Page 199 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 199

COLONISATION-COLONJ'lATION                      169
             17.-TravauJ( effectués sur les chemins de colonisation, par comtés. en 1933-34.
                   17.-Work Done on ColonizatIon R.oads, by Counties, in 1933-34.

                           Ouvert.9 cn  Parachevée     Ponte    Payâ par - Paid by
                            chemine  en cheminE.  Cbemins  et
             COMTÉS          d'hiver  de roulage  répurée  ponceaux  le gouverne·  Iee muniol-
                                                                menL     palitée
             COUNTIES        Winler  Wagon    Raade    Bridgee
                             Raad.    Rond.   Repaired  und    Gnvero-  Municipal-
                            Opened  CompleLed          Culverla  meot    iLiee
                           millee.mile.  miUe.-milee  miUee-mile.  piede.Ceet  Sel•.  S  cL•.
       Abitibi ..              20.M     14.75   51.40     1,331  56,061.46
       Argenteuil  .                            10.69           2,486.72   368.00
       Arthahaeka  .                            lQ.65      113  4,790.02
       Bagat  .                                  1 58       8   2,087.81
       Beauoe      '"   '               0.50     5.35      56   5,654.90
       nelleoh  e         .                      0.20      44   1.639.68
       Berthier .. '" .                 0.58     1.99      445  2,1l20.15
       BooaventuTe    .         7.32    17.41   24.86      505  ll,M5.91
       Brome..                  0.15    0.12     2.25            983.60
       Champlain .....                           0.90      195  1,719.05   620.37
       Ch....levoi~-Saguenay ...  2.04  4.01    34 34      387  14,273.09  225.00
       Chicoutimi. ..           1.08    3.78    26.20      133  19,269.04  275.50
       Compton.•...             1. 41            5.47      20   1,947.08    50.00
       Dorcheeter.                      0.18     .'5.70    63   4,296 .82  151.75
       DrUlDmond..                      0.78    16.79      35   8,961.49   792.17
       Front.ense...            2.42    1.08     843       60   4.125.73    22.50
       G....p6-Nord-Nortb ....  3.8~    6.32    26.0<'1    244  12,072 .63
       G88pé-Sud-Soutb ..       8.32    2.95     3.99      443  2~,104 .95
       Gatiooau                                  0.68      96   3,614.78
       Hull.         .                                          3,000.00
       rberville  .                              1.60            38660     250.00
       lIœ-de-la-Mad.-Magdalen rel ..  1.00  0.11  1.43    580  1,467.48   312.00
       JolietLe ....            0.25    0.56     7.03      23~  3,H19 59   323.40
       Kamouraeka, .            O.M     2.19     8.56      139  18,877.36
       Labelle          .       2.29    14.09   28.1l4     777  14.111.86  400.00
       Lao-St·Jcan-Lake St. Jobn  .  0.31  1.~8  2.33      112  5,038.07   300 00
       L8.violette      .       5.87    0.10    22.33      614  6,895 75  1,200.00
       L'lelet  .              3.25     4.42    36.19      187  ~.322.64    45 00
       Lotbinière       .       2.66            12.35      329  18,256 89
       Maskinongé.                      0.10     4.13      87   3.539.51   420.55
       Matane..  .        .    0.68     1.81    10.16      316  9,428.89  1,000.00
       MaLapédia  .            Il.05    7.45     19.41l   1,068  4ft,212.62
       Mégantic   .             2.36    0.48     584       20   5,439 45   668.40
       Missi9quoi . ,     .                      o 51            400.00
       Montcalm                                  13.62     8.5  2,504.81   375.00
       Montmagny .....          1.33    1. 22    8.15      24   18,718.77
       Montmorency ........•.....               13.58      144  2,442.78
       ~icolet.   .       .                      2.47      192  5,023 51   200.00
       Papioeau...  .     .             0.36     2.19      913  ~,441. 35   2000
       Ponli86            .     0.10    0.07     4.69      50   3,412 49
       Portneul.                        1.60     15.69     147  8,3Q9.4.'5
       Québec            .              0.08    23.89      389  7,53t .llO  1,97ll.15
       Richmond       .                 0.29     8.96      54   2.038.20   270.00
       RimoW!ki   .            3.lll    4.71    28.81      248  17,159.~3  300.00
       Rivière-du-Loup    .     0.65            12.70      12   3,90ll 93  411.05
       Roberval........  .  ..  6.71    7.11    19.34      866  34.6~3. 76  51.40
       Sherbrooke     .         0.64    1.96     7.60      102  2,781. 5i
       St-Maurice..  .    .             0.29    11.62      30   4,75-1.05   84.80
       Témi.carningue.. .  .   13.06    13.06   23.98      666  38,705.20  139.38
       Tétni'coual·u.. ..       5.14    5.14    3634       409  19.826.83
       Terrebonne..                              6.31      144  10.874 .81  703.78
       Troi.·Rivières-Tbreo Ri,·er•.             o 94           1.41i4 .1l0
       Verohères      .                          2 60      33   1,9-H.22   250.88
       Wolfe  .                 1.39    0.96     5.92      443  6.790.99   238.39
       Yamaska. .                                1.55           2,399 66    18.80
       Diverfl .  .  Sundriea . .                              124,431.51
       Aide.péciale  Special l>id.                             22.7~g.28
       GrBines de aemcncea-Sceds .                             149.993.15
                 TOTAL... . '"  109.44  132.21  650.24   13,574  836.199.47  12,464.17
           Extrait de Ra.ppqr! du ""rd.tre de la colon,.ation, de la c/ta..e et cù. pecherie., 1933-34.-ErtrMt from the Ropor!
       of the Miniel",. of Colo1/.'.al'on, Oame Bnd F'i.h.eri.., 1933-34.
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