Page 309 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 309

AGRICULTURE                               267

                                                     14-Hay and Clover.

                                                      Area   Yi.ld (in  il verage yi.ld Tot...1 value Average Drioe
                                     YEARB           seaded  tbouoands  peT Bore  (L.D tbOUS8nOB  pel" ton
                                                    (in acres)  01 ~on.)  (in ton.)  of dollars)  (in dollars)
                            --_._------------- ----- -----
                            1926    ,  ,     , .    4,1,,3,000  ~.a07    1.35    Il,ï.714  ll.72
                            192B ....................•......  4.112,000  6.703  1. 63  5,"';,517  8.73
                            1924                  .  4.03J,Ol'0  G.087   1.5)    OU,957   11.0C
                            1923            .       3.952,301   ,5,605   1. 45   62,297   11.00
                            1922         ,        .  3,998,030  5,397    J .3'>  75,558   14.00
                            1921.  ,   ,  ,       .  4,420,671  4.205    0.9;;  J21.945   29.00
                            )920.•....•.. , .•.....•... ,., .• , ..  4,290,121  5,363  1.25  If>J5,527  29.00
                            11119,         " .. ,., .•..  4,299,360  6,449  1.50  132,462  20.54
                            1918      ,     ,  , .. , ..  4,533,256  6,799  1. 50  97.098  15.75
                            1917,                 .  2,9GI,9113  G,06S   1.71    48,.523  9.58
                            1916    , ,.,   ..      2,98.5.000  5,224    1. 75   57,41l4  11.00
                            1915                  .  2,922,000  3,682    1.20    58,507   15.89
                                                      15-Fodder Corn.
                                                      Area   Yield fin  Average Yieldl Total value  Average pri.e
                                     YEARS           seedecl  toousaodEt  per nere  (in tbousands  per tao
                                                    (in ocres)  al tons)  I  (in tono>  of dollar.)  (in dollar.)
                            ]926.    ..        ..     100,O!iS   700     7.96    3,150     4.50
                            IOZ5 ...•.. ,....  .,., .. ,', •.  90,000  828  9.20  3,726    4.50
                            1924  , "          ,  .   92,000     800     9.35    ,),3110   5 07
                            1923, .. ,.,   ,     , ..  91,283    782     8.5.ï   3,708     4.75
                            1922 ......•.. "  ,   .   120,692    874     7,25    5,681     6.50
                            1921., ., ,  , , . ,  ,  .  89,5-40  806     9,00    7,657     9.GO
                            1920 .........•. , .. ,  ,.,  .  80.833  695  8.00   7089     10.20
                            1919 •... ,  ,  ,., •.........  74,007  611  8.25    5,139     8,41
                            In18   , ,  ,    .        86,3!'>8   6211    7.25    4,045     7.42
                            1917     ,',      "   .   69,030     586     8.50    2.934     .5.00
                            1916,.  .,      .         31.000     248     8.00    1,426     5.75
                            1915..         •      .   34,000     :ma     8.01     1.872    6.39
                                                      Aren   Yic1d (in  Average Yield! Total value Average priee
                                     YEAnS           .eedcd  tbouEands .  pee Aero  ,in t.houaa.nds  per ton
                                                    (in acres)  of tons)  (in tao.)  of cloUars)  (in dollare)
                            ]'.)20.                   22,200      43     1 95     ,123     7.60
                            1925...                   22,000      46     2.10     322      7.00
                            1924 .. '"   .        .   21,500      41     1.90     349      8.50
                            1923.   .,.,',   ,    .   21,940     47      2.15     354      7,-50
                            1'922  ,             , ,  30,200      45     1.'>0    52!     11,50
                            1921...... ..  . .. , ,.,  .  29.300  64     2 20    1.013    25.00
                            1920.,  ,     " .. ,  .   28.200      68     2.40    1.428    21.00
                            1919  " •.. ,  "." •........  28,488  67     2.35     953     14.22
                           1918...........  ..   ..    4,H1       9      2.25     )09     Il. 70
                           1917                .       3,S18      8      2 26      72      R.37
                            III Hl.  ,         ..      2,600 •    7      Il. 05    ;~      9.50
                            19'13.  .. _. .  .         2;allO     Il     2.84             Il.78
                                                   17-Area seeded, in acres.
                                                     Wcst.,n  ~1n.ritimc
                                     YEAnS                             Queueo  Canada
                                                    Provinc:~  Provio"  •
                           1926.                    37.,ïO:<.119  2.123,3;;1  6,887.200  10,434,401  56,927,371
                           1025........ .... , ................ 38,932,395  2,} 15.255  6,&}8,700  10,31.4,317 i ;,8,240.61\7
                            1924 .. ...................  :i8,7GfU53  2,085. )83  f>.ï'lO ..30f  IC,~tH.61'  ;)7,852,550
                           1923., ..• , ....• , ....... , .......  -37,397,~:1.)  2,100,462  6,O:>O,IJ8  10,296,9&1  50,444,816
                           1922 ...... ,. " .,., ,. ,., .... , " " . 36,9;7,78&  2,03],982  7,43,';.300  la ,2:;8,613  J7,189,G81
                           192] ............ .................  38.971\,937  2,531,347  8.051,989  10,075,073  59,635,346
                            1920 ..... , ....•.................. 32. L07,I20  2.709,486  7,005.987  10,](18,272  52,830,865
                            1019 ..                 32.287,84.,5  2872,890  71173,021  9.915,884  5~,049,640
                           ]918....:::.-:::::::.-::::::::::::::! 30,638,998  2.58&,767  8,201,362  10,008063  51.427,190
                           1917.. , . , ...... , , .. , ........... , .[26.458,334  2,132,315  5,778,139  8,233,600  42.602,288
                           1916... , .. , .. , , ... ' .......... ,. , ..  24.580.1123  2,121,no  4,590,200  7637,500  38,OW,333
                           1910.................. , .. .. . . .. ...  22,744.2J 0  2.102,990  4.90J,760  9,391,500  39,140,460
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