Page 312 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 312
t9-Average Yield pee acre and total Value of Agricultural Production in the Province of Quebec.
AVER.\QIi: 'Yn:LD or LANDS f&ll Acas (ln bu~lleiB, ewts. Of lOŒ'l).
VAnmTJES 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926
~ •.- .- .. 1
Spriog ...heat (bus!) ............. 19.88 15.00 14.00 17.25 16.75 17. 00 13.25 lr;.75 16.00 Ul.40 17.50 17. la
Oals (busn) ...............•..... 30.13 22.75 21. 7r; 27.2;; 26.75 30.25 21.25 27.75 26.75 27.70 20. JO 26.1l0
Barley (bush) ................... 26.53 20.00 18.50 24.00 22.75 25.25 21.25 22.75 23.25 23.70 21.00 23.50
Rye, (bush) ........•............ 16.71 14.25 1ü.76 J~ 25 17.2(; 18.75 17.25 15.50 15.00 1 J.5.00 18 30 15.90
Pen. (bu.h.) ................. .. IÜ.56 14.00 12.00 15 ..50 15.00 17.00 14.75 14.25 15.25 15.40 15.50 15.60
B"".na (bu8h.) ................ 21.80 17.75 15.00 17.00 19.75 18.00 18.75 17.00 18.7':> 16.73 16.80 17.50
nuc.k...hent. (hush.)............ 24.69 19.00 16.50 20.75 24 00 25.75 23.25 22.50 21. 7,~ , 24.29 23.00 22.1l0
Corn for huskioq (bu.-b.) ......... 31. li 24.15 24 25 21. 75 41.00 29.75 29.50 28.00 23.00 1 27.29 26.70 30.50
Mixoo groius (bush.) .......... 29.67 20.25 21.25 27.00 27.00 29.20 24.00 20.75 27.25 27.40 27.50 27.00
Fla x (bu.,h.) ........... 11.89 10.50 8.25 11.25 9.75 ll ..';0 11. 50 10.00 8.65 8.57 Il.80 11.20
Potatoes (bush) . . .. . ........... 80.7ï 78.59 4.~ 00 88.20 108.90 111.30 97.50 82. a5 118715 105.30 70.40 92.30 >
Turillps. beet8, etc.. (bush.) ...... " 154.11 132.50 ; 112.25 147.75 158.75 164.65 1.59. (;0 158.15 193.~.s 161.10 108.30 145.30 o
Hay and clover (i n too.) ......... 1.26 1. 75 \ 1. 71 1.50 1. ;,0 1.25 0.0,,) 1. 35 1.45 1. 51 1 63 1.35 ~
Foddor OOTll ZiD lon~) ... ' ...... 8.61 8.00 1 8.50 7.25 8.25 8.00 9.00 7.25 8.5S 9 35 ' 9.20 7.96
AIf..l(a. (iu tons) .. ............. 2.B4 2.65 2 2fl 2.25 2 3ii 2.40 2 20 1. 50 2.15 1.901 2 lO 1.95 o
TO'AL VALUE OF Til.· enop (ID tuousaude of dolla.,,). t"-I
Sprio~ ...heak. . . . . . , 1 1,891 1 ],786 1 553 14,~ 12,029 8,4';6·1 4,379 3,491 1.7,';8 1,879 l,OIS d
Oata..... . , 23,200 11',796 29,g60 1 52,Fo67 60,712 58,722 30,355 38,614 28.026 32,,;84 3 [,834
Dorley. . . . . ,. ),~ 1,674 4,840 7,373 8,764 6,923 4,073 3.277 2,620 2,939 2,972 ~
Rye... . , . 163 165 669 nOl 1,156 1,004 53S 364 249 27f! 316 tr:I
Deune.... . .. . .•...... . .. . . m 972 R,·'.96 6.~89 ~,435 3.478 2,~Ü'l 2,506 1,646 1.540 1.494
Peas.. . .. 317 434 6,429 10,570 3,856 2,632 l,aM 1,592 907 75:.3 694
Buckwheat , .. . . 2,157 2,322 4,669 8,338 6,938 5.J93 3,503 3,547 • ,264 3,742 3,441
Corn lor buoking , ..• ,~ 489 4,OfiS 2,518 3,290 2,2S8 1,567 1,911 1,148 1,303 1,307
M ixed Itfains. . . . , . 2,11\8 1,1l25 3.471 7,659 6,384 5,21l6 3,432 2,957 2,486 2,762 2,670
Fln . li; IJ 1.';8 J10 434 657 354 160 63 54 69
Pot.atoes..............•..•..... , 9,6~1 14,232 21\,058 38,157 48,688 57,633 28,8;1 18,~42 19,177 10,073 20,548
Turni~, bectoS, etc , ....• l,1~2 1,272 9,n'l 14,960 14,723 13.765 6,774 6,638 5r4~'; 3.71'9 2,816
Boy and clover. . . .. . . . . . .• .. 58,.JO; 57.464 48,023 107,09'3 132,40.:1 15.5,527 121,945 (:1,558 62,297 66.9&7 65.714
Fodder . 1,872 l' 1,426 2,934 4,615 5,13~ 7,089 7,657 .;,681 3,708 4,360 3,150
Alfalfn . 95 67 72 109 0.';,1 ],428 1,613 521 354 349 323
10_,&113 i 1---1---
TOTAL •..••.... 102,'37 153,195 27G,n5 309,'&3 310,251 21',15_ 165,159 11I,U7 139,359 139,263
(l) The marked ioerea.c in t.he value of crop. in lhe Province, in Ull8, comp"rcd ",ith "u"•. or 1917, is duc t.o the campaign 01 Buperoduc(.iou and lbe high priee.
prevailiog iD tbat year. Thi. inere•.se in prie"" ",a.. felt t.ill 1922.
Exlract rrom tbo Mon.thly DuJlclin of Agrieultura1 81.0#8/.0., O,t"",o.