Page 73 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 73

CLASSIFICATION OF POPULATION                           47

                                   G.-Population of the Towns of the Province of Quebec.-(Cont'd).
                                                      POPOLATlON                       on
                                           1  Are".                                 DECRJi:A8:&
                                 CITTES     in square               1011   1901
                                             miltis                                1921   1911
                                                     1921  IPer sQU!ll'e          over    over
                                                             I1Jile                1911   1901
                             Buekingbam ..    2.00   3,835  1,917.50  3,854  2,030  -19    918
                             Cap de la Madeleine ..  6.67  6,738  1.010.19
                             Cbnteauguay.......  9.33  881   94.42
                             Chlcoulimi .....  1,87  8,937  4,779.14  5,880  3.826  3,Q57  2,054
                             Coatieook ...... , ....  4.37  3.iJ54  813.27  3.165  2,880  389  28J
                             Cook.bire ...........  3.75  950  253.33  996   ~04    -46    192
                             Courville............  1.18  1.293  1.095.76
                             De Lery .............  4.19  540  ),2888
                             Donna.cooD. •.   0.21   1,225  5.833.33
                             Dorioe ..............  0.,52  S3~  1.60 1. 92  631  275  202  356
                             DorvaL ......    4.00   1,46ô  366.50  1.005   41<1    461    62~
                             D,ummoodviUe ..  0.96   2,852  2,970 83  1,725  1,450  1,127  275
                             Easl.Angus .....  3.12  3,802  1,218.58
                             FafUhllJD .......  1.35  3,343  2.476.29  3,560  3,114  -217  446
                             Greenficld Park....  1. J5  1,112  056.95
                             Hampst.ead.      0.68     53    77.94
                             lbor"ille. '"    0.99   2,·1!i-1  2.478.78  l,90S  1.512  549  393
                             fie Dûrvnl ..    0.07     [,f)  842.85
                             Jooquiere..  .......  1  2.81  4,861  1,7~(L3.1  2.354  2,497
                             J(euogo.oU ..    0.57   2,557  4,4;;5.95 \
                             Lac1lUte ..... _....  0.93  2,592  2.7';7.00  2.407  2,022  18.5  385
                             Lak  Sergent.             6Q
                             Lapro.irie.      2.IR   2.158  989.90  2.388   L,451  -230    937
                             La Salto ....    7.30    726    99.45
                             L'Assomption.    0.34   1.320  3.882.35  1.747  1,005  -427   142
                             La Tuquc ....    6.M    5.503  843.82  2,934          2,669
                             L~\Urellt.ides. "  1. 55  1.150  737.17  1,128  934     22    194
                             Lauzon...        8.75   4.966  567.54  3,91 '  3.416   ~I:;:';  562
                             Laval ,le Montreal. ...  3.15  539  J71.11
                             Laval de, RapidES.  2.65  1.989  750.55
                             LO.Vlll sur le. Lllc.•.  0.48  8t  lOti'. 75
                             Lenno""i110 ...•.  4.44  1.5,j4  350.00  1.211  1,120  343     'JI
                             LouîBevîlle...   0.30    1,772  5.906.06  1.075  1.565  97     110
                             Magog...   .....  4.01  5,l;,U  1.286.53  3.978  3.516  1,181  462
                             Maple Grove....  3.68    ~~O    77.71
                             r..farie.... ilLe ....  0.87  1.748  2.009.19  1,587  1,300  161  281
                             Mel(ll.ntio.     7.29   3.140  431. 01  2,810  2,171   324    6-i-5
                             Montmagny, ...    1.24  4,145  3.342.74  2,617  I.Ol9  1.528  698
                             Montrenl Ell5t ..  4.78  1,776  371.54
                             MonlreaJ l'orth.  4.19  l.360  324.58
                             Montrenl \\'c:--t ......  0.62  1,882  703  352  1.179  351
                             f\.fon~rea) South ......  0.61)  1.030  1,560.61  790  240
                             Mount.Royal. .....•.  2.70  160  59.25
                             Nicokt..............  1.09  2,342  J.099.40  2,593  2,225  -251  368
                             Pointe {lUX TrembleR ..  2.40  1.76'1  735,00  1.157   597
                             Pte Claire St. Joachim  2.85  2,517  918.24  703  M5  1,824   238
                             PortAlfrod ....   1.00  1.213  1,213.00
                             Quebco We.t.      1.86   130    i2.22
                             Richmond ..       1, 56  2,450  J.570 .51  2,175  2,057  275  118
                             Rigaud.           1.13   939   830.97   856     779     83     77
                             Rimouski ...      1.31  3612  2,757.-95  3.007  1,804  515   1293
                             Roberval. .' .........  1.04  2.068  1,988.46  1,737  1,248  331  489
                             Roxboro..........  0.73   23    31.50
                             Scotsto",n .......... '1  4.30  987  229.53  933  791   54    142
                             Ste. Agathe de. Moot"!  2.54  2,812  1,065.15  2,020  1.073  702  947
                             Ste. Anne de Dellevue,  0.31  2.2l2  7,135.48  1.416  1.343  796  73
                             'lt. Je'omo..... .. ...  14.69  5,491  373,79  3,473  3,519  2018  -146
                             St. Lambert. .........  J .86  3,890  2,091.39  3.,144  1,362  646  1,9Q2
                             St. J.a wrenr,e, .....  1. 50  3.232  2,154.66  1.860  1,390  1,372  470
                             St. L"on de Port Mau.  5.07  402  91.12
                             St. MicbAcl ' .........  3.01  493  163.78
                             St. Our......    0.14     622  4,442.85  622    009     0      13
                             Sr.. Piorre. ..........  0.33  3.535  lO.712.12  2,201  505  1,334  1,695
                             St. !to.e . ,  · .. • .... 1  2.50  1.81l  724.40  1,480  1,154  331  1;1"
                             St Tho",.c.      0.64   3.043  4.754..68  2,120  1.641  1123  679
                             St. Tito....     0.81    1.783  2,201.23  1,438        345
                             Terrebonne.....  0.03   2,056  2,210.15  1,990  1,822   66    158
                             Troi. Pi.tol...... , ..  1.49  1,464  975.83
                             Viotorirnille .........  1.87  3.7.~9  2,O10.l6  3.023  1,693  731  1,335
                             Waterloo.. ,._ ..... , .  2.18  2.063  946.33  1,886  1,797  177  81l
                             Windsor.............  2.81  2,33()  829.18  2,233  2,149  97   84
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78