Page 314 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 314
Eslimated Value of the Crops in Canada, by Provinces, in 1926.-(In millions of dollars.)
Prince Edw",d Island ..
N O'V{l Sr.GI ia ....
New Brunswick ..
Quebec .
Onlarlo .
Manl!o"" .
SaskaLchewnn ..
Alberta .
Brillsh Columbia
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 230 240 260 280 300 320
Saskatchewan has the largest extent of land under cultivation in
Canada. The area cultivated in this province, in 1926, equalled over one
third the total area of cultivated lands in the country. For the same year
the quota of the Province of Quebee was estimated at 6,867,200 acres.
2{}-Estimllled Area under cuItivaliün, in Canada.
PROVINCES 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926
Prince E,lwnrd Jsland.. 552.!8-t 54,3,0Ii9 507,1119 527,758 523,484 51ü,693
Nova Scotia.......... 80~,S5~ 7RD,096 68 ,~SB 69R.013 691,738 712,027
:"1ew BruDBwic1:c. ..... 1.171,30:~ 1,2<1,-,,817 909.fl'le 8,;9.412 900.033 891,631
Queb<>c ............ , . 8.0ol,OR9 7,'1;\5,390 6,6;'0.1:'S8 6,7;11;,309 6,K2K,700 0,867,200
Ont.~trio... .... .. ..... 10,075,01:l lC'~");.613 10,206,D'lI 10,264.611 10,:~li4.317 10,Hl.401
MaI1ilobi.\ ...... ...... 7,42~,786 6,7-17,240 6,719,;'22 6.818,045 0,939,:;16 6,561,'.'>1
Sa.katchewan .. , . 21,774.4.s:1 1'J,S:l3,167 19,772,S30 20,;'07,411 ~0,886,601 19,B5;',S:i6
Alberb .... ... , .. .... 9,417,g70 tC,00.'j.f>2~ 10,530,821 1\,U40,083 10,6~O,351 10,8'1".2;;0
BriLi.h Columbi" .. ... 302,798 ~71,76() 374,059 391,:'114 4BO,927 4aO.419
CANADA •. .. ,',J 59,635,146 57.189.681 56.444.816 5/.852.55(1 58,240,667 5S.927,371
21-Estimaled Value of the Crops in Canada, by Provinces.
PROVINCES 1021 1922 L023 1924 1925 1 1926
$ $ S 1 S 1
Prince Edwurd I>land., 14.202,970 10,889,800 10,173,900 11.990,400 15,416,800 17,079,500
Nova Sl:r.>tia .....••.. 29,5;f>,400 24.,111l,·l()0 21l';'05,100 16.785,800 18. '1<5,400 1 22,048,600
New Brumnvick.. .... :18.•'~",400 31.U7~_I,OOO ~II,S64 ,3UO 16,o.QO,O(j0 25,OSI,100 23,338,000
Queuec .... ... , .... 2J'J,154,000 16;,1"9,000 t:l:\,137,400 1~9,359,O()G' 150,253,000 139,263,000
Onlurio ...... ' ..... 239,627,400 n2,ii9D.400 220,7'18,9CO 260,!i34.000 250.4f>5,r,00 261,2{\4,000
~fanilob.•......... , . , 72.1 a;,"oo 98,U78,000 62,716,70U 136,1I2;,OOO Ilf.l,4:Hi,IlDI: 120,026,000
S~,.sklllchewn.n... .... 2l8.6:F,.000 2~J 1),2'27. 20e 261,1~7,9(J 237,310,000 3;;:;,\192.000 313,3(8,000
Alhcrtu. , .. , . , .. ..... 82,7..1U,000 94,91(;,800 151.040,COQ I;'U.7f9,700 194.:JojU.000 206,334,000
British Colwnbiu.. 20,447,000 18,27~,000 18,912,000 ]7,392,000 18,909,000 18,176,000
C.\NAOh •..•.•• 9:n,B63,670 962,29J,2II(I .!99,226,211(1 99'5,,215,800 l,lS:J,39.<l,900 1,121,447,1.00
Exlrarl from the Mor.thly Bull.ri~ ~I AoriC'Ultural Slali.liI:R, OLLnwn.