliS cette rubrique les causes ju- We have .classed under this heading cases
gées en vertu de la Loi sur les condamnations tried under the Act for SummaryConvictions,
sommnires qui ronsistent surtout en infractions
aux lois provinciales et nux règlements munici- wnich deals more particularly with infractions
pallX. of provincial statutes and municipal by-Iaws.
2!l.-Condamnations sommaires, pnr provinces, en 1932 et 1933.
29.-Surnmary Convictions, by Provinces, in 1932 and 1933.
1932 1933
PROVINCES Homme. Femme. Bananes Femmes
Total - - 1 Total -- .-
Malo Felnl\)e Mnle F..malo
Ile-du-P.-E..... P.E.!.. ..... 825 791 28 M5 641 14
N .•Eco•••...... N. Sootin .... 3,573 3,438 135 3,922 3,172 1W
N.-Brunswick... .... . ... . . .. :J.841 3,<l86 155 3,483 3,315 168
8uébec ........ ..... ..... I12,132 105,915 6,211 117,433 110,141 6,692
ntario........ ............ 1.~1,374 124,493 6,881 124,5BÙ 116,521 8,008
Manitoba...... .... ........ IB,218 16,530 1,688 10,396 14,426 910
SQ,Rkat.cbewo.n... .... .. ..... 7.638 7,269 209 6,3.);) 0,141 214
Alberta........ ., .. 8,180 7,666 514 9,698 9,214 424
Col.-Brit....... Il'-C::: :.... 12,148 11,4<17 701 11,051 10,316 735
Yukon & Terr.. ...... .... 80 17 3 91 82 9
C.-l<AD..... ....... , 297,909 281,318 16,591 292,673 %15,229 17,444
Les causes somma.iresjugées dans la province, Summary cases judged in the Prevince, in
en 1933, cemprennent 4,575 cas d'ivresse et 1933, included 4,575 cnses of drunkenness and
72,261 violations des règlements sur la circula.- 72,261 infractions of traffic by-Iaw8, In addi-
tion. En plus, 3,545 personnes furent appré-
hendées pour fréquentation de maisons de dé- tion, 3,546 persons were e.pprehended for fre-
sordre. Un grand nomhre d'accusés furent quenting disorderly houses. A large number of
aussi traduits devant les magistrats pour vaga- persons were also brought before (5,070) ou pou rconduite déréglée (695). for vagrancy (5,070) or disorderly conduct (695).
3O.-CondamnaHons sommaires dans la province de Québec.
30.-Summary Convictions in the Province oC Quebec.
Condarnn8-tioDS - CODvictioDR
-_ .._-.
ANNl1:ES Opt.ion flans Sllr..~ili,
Hommea Femmeo. d'anlende option e~c.
YEARS Totlll
Mlllo Felollie Option 01 Committed Defclred,
l\ }<'ine without ete.
1933.. , ..................... 111,433 110,741 6,692 99,562 1,962 10,909
1932.. ...................... 112,1.32 105,'.)15 6,211 89,779 1,9Bl 20,372
1931.. 99,381 9·1,490 4,8Ul 1!J,91l 2,1611 17,250
1930.. ...................... 60,098 !J,5,94 l 4,157 45,528 1,637 12,9.33
1929... ' .............•..... 6l,099 47,490 3,009 42,617 1,0~f) 7,393
1928.............. , ......... 29,302 26,902 2,401) 24,667 938 3,691
1927........................ 28,7.12 2(1,0;3:3 2,099 24.462 982 3,2!!8
1926... ' ....... 24,428 22.075 2,363 20,141 1,'!92 2.792
1925... ........... 26,364 2:1,317 2,047 21.100 1,023 3,241
1924........................ 22,803 20.;n~ 2,431 lB,614 1,407 2,782
1923...................... _. 21,563 2,;'010 2•.55:. 23,649 1,2M 2,649
1922... ' ........... 31,441 29,048 2,303 ~r;,46!) 1,242 4,730
192\. ..... ,., .............•. 40,042 41,989 3,053 39,83., 1,087 4,120
lnO........... " ........... 40,BOI 37,:l!J4 3,407 34.591 604 ,;,600
1919.... ................. 30,881 26,708 4.17:-~ 25,636 618 4,501
1918............. , .......... 26,;)74 21,338 4,036 20,7:3.'> 501 4,138
1917..... , .............. 22,560 19.031 3,529 11,906 :'),'}:) 4,101
19143........................ 20,161 18,271 2,<i90 16,380 573 3,814
1915............... 24,1;'2 20,:J26 :3,8243 17,923 653 0.576
1914........................ 30,563 27,VH a,412 2~.595 602 6,306
1913........................ 29,714 26,5HB 3,146 23,64.5 771 5,2!Y2
1912.. 24,335 21,8j'0 2,46.5 19,960 117 3,658
1911 ..... ' .......... 17,729 15,014 2,115 H,OOO 588 3,141
Extrait de SIalühque8 d. la cmninaiilé, Ott""'''.-Extrllct from Crimma.! Slal1.I'O$, Ot~aw...