Page 72 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 72
The cities enumerated in June, 1921, numbered 21, the least
populous of which was that of Longueuil with 4,682 inhabitants j the
least extensive being Valleyfield with an area of hardly more than half
a square mile,
5-PopulaHon of t.he Cities of the Province of Quebee.
Areas D~CR"UE
C[TLES in 9Quüre !-- lOI! 1901
miles 1921 1911
1921 Dy square over OVet
mile 1911 1901
~Jtie',. 955,822. 740,671 5n,007 215,151 227,664
Glanby., .. 1.02 6,785;'1. 95 4,750 3.773 2,035 977
Grand'Mero. 1.32 7.631 5,781.00 4,783 2.511 2.848 2,272
Hull. ........... 6.25 24,117 3,858.72 18,222 13,993 5,895 4,229
Joliette......... 2.01 9,113 4,033.83 5,345 4.220 2,757· 2,126
Lachine ............. 4.68 15,4U4 3,291.45 11.588 5,36'> 3.716 5,323
Levis, ............. 3.47 10,470 a,017.21) 8.703 9.242 1.767 -539
Longueuil ..•. 1.30 4,682 ;1.60 1. 5;~ ;j,Un 2,835 no 1,137
Montn~I .. , 50.2~ 618,505 12.::;[ l. 02 490,504 328,172 128.002 162..1.12
Outremont.. 1. 52 I.l,249 8.716.44 4,820 1,148 8,429 3.572
Qllebee....... ,. S.84 05.193 10.768.43 78,710 58.840 15,483 9,870
Hi vi~r~ du Loup... 7.65 7,703 1.005.02 6,774 4,569 929 2,205
Shnwini.!.!;:lll Fa1Ja . , •. 1.53 10,52,; 5.UH.H 4.2C.5 2,768 6.360 1,407
.~herhrooke .......... 4.85 23.515 4,S'lR.45 15,40" Il,765 7,110 4,1l40
Sorel. ...... , ... 3.12 8,174 2,619.87 8,420 7,057 -245 1,363
St. Hynci nthe ........ 1.70 10,S59 6,:J::>7.64 9,797 9.210 1.052 587
S. John .. 1.00 7.7.14 7,7:14.00 5,n03 4,030 1,831 1.873
Tbet[oro Mines... ' ,.. 2.39 7,::>SO 3,~~9.58 7,261 721 625 5,.540
ThrCI3 RiVerB..... 1.00 22,%7 5,5g1.73 13.691 9,9S1 8,676 .l,nO
Verdun.. , .... 2.22 2;"001 11,2G1. 7r 1l.629 1,808 13.. 72 0,731
Valleyfield (Salab. de) . 0.55 Il,215 16.7;;4.54 9.419 11,055 ~234 -1,fi06
Westmount ... ., .' . 1.52 17,5n 11,5RO.92 14,,;79 8,856 3,014 5,723
The table 6 on this and the following page, gives an exact idea of
the population of the towns of the Province. There were 86 towns with
a population of 181,895 in the Province of Quebee, in 1921, against 64 in
1911, with a population of 119,635. The population of the towns, in
1921, represented 7.7. per cent of the totaL
6-Populations of the Towns of the Province of Quebee.
AreaB DIS enz ....8.11
TOWNS io 1;)11 1901
mUes Hl21 1911
11121 Iper SquIU'e Qver over
miles HlIl J9Dl
Towns ....... . ....... - 181,895 - U9,635 82,507 62,260 31,128
ActOD Vale.... -...... 2.00 1.549 774,50 1,402 1,175 147 1 227
Arthabaska ... .... ". 3 .12 1,234 395.51 1.458 995 -224 463
Ascot .. , .... , .. " ... - 935 - 1,083 - -147 -
AylJn~r ............•. 1.71 2,970 1,735.84 3,109 2,201 -139 816
BagnLviJle ... , . , .' ... L05 2,204 2,099.05 l,a 11 507 1,193 504
Buie d'Urfée. '" .... 2.34 172 73.50 - - - -
BllY St. Paul.. .... 1.8. 2,ZQl 965.84. 1,857 1,408 434 441l
Bencensfield • ' ....... 3.06 578 167. G6 376 - 203 -
Benuaeville ...... , .. I.lJO ,1.448 1.448.00 1,677 - -229 -
Beauharnoi& •....•... 0.80 2,250 2,612.50 2,015 1,1l76 235 ail
Bedford .... , . ....... 1.30 1,660 1,283 .84 1,432 1,364 237 58
BeJœ;!.. ............. 0,75 ),418 1.890.66 1,601 - -83 -
Berthier .... , .... , .•. 0.28 2,193 7,832.14 1,3~5 1,364 856 -29
Black Lake .... , .. .. , 2.12 2,656 1,262.83 2,64.5 3,256 11 -611
Brom"tonville........ 1.86 2.603 1,384.,57 1.239 - 1,364 -