Page 316 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 316
The two tables following show the result of the calculations made
by the Dominion Bureau of Slatistics to determine the revenue derived
from agriculture in Canada, by Provinces. The values are compiled
from data already published in the M onthly Bulletin of Agricultural
Statistics. Sorne estimates are based on the figures of the census of
1911 and the more recent one of 1921, taking into account the probable
increase of the articles' mentioned. For certain products of minor
importance, the total value of which was knowD for Canada, a propor-
tionate distribution was made between the provinces.
24-Estimllte of gross arulUlll Revenues derived from Agriculture in the Province of Quebee.
(in thousands of dollars)
F. NUM;l:llATION 1921 1œ2 1923 1924 1925 1926
Crop~.. ................. 219,154 165,160 133,137 139,359 150.253 139,263
Fa.Tm animnJs 20,262 18,325 15,339 16,779 2~.r,90 2D,47ft
Woo) .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ... 1,203 1.185 1,077 1,277 l,~:l l ,~r>8
Dniry nTodilr<~ . . . . . . . . . . .. 59,437 5k.274 1>3,165 65,925 74,82B 74,2.1û
FrUits nnd veg(·tn.bJea .• 7,272 (,:),,;) 7,31.; 6,000 7,405 7,4001
Poull·JY :lnd eg~8 ... 5,467 (1,327 B,913 9.206 10.250 13.021
Dreedio~ 01 fur-benring o.nin::talB. JI7 IBl 168 324 420 S2'!l
f\1":lp11.·. productB................ 4,31D 4,188 3,483 4,011 3,:133 2.902
T'obac:co .......... - ......... 613 1,790 1,575 1,316 1,726 1,826
Clo,"er "nd hay .ecd..... ... 372 372 372 467 413 324
Haney .. . ................... 2,501 2,300 63D
TOTALe •. 318,216 266.357 234,&44 247,1&4 279,380 2n,00l
Table 25 shows the annual revenue derived from agriculture in
Cana.da for the six years ending in 1926. The value of crops for the latter
year reached $1,121,447,000; the gross revenue was estimated at
25-Estimate of gross ann.ulll Revenue derived from Agriculture, in Canada (in
thousands of dollars).
BNUMERATfON 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1920
Cropo.. . . . . . . . ... .. 931,865 962.293 899,1G6 995,236 1,153,395 1,121,447
Fann animalt:t ........... 98,424 77,M8 82,402 98.637 151,4:H 153,942
Wool. ........... 2,975 3.L80 3,160 3,771 3,9:;~ 3,979
Doir}' product.ll ... ........... 225,900 2Li,576 233,683 218,430 253,2fi!1 238,142
Fruits and \~eget.abJee 59.428 55.S55 !l8,2l6 44,848 1 52,667 47,718
Poultry and eggs .. 51,363 58,B16 .'i8,647 00,836 69,675 78,81>7
Br(;edlog of Cur-bc8Ting o.oimals. 1.'199 1,538 2,175 3.218 3,BOO 4,31>3
Maplc product.B.. 5,7!:l1 i 5,671> 4,769 b,991 5,133 4,896
Tobacco . .......... 2,393 4,54k 3,518 4.;i59 7,002 7,380
Flax fibro ........ ............... 2,108 105 106 712 750 450
Claver and gr8::tB seed... ........... 4,360 4,360 4,360 3,300 3,594 5,037
Honey . . . . . . . . . . .......... . ......... 4,339 2,529
TOTAl,B. 1,386,126 1,3lr.l,394 1,S50,262 1.443,6n 1,690,966 1,668,176
Monlilly Bull.tin of A(lricvlturat Slati81\<8, March, 1926, Ottawa.