Page 317 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 317

AGRIGCLT'CHE                             273

                                     AVERAGE VALUE OF LANDS UNDER CULTIVATlON.
                          The average value of lands under cultivation, cleElred or not, pel' acre,
                        including a house and other farm buildings, was $53 in the Province of
                        Quebec, in 1926, as against $54 in 1925, $58 in 1922 and $70 in 1920.
                        Farms reached their peak value in 1919 and 1920. The average value
                        pel' ~~cre fol' the Iast year dropped almost to the level of the 1916 or
                        1917 quotations.

                                 26-Avera !il VahHI, per acre. of Lands under cuHivlltion. by Provinces.
                           P.nOVI::\'1..E."i  1919  lO~O  1921  J9~2  H~J:I  HI~4  1925  .1  1ll:!6
                                              .- ----           ._---
                          PI'. 1....... 1.1.  51  i9  46    t 45   i  ."\1  $ 40    5    S ~I;
                          Nov;] 8c·o t i::\.  41  ·13  35    34      ~ l    :1:1   .17     :k"t
                          Ne,'" Brlinf>W  ;!o :'~  :11')  28  ~1:J   ;l2    ."     34      31
                          Quel::ec,. ,  72    7l!     .-)~ )  .,    .-tG    rra    tH      :;;~
                          Onlar;'!,...  60            G3     f;l    6~i     I~.,:,  \;~    li;!
                          lVlilll.ltlll>fI. ...  :1:,  35    :12     :! ~.  g-'    2'.)    :;:.1
                            <k..  h,:·\\-' ..  32     .:29   ~8      ~.I  (1)  21  2.      '1,1
                          Alberl.fl..  29             2~N,   ~-1     J~     ;t,J   -',!t1-  :.!Ii
                          Rl'it.C'llumli  1H         1~     I~O     11111 ,  %      ~      :,)
                          Clln:v.h     46             -Iv    40             :!:7   3~      :J7

                            The average value, pel' acre, is much greater in British Columbia
                        than in the otber provinces o\ving to huit culture which is greatly
                                          ESTiMATE OF AGRlCULTUllAL WEALTH.

                            The gross agrieultural \vealth of Canada, has been valued according
                        to the most accessible data concerning the merchantable value of the
                        lands, buildings, agricultural irnplements, domestic animaIs and fur
                        bearing a,nimals in captivity.  It may be noted that the agricultural
                        production for the year 'which has a CUITent value is inscribed for the
                       full amount cf its v-alcation.

                            27-Valuation of the Gross Agricullural \\'ealth in Canada pel' Provinces. in 1926.
                                                  (én Ihousallds of dollars).
                                                  Agricu It.              }i'or  AgrÎC'ltÎ-
                           PROVI~CES.      13nildiJl~'  im),le-  Calil.  1 1 Poullry  b(~nring  1IIr:(j  Total
                                                   menls                 anil.llJtls  pruJl..c-
                                                                        J[) CHptiV;!.y  l.ioB
                                                                   .,             --  ----
                                             1              S                             1;
                          J'J',Edw,lsL  :.18,176  Ij.::!~fl  1ô,870  ;-L~77  Ill';  3,:t~4  2ô,!)2b  ~I,209
                          N[)\,.a 8.'otllJ  .1,9,155  51,173  1U.1·16  IP.. ,~:,  ~~  tlfi.J  1 r,::L:';  l ''.'.4U
                          Nuw Grun.·",  HI,I12  ,),"'H  J3/)-4»  jH. '1';  lI7:l  979  %.786  17.';.:*"
                          Qur.b.,·....  ,-14G.f.f)O  '"  1,;',~O  Il 1.940  131,(j11l  fI.-.l61  J..2:!5  27[,001  1,3."'1, UI
                          Ont~l.rlo.. ,  8mU;.'~  ·1 \.aHll  \ (j9.\);;1  ~~:,H).ni; 1  :.::'(\177  l ,,"HIX  482,481  :2 " , JJ;'FI
                          :Vlnr..itob:.l, .  313.44,)  11 ~ .t'O.,  Gï,.(q.~  2lï ,ï~J9  :l,9,15  W2  117.0',1)  7tJ,\, ,l)-
                          Sadk~tl'hew ..  S7ï, ,2  21 U,:~!·18  176.lml  IJ5,f\~2  ~.121  17~  3<;1.&1  l,iil.-., (
                          AILt':tIL.  .i~3, :"'1  121,7 1 55  98,81'1  B"-.021  O,fi.... ~~  723  2:>1,73\'1  1,10' '.);38
                          Bril. C.'i/lln\)  lU7,C.,/O  Il,C3G  Il,370  20 t ..f!i7  Z,~ ~l  .lle..  ·1 j  22.~t~ :i~
                                                               ----  --
                           C ..\:\.~o.\.  3.316,061  1.382,684  665,172  724,655  50,911  l~,~OO  l,G  ,175  7:817,118
                                         1                                            1
                           Ext,ract iram The ,Horlth'y BU/lCtifl of Aqri.ctA-!hLTa.l Sloti3tia, Ott.awa, 1127.
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