Page 308 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 308
lO-Mixed Grains.
l AVél'11jfe
YEAM Area Yield (in Average yield Total value Avol1\go prioe weight of
•eeded tl.uuannd• per .ore (in thou...nd. 01 bushel bWlbel (in
(in aore.) 01 buohel.) (in bu.hcl~) o[ dollar.) (in dollar.) pound.)
---------- ------ ------ ----- ------ -----1-----
19211 . 115.000 3,105 27.00 2,670 0.86 43.49
1925 . 113.000 3.108 2', .tAl 2M3 0·86 44.4B
HI2{ . l.lV}110 3.069 27.40 2,762 0.90 .11. Sil
1923 . 112.210 3,071 'fi. 25 2,486 0.81 44.50
ID22..........•..... 139.697 3.744. 26.75 2.957 0.79 43.32
1921 . 168.245 4,038 24 00 3.432 0.85 43.31
1920.......•......... 143,423 4,ID5 29.25 5,286 1.26 46.10
.DID..•.......•...••. 167,1137 4,256 27 .00 6,384 1.50 44.64
1918 .. 191,288 5,216 27.00 7,B59 1. 46 45.4D
1917 , . 122.819 2,610 21.25 3.471 1.33 44.50
1916 . 91.000 1,843 20.25 1,825 0.99 44.04
1915 . 101.000 2,997 29 W7 2,188 0,73 • 45.44
Aren. Yield (in Average yiold value Avorage prie. weight of
YBARS aecdecl tbouS8nda per o.ote liD tbousandll of buebel buebel (in
(in aoree) of bWlhels) (in bushels) 01 duU",a) (in dol/am) pounda)
-.-------- ------ .---.._- ---- -----1-----1·---
1926... . 2,500 28 \L.20 69 2.45 51l.56
L925.. , , , , , , , . . . . . 2,700 24 8,80 67 2 80 54.D2
1924..... . . 2,800 24 8.57 ,,4 2.25 54.BO
1923 , . .. 3,000 26 8.65 62 2.41 5400
ID22 ' _.. . 5,880 58 10.00 160 2.75 52.46
1921 .. ,' .. , , . . . . . . 8,641 99 11.50 3M 3.56 52.78
1920.,., .. ,., , . 16,035 184 11 ,50 657 3.57 57.79
1919 , •... , . • . •. Il,384 111 D,75 434 3.91 53.46
1918 "... 7.3.~7 83 II 25 310 3.ï4 54.AB
[917,................ 5.700 47 8.25 158 3.37 53.21
1916..... , .... ,...... 500 S 10.50 L3 2.50 54,50
191.~. :.,:..:.'.:....:..:....:..:....:..:..:...:..:....:..;:..:....__6.:..:oo:..::.... ---: 7 11.89 15 2 18 Ael. lB
YEARS Ares Yield (in Average yield Tolal value Average priee
eee<Jed thous.nda pel" acre (in th oU'Bnd. per bu~bel
(i,n ..eres) of'.ls) (in busbelô) 01 dollars) (in dollar.)
IIl26... .. .. 15'1.000 \-l,07ti \)2.30 20,548 1.40
1925.... . ,' 150,000 10.!lS:! 70,40 35,692 3.~"
19U .. ,.. •....... . .. ,. ,.,., .. , lo0.0CO lü,ï43 105.30 16,073
1923 ........•...... , . 1.-.7,817 J8,761 118.75 19,177 1.02
1022 .....•.................. 200,2:\1 16,%3 82.3;' 18,342 \.0
1921 , , , ., , .. '" .. 222,OM 21.6 97.50 28,871 1.33
1()20 . 310,{;!12 3,1 •.>711 J 11 .30 57,633 1. 67
H1l9 ,., , .. , ...•.•. , .•..•..• 315.r)~K) a'I,3~~ 108.90 48,688 1.42
1918 '" , ,. ,. ,. 2M,Ilïl 23.361 88.20 38,157 l./):l
1917 ....•......... , . 2~6,017 1O,,~O4 4 '.00 25,058 2.:lO
Illlû...... .. . 112,000 s,soa 78.,59 14,2:12 1.60
191:'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,:.c,_I_.:..c.==--!._......:..:..:..=......:__=......:_'--_...:c:=~:;..._.....;=~
13-Turnips. Beets. Rutabagas.
YEARS Ares Yi.Jd (in Avera~e yield Total value A vem~e fl rice
seedecl thou.and~ per acre (in thouSAnd. pet hU6hd
(in acroa) of \","hol.1 (in bush.!s) of dollars) (in dollara)
-----------------·---1-----1 --------_.-
1926. :14,000 1,!Wl . 145.30 2,~16 0.57
1925 .. 34,(l()() 3,68:! JOS.30 3.682 1.00
1024. , . . . 3:1,(100 .ML:! 161 LO 3.789 0.7(,
1\)23.. . ,. 3d,!i,18 6,;63 193.25 5,425 o .5;1
1()22 ...............•......•. _ . 48, 13 7,710 1.';8.15 ft,6aS o sr.
1921, .. .'13,0,34 8.167 \.59.50 6,774 0.1;0
J920 ...........•....•....... " . ,613 J3,765 1Ô'L 0" 13,76" 1.00
1919 .. 7,4116 13.890 ]58.75 14,723 1.06
L918... . . I)·V>26 14.114 147.75 14,900 I.OG
1917.... .. . 70,1\)2 7,Hi!) 112.2,) 9,298 J .18
1916 .. 10,000 1,3:!5 132.50 1,272 0.96
J1l1.5 . 10,200 1.572 1~.1I 1,132 0.72