Page 98 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 98
According t0 the following table, the number of births in the Prov-
ince represented more than 35% of the total for Canada. During th'e
year 1926, the deaths numbered 37,251 out of a total of 107,318.
42-Demographic movement in Canada, by provinces, in 1926.
:\-Inrrin'll:~u Birlh. DmtlU! •.t ..lI fil'eS
l'ROVr:-lCES --- -. peT Rat,io per r Rat,io peT
NUfilber J,OOO Number 1,000 Number 1,000
pecsons perSQO.2 per~oD9
.._-- ----
PrInce Ed ward .. '1'>7 5 3 20 1 1377 10.1
Nova cotia . 2, ~2 5.3 10,931 20.2 6,355 11 8
New 'Bruoswi ok .. 2,lt.i3 7 2 10,297 25.3 {,984 12.2
Qu('bec . 17.~7 7.0 82,155 32. ) 37,251 14 5 . 23,l\a2 7 5 67,482 21. 5 35,890 ll4
M,,,,itoba . 4,.-.:17 7 1 14,660 22.9 5,33.; 8 3
Sa"kat rbewan . 5,440 6.6 20,557 25.0 6,04) 7 4
Alberta ...................•.. 4,,1, '6 7.4 14,4.56 23.8 ,5,l59 8.5
British Columbia.. 4,.1)3 7.8 9,906 17.4 5,426 9.6
C.'NAn,l (I) . 66,670 7.1 oU2,zelS 24.8 107,118 n.4
(1) Exclusive oi t.he Yukon and North WC"!. Torritori"".
Table 43 shows the demogl'aphic movement in the principal cities
and towns in tbe Province of Queb:::c in the course of the year 1926.
In considerinp. these figures it will be seen that the town of La Tu que
ha,d a birth rate of 50.2 pel' 1,000 of population. The town of West-
mount, on the contralT, has a rate of only 2,7. The city of Levis had
the highest death rate) viz: 24.8 while the lowest was recorded in Outre-
mont, viz: 4.7.
43-Marriages, birlhs and deaths in the cities and towns of fhe Province having a popu-
lation of 5,000 and over., for the year 1926.
1_- BlrthfJ .s
IL' per Ralio pcr 1'1 1 ll.nlio peT
Number 1,000 Numbcr 1,000 Nutnber 1 1,000
___- I 1_1:....'e_r_:sc._tn_"_I I·_1'e_O_'_'"_r -r peM;OU'
CaD d. In Mndoleioc.. 71 8 4 ·123 49 8 130 16.4
CblcouLhni .... 90 8.3 5JO 44.3 255 22.2
Graoby 75 8.3 243 27.0 JOI ll.2
Grnod'Mèr•.. :}i 4.7 261 36.3 78 10 8
Hull. .... 2.")() 9.8 1,0)9 38 ;; 363 14.0
.rohet.te.. 78 7.1 366 33 3 164 14 9
J..achjne.. 122 7.2 426 25 1 228 13.4
La Tuque. 23 4 0 286 50 2 80 15. )
LP.vi8 •.... , . :)1 f) 0 200 28.2 255 24.8
Maq(,g.... 06 12 0 183 33.3 8(; 1;). fi
i\'Ionl.r(".al . ;),865 8 (; 10,6,;0 28.7 10,898 15 Il
Out.remont.. 90 -1 0 126 i> 13 106 4.7
Qw·boc . 8t8 o 4 4, lM 32.8 2,211 17.4
Rivii;re du Loup .. ' 32 3 8 277 32.0 108 )2.7
St. Hyacinthe. 85 7 4 200 25.7 244 21.2
St. Joho'•..... 81 8.1 329 32 9 123 12 3
St. Juom•..... .~2 0.2 313 35 2 lI3 12.7
Shawinignn FnJJs 9) 0.3 620 43.1 lUI 13.3
~herbroo ke. ~20 8 7 717 27.0 450 17.3
Sorel . 62 0.8 2!J4 32 1 lbl 10.5
Tbetford Mines. 04 6 3 :3,,0 34.3 l25 12 2 Rj\rere. . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... 207 8 9 1,3;]4 30 8 549 16.4
Valleyfield. Jl5 9 2 307 24 0 187 1;' 0
Verdun ... 236 ,c; 9 996 24 9 339 8 5
WeBtmoullt . 140 7.0 b4 2.7 101 5 1