Page 307 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 307

AGRICULTURE                               265

                                                                                       1  AV'e."ge
                                              Are.    Yield (in  Avemge yieId Total v.lue AveTage priuel  weight of
                                 YEARS       aeede<!  tbousands  per Bcre  (in thou...nds  of bushel  bushel (in
                                             (in aor.s)  of hushel.)  (in huahelll)  of dollars)  (in dalla",)  pound.)
                             1926 ........ .......  38.000  .393  15.60   1.404    2.52    59.80
                             1925............ ···· .  40.000  620  15.50  1.637    2.64    50.34
                             1924............... ..  40.000  616  15.10   1.540    2.50    .,9.92
                             1923 ... ...... ........  40,874  62,;  15.25  1,646  2.1).1  60.25
                             1922................  64.096  914   14.25    2,506    2.74    60.03
                             1921 .................  65,259  96:3  14.76  2,408    2.50    59 43
                             1920....... , ...... , ..  60,870  1,035  17.00  3,478  3.36  60.74
                             1910 ..... , ..... , .....  81,642  1.225  15.00  4,435  3,62  60.H
                             1918. .... ..... .......  107,386  1,064  15.50  6,889  4.14  60 26
                             1917.. ............ .. .  66,457  787  12 00  3,59(1  4 61    58 76
                             1916. .... ............  21,600  302  14.00   972     3.22    59.05
                             1915.. ........ . ,,'  24.400  404  16.56     998     2.47    61.14
                                              Aren    Yield (in  Averag~ yield Toini value Average priee  weight o(
                                  YEAnS       eeeded  thousands  per Gere  (in thousands  ot husbel  buahel (in
                                             (in acres)  of huahela)  (in hush"ls)  of dollanl)  (in dollars)  pounds)
                                           -----            ..
                             1026...........  . ..  L4,600  256  17 .      694     2.71    58.06
                             1925.. ............ ...  15.000  252  16.80 ,  753    2.99    58.95
                             1924... , .... ... . . . ...  15.0CO  251  16.73  753  3.00   59.71
                             1923........ .........  15,692  294  18.7.<;  007     3.09    59.75
                             1922, .............. ,  29,e12  505  17.00   1,592    3.15    58.77
                             1921. ................  28,272  630  J8.75   1.6R5    3.18    59.16
                             1020.  o •• ,  ••••••••••••  35.8:J;;  645  1'>.00  2,632  4.08  50. L5
                             1919 ... ..............  43.20~  853  19 75  3,8~6    4.~2    59.81
                             L118. ...............  109,803  1,8~7  )7.00  10,679  6.72    5<J .45
                             LUI7 .................  55,)57  827  15 00   6,429    7.77    59.PO
                             1916..... ............  4,400  78   17.75     434     5.56    60.18
                             1916..  .. '. ..  4,700  1  103     21.89  1  327     3.17    59.38
                                              Area    Yield (in  Average yield Total value Avernge priee  wOighL of
                                 YEARS        seeded  tbouaands  per ROTe  (in thou8ands  of buohel  bu.hel (in
                                             (in BeTes)  of bushelB)  (in hu.belo)  of dollars)  (in doU",")  pouods)
                             ---------- ._----                       ::---"-"-""-- ----------
                             1!J26... .....  . ..  15~,000  3,511  22.80  3.Hl     0.98    47.11
                             192.1.. ......  .. ....  152,000  3.496  23.00  3,r.36  1.04  40.63
                             19?4.. .......... , ... .  1&4,000  3,742  24.29  3,742  1. 00  '18 53
                             1923. ........... , ...  151>,031  3385  21.75  3.264  0.96   48.2,';
                             1922...... , ... , .....  167,186  3,70n  22.50  3,547  0.94  46.20
                             1921. ................  1;'0,666  3.503  23.25  3,503  1.00   47.08
                             1920. ............... ,  151,765  3,90~  23.75  6,393  1.3R   48.10
                             1919. ............ , ...  170,043  4,OSI  21.00  6.93'>  1.70  47.72
                             19)8. ................  227,018  4,7) 1  20 75  8,338  1.77   48 20
                             1f,)7. ... ............ .  163,577  2,699  16 50  4,669  1. 73  46.55
                             1916., .. .............  101,000  1,919  19.00  2,322  1.21   40.35
                             JOI.'.  ... "'.' ,.....  104,000  1  2.';68  r  24.6\J  2,157  1),"'1  48.17
                                                       9-Corn for Husking.
                                              Ares    Yield (in  AveTage yie)d Total value A veTage priee  weight of
                                 YEARS        seeded  thoU83nds  per arne  (in tbousands  of bushel  busb.1 (in
                                             (in aorea)  of buahels)  (in bushel.)  of dollar.)  (in dollars)  pounds)
                             --------- -                              ------   --~---------
                             1926. ....... . . ....  30,400  927  30.50   1,307    1. 41   55.32
                             1925....... , .........  31,000  828  2~. 70  1,176   1. 42   32.03
                             1924...... , ....... ...  31.400  857  27,29  1,303   1. 52   54.33
                             1923...... " ...... ...  32,394  747  ~:3. 00  1,148  1.54    55.50
                             1022....... ,., ......  63,379  1,492  28.00  1,911   1.28    53.72
                             1921. ................  46,)82  1,362  29 .50  1,567  1.15    55.28
                             1020......• ' .... , ....  47,741  1.420  29.75  2,2-'8  1.69  55.97
                             1919.... .............  43,1>().1  1,78~  41.00  3.290  1.84  .... ........
                             )918.. ...............  54,690  1,199  21.75  2,5l8   2.10    56.41
                             '917................  74,339  1,802  24.25   4,056    2 25    56.89
                             1016. ................  13,000  322  24.75    489     1. 62   1)6 .18
                             1916. ................  16,.100  608  1  31.17 r  669 1  1.12  1  66.85
   302   303   304   305   306   307   308   309   310   311   312