Page 318 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 318
The index numbers are used to determine the variations of the
numerieal quantities having certain relations in cornmon. By their most
simple mode of application 'they can indicate the trend of wages or reflect
the general tendpncy of priees. Theil' use extends to the complex facts
which do not allow of direct obsE'Tvation. They have been used in this
case in order to compare the current annual value of agricultural
products with those of the period between 1909 and 1913. The value
attributed to the average priees paid to farmers during these five
years is equal to 100 and the quotations of each year are shown by a
smaller or greater number pel' hundred than the annual average serving
as a basis. In ealeulating the index common to aU the varieties of
produets (cereals, vegetables, roots and fodder) aecount has been taken
of the relative importance or each crop as regards the erops as a
28-Index Numbers of Priees of Agricullural Producls, for the Province of Quebec.
AVerage! 1
CHOPS of yearLyl19B 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 192[ 1922 1923 1024 1925 1920
-----1---------------_ 1 _- 1--
~ et.. 1 p.c. p,c, p,c. p.c. p.c. p.o. p.c. l' p.o p.C p.c. p.c. p,c. p,C,
Vol,ent. ,. ,. IR 114.4113 ,Il [57.6 20S.B 193.2212.4 lR9.~ 134.7 139.7 12·1.:' l'la. ï 149. 1 148.3
Oa(,.'.. , ,.o 0,'1\) 1118.4112.2 Ir,7.1 187.8 20'1.1'210 3:179.~ 12204 12r..S1J6.3 ];W.6 124.5130,6
BorlcY, 0.75 114.7ll4.7 \;>3.3 2r,~.0 2L<1.0 218.71183.Q 13.3,3122.7121.3 133.3 13·1.713~,0
TIy"... .... 0.96 113.5 116.714;;.8 185A!218.7\208,3 185.8130.2 131.3 129,1 146 9142.7165.6
p.",".. .. 1.53 153.61B1.4,:lLO.5 29,1.81270.6,2~0,6,2]Ç1.~1103.3179.1 171.9 lü~.'1 172.611.4.7
e"l\llS. 2.0B 131.1153.9211<).9377.2277.7 219,4'19B.I 154.3152.91·';0.01'1;;.61-15.1131.6
Buck WI'ol.t.. 0.71 11l6.9118.3 nOA 2013.7 2'19.3 239.4 194.4 110,1l 132.4 135.2 '·10.811Ii,f, I:;S.O
ilti"ed 1('4io~.. . O. GO 116.7 110.1111;0.0 201. 5;221,21227.3 190.Il 128.7 119.7 122.7 136.4 1.10.3 130.3
Flax" 1.87 103.2116,6133.7180,21200.0,z09,11901'J1190.3147.1128.i> 120.314U.7131.0
Corn fOf hUBking. 0.95 113.? 117.9 !60,Q 23tl 81~~1.11193, 7 16704 121 0 134.7162.1 160.0119.4 148.4'
Potat()lC1... " ... 0.44 1 95.0125.0122~,~~13.6~~2.7!19~.2227.3181.!l147.? l3B,~ 131.~44~,2190.9
RooH,l:ml., 0.29 127.6 124. l'IIO~.•} _0~.4 IK:!.!I"IR_.8 172.4 137.9 148.3 IH.~ 120. ( 17_.4 100,0
Hllyanrlo!OHr. lI.66 127.6136.3 94.3 82.213".1 176,2,218.7248,7120 a \)4 .•1143.3 74.91100.5
Fudder corn. 4.70 134,613'12120.8 IO.J.O 155.9,176.7,214.3199.5130.1 LOO,() IOG.5 94.5 94.5
AlI..H...... , ~151.81~~=-::.1_107.5 94.7132,41~~=i::~~130.1 Ill.:> 96.2 79.21~~
TOTAL CHOPa.. .. ,., 121.8128.2131.5207.4 140.2195.0222.6201 9128,3 lU ,3 137.1183.3124,9
1 1 1
MonlMy Bull.rin. of Agricu/tuTal Sia/jolieo. 19er. O~tawa.
The index number of aH crops in the Province, for 1926, is close to
that of 1914, it is.Jower than that of 1925 by 58.4, andof 1924 by 12.2. The
average for the total crops for Canada, in 1926, was 140.5. The average
values in Quebec were the following: wheat $1.75, oats $0.64, barley
$1.02, l'ye $1.59, peas $2.52, beans $2.71, buckwheat $0.98, mixed grains
$0.86, flax $2.45, corn for husking $1.41, potatoes $1.40, turnips, etc.
$0.57, hay and clover $11.72, fodder corn $4.50, a.lfalfa $7.50.