Page 319 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 319

AGRICULTURE                               275
                                              AVERAGE WAGES OF FARM HANDS

                              There was a slight increase in the monthly wages of the farm hands,
                         in 1926, as to the previous year. In the Province of Quebec
                         the monthly wage::, of the workmen during the summer months reached
                         $57 including board ; that of the women arnounted to $32.    The wages
                         paid in 1925, were $56 for the men and $32 for the women. In 1926, the
                         board was estimated at $19 per month for men servants and $13 for

                                 29-Average Wages and Salaries of Farm hands in lne Frovince ofQuebec.
                                                                                     Meo  W amen
                                                 MEN (POT month)   WOOIDN (per m~nth)  (per  (per
                                                   in sommer           in aummor    yeer)  y car)
                                                           Wage5              Wagp.s  Wa.ges  W ages
                                              Wage.  Board  aod   Wage.  Board  ami  aod  a  od
                           -                       --- --- --- --- --- ---                bo  ard
                                                S      S      S     1     S     S     S     1
                           1026 ............ . . . . . . . . .  38  10  57  19  13  32  54.7  320
                           192';. ...................  37  10  56   19    13    22   5;{ü  331
                           1924......................  37  19  5G   )8    13    31   521   317
                           1923 ....... ............ ..  40  )9  59  19   13    32   659   334
                           1922.... ........ .........  33  18  53  17    12    29   510   306
                           1921. ....................  39  19  58   18    14    32   659   335
                           1~20. ....................  62  24  86   24    lB    40   767   407
                           1919. ............... ....  53  23  76   22    1!J   37   695   372
                           1918. .....................  45  20  65  20    13    33   575   317
                           1917. ....................  42  17  59   17    12    29   523   287
                           1916. ....................  25  16  41   9     Il    20   371   1ge
                           1915.                20    13      33    6     10    lB   301   159
                           1~ 14.  ::::::::::::::::::: :1  21  13  34  1  7  9  16   296   162
                             The average wage of farrn hands is rnarkedly higher in the western
                         than in the eastern provinces and the board is also higher. The yearly
                         wages of men in British Columbia, during the year 1926, amounted. to
                         $767 including board, wbile in Prince Edward Island they amounted
                         to $484 only.   Board however is twice as high in British Columbia as
                         in Prince Edward Island and the land under cultivàtion has not the
                         same average value per acre in the two provinces.

                             aO-Average Wages and Salaries of Farm hands ln Canada, according to AgricuUurul
                                                   Correspondents. in 1926.
                                                 M"N (peT mODth)  1  WOM"'" (peT mODth)  Meo  Womeo
                                                   iD Aummer
                               . pnOV1KCES   ------:-T                 in Rummel;'  --- ---
                                              wageol Board  1  Wa.gelS  wage·1  n,aTd 1 eod  Wnges  aod
                                                           Ron.r'l            board  ooard  hoard
                                                S     S     $     ~     :1;    S    li      l>
                           Prioce EdWBrd l.laod .•....  31  16  47  17  13    30    484    325
                           Nova. Soot.ia...•...........  35  19  54  18  14    32   538    369
                           New Brun.wick ............  39  18  67  17   14     31   529    319
                           Quebec ...... .............  38  19  57  10  13     32   547    326
                           Ontario ................  37  21  58   22    17     39   583    410
                           Mnoitoba .................  38  22  60  22   18    4.0   614    438
                           Sa.katch''''BD .............  43  24.  67  24  21  45    678    49~
                           Alberta ..................  45  24  69  25    22   47    701    520
                           British Columbia ..........  4.9  27  76  27  23   50    767    632
                               CANADA .•..........  41  23  64    23     19   42    639    45.3
   314   315   316   317   318   319   320   321   322   323   324