Page 311 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 311
18-Areas sown and quantities harvested in the Province of Quebec. 00
,~III;AA SowN-(ln t'Ore.)
VAR.IETIES 1915 1911i 1 1917 1918 1919 1020 1921 1922 1 1923 1924 1926 1926
----1 ]---,----1 1 J ) r , 1 J 1
Spriug whe~t , . 71,000 64.000 277,400 365,670 251,089 222,045 130,616 145,047 74,478 69,000 6~.000 114,000
O"l•.............. , . 1,400,000 1,073.000 1,402.700 1,932,7.20 2..141,107 2,205,90S 2.366,810 2,252,016 1,819,920 1,838,000 1,866,000 1,856,000
Barley ' . 80,000 7~,800 1B5,600 189.202 234,892 104,444 101,613 155,578 124,771 124,000 124,000 124,000 . .. '. , , . 8,700 8.300 22,450 29,063 33,481 28,462 34,940 18.736 13,499 13,000 13.000 12,500
nenns . 4,700 4,400 55,157 109,~03 13,202 35,83& 28,2n 29,812 15,602 1.5,000 15,000 14,600
l~ee,.~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . 24,400 21,600 66,457 107,3;;0 81,642 80,870 65.259 84,096 ; 40,874 40,000 40,000 38.000
'Flllckwhe~t. . , . 104,000 101,000 163,577 227,018 170,043 161,705 150,666 167,18.1 1 156,031 1·54,000 152,000 154,000
Corn fOT hUF;k~ng.. . ..•... 18,300 13,000 74,339 54,600 43,603 47,741 46,182 53,379 32,394 31.'100 31,000 30,400
~1 ixed gro.lIJ~ .......•..•..... 101,000 91,000 122,,~lll 194,2S!1 1:;7,637 143,423 16~,245 139,697 ' 112,210 112.GOO 113,000 115,000
l'J,,x. . ,100 .){l0 5,700 7,357 11,384 16.035 8,641 5.880 3,000 2.800 2.700 2•.500 ~
Pot,at.oeB.. . . . 117,000 112.000 226,!ll7 264,871 315,690 310,692 222,OS4 206,234 157.817 159.000 156,000 159,000
Turn ipPo., beets. et,c . 10,200 10.000 70,192 95,Mffl 87,496 83,013 53,084 48,812 33,048 33,G(JO 34,000 34,000 ~
H~lY und claver. . . . .. o •••••••• 2,922.000 2,985,000 2,961,983 4,533,200 4,299,360 4,290,121 4,426,671 3,lH18,036 3,~52;301 4,031.000 4,112,000 4.153,000 o
Fariner corn . M,nOD 31,000 69,030 '1},;lA'! B,007 86,833 89,546 120,.592 91,283 92,000 90,000 88,000 tj
A1f~1fa..... . ....•.... , 2.860 2,600 3,818 4,IH 23,488 28,200 29,300 30,200 21,940 21,500 22,000 22,200 q
TOTAL ......•..•.•••.. 4,901,760 4,S!Nl,200 5,778,139 8,201,362 7,971,021 7,905,987 8.051,989 7,435,300 6,650,158 6,716,3llO 6.828.700 16,8&7,200 o
QUJ\NTTTIf:~ H.o\RVl·.~l'r:-n (In. LhOtl$Uildt5-_ of uushels, cv,,·ts. Or tons).
Spriug wheut. (buslt) ............. 1,411 960 3.883 308 4,20G 1 3,77.1 2,754 2.286 1,194 1,132 1,lnO 1,004 Z
Qat. (bu.n). . .............. 42,182 24,411 32,466 52,601 1 57,275 66,729 50,591 62,281 48,845 50,913 54,OlO 49,741
BarJe)' (b11Oh) ........... , , .. , ... 2,25! 1,456 3,063 4,551 5,344 4,910 4.073 3,549 2,895 2,939 2,975 2,014
Rye (bu.h) .......... " ....... 14'; 118 376 472 578 j 534 430 288 201 195 23/\ 199
Pc'" (hu.h.) ................... 404 302 787 1,664 1 1,225 . 1,035 963 914 625 618 . 620 593
Be:1lls (bu.b.) ............. , .... , 103 78 827 1,867 853 645 530 505 294 251 252 25ü
nuckwhMt (b\l.h.) ........... , ... 2,568 1,919 . 2,699 4,711 4,081 3,908 3,503 3,760 3,38.5 3.742 3,496 3,5H
Corn lor bUBkiug "buah) ......•.. , 50~ 322 1,802 1,199 1,788 1,420 1.362 1,492 747 857 828 927
::\lixed )1;1'•.inalbUtlh.) .......... , .. 2,997 1,843 2,610 5,246 4.256 4,195 4,038 3,744 3,071 3.069 3,108 3,106
Flax (bIL.h.) .. ............... 7 5 47 83 111 1~4 09 58 :!IiI 24 24 28
Pol.toe. (cw t•.), ..............•. 10,506 8,803 10.894 23,.161 34,368 31,579 21.653 16.983 18,761 16,743 10,982 14,676
Tnrnip., beets, et.c., (cwts) .... , .. 1,572 1,325 7.879 114 1 13,890 13,765 8,467 7,719 6,5&.1 5,413 3,682 4,940
Ha)' und cloyer (in ton.•) ..... " .. 3,682 5,224 5,065 14' 6,449 5,363 4,205 5,397 665 6,087 6,703 5,607
Fodder eorn (in ton.) ............ 293 248 586 626 , 611 6gS 806 874 5' 782 1 860 828 700
.11fuHu (in ton.) . ... ,. 8 7 8 9 1 67 68 M 45 47 41 46 43
(1) The mn.rke<l in<70""e in .eeded nre, in 1918, com~red with that of 1917. i. duc to the camp"ign of 6urperprodu(;tion launche<l by the Federal Government with the
nssi.s:ttJ.nce oC Provincia.l ParIiaruents, iu tl'le Spring of 191R l the T(:8ult of wb.lch "liB feH liU 1922.
E"(trl1~t from the 111o-nthly Bulfet-in 01 A(fricuU'ural Slu.iùttCIi. OUawtl.