Page 306 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 306
2-8pring Wheat.
1 Average
Area Yield (in ,\v_rage ~'ield TO~Bl v,tlue Average priee weight of
YEARS aeed_cl Lho=anda peT aore (in thousanda 01 bushel bushel (in
(in acres) 01 busheJe) (in bu.beLs) 01 nolh..e} (in clollnra) pounds)
----. - --~---
1926. M,OOO 1,09~ 17.10 1,915 1. 75 58.21
1925. 68,000 1,190 17 ..,0 2,094 1. 76 59.il7
1924.. ............... 69,000 1,132 16.40 1.879 1.00 59.38
1923.. ............. ,- 74,479 1,19~ 16.00 1,758 1. 47 59.00
1922.. .... - .......... 145,047 2,286 15.75 ~,491 1.53 59.39
1921. ... , ............ 180Gl6 2,7.H 15.25 4,370 1. 59 58.19
1920................ 222,U45 3,775 7.00 8,~56 2.21 59.45
1919. ..... . .... ... 251,089 ~,2U6 16.75 12.029 2.38 59.12
1918 .... ...... ..... 305,570 6,308 17.25 14,382 2.28 58.82
L917................. 277.400 3,883 14 00 9,553 2 ~6 57.94
1916. 64,000 960 15.00 1,786 1.86 57.71
1915. 71,000 1,411 19.88 1,891 1.34 59.B2
l Average
AreA. Yicld (in IAverage yield Tot..! vnlue Average priee w"eight of
YEARS aeodcd thoua....nde peT acre (in th OUBR.cds nf bushel bU-"hol (in
(in o.e,o.) of b"ehelo} (in buohels) of dollo.,.) (in cloll..r.) pound.)
1926.. 1.856,000 ~9,741 26.80 31,834 0.64 33.82
1925.. 1,856,00U 54,010 29.10 32.!l46 0.61 36.29
192~. ................ 1.838,000 50,913 27.7C 32.;'~·1 0.54 35.70
1923..............•. 1,819,920 48,845 20.75 2d.026 0.57 36.00
1922................. 2,252,016 62,281 27.75 38,614 0,62 26.25
1921 ....... , ......... 2,366,810 50,.;91 21.25 30,355 0.60 35.2~
1920................ 2,205,908 M,729 30.25 :l8,722 0.88 35 ..ll
1919 .... . .......... ,. 2,1·11,107 57,275 26.{; 60.712 1. 06 3:;.47
1918............... 1,932,72() 52.G07 27.2;' 52,QG7 1.00 35.78
1917.. ............... 1,49 ',700 32,4~G 21.75 29,869 0.92 34.35
1916. ............ 1.073,000 24.411 22.75 18,706 0.77 33.55
1915. ..... .. l,{00,000 42,182 30.13 23,200 0.55 36.92
Aren. Yield (in A",erage y ield Tow.1 vnlu~ priee weigbt of
YEARS sceded thou••od. per acre (in thou,o.od' of buehel bo.hel (in
(in ocre.) of bushel.) (;n busbel.) of dolln.r.) (in dollar.) pounn.}
--------- ----- ------ -----
1926.............. 124,000 2,'114 23.30 2,972 1.02 46.52
1925 ................ 124,000 2,U76 24.00 3,006 J. 01 47.97
1924.. ............ 1~ 1.000 ~,n:)9 2·J.70 2.939 1.00 48.09
1023 ................. 124,771 2""95 23.23 2,629 0.01 47.75
1922... , ..........•. , 155,578 3,J49 22.75 3.277 0.92 46.80
1921 .... ............. 191.673 4.073 21.25 4.073 1.00 ~6 .19
1920................. 19~,444 4,910 25.25 G,928 1.41 47.83
1919 ................. 234.~02 5,344 22.75 8,;04 1 fi4 40.fi3
IOt8. ................ 189,202 4,551 24 00 7,373 1.62 48.16
1917... ............ 155,600 3,063 1~.50 4,8~0 1.58 48.14
JjllG .. ............... 72,800 1,456 20.00 1,674 1.1!i 40.67
19L5 .1 85,000 2,255 26.53 1,1130 o 80 48.70
Ares Yield (iD Averase yield Total 'va!ue Avel" prioe weight of
YEARS aeede<! thollMnds per acre (in thou.anda of bWlhel bWlheJ (in
(\0 o.orcs) of buahels) (in boehele) 01 dollars) ('''' doUars) pound.}
----------- -----_. ----~-
1926.. 12.500 199 15.90 316 1. 59 5G .81
1920.. .......... 13,000 238 18.30 326 1. 37 55.73
1924... ............ 13,000 IQ5 15.CO 275 1.41 36.C5
1923.. ............... 13,499 201 15.00 249 1. 24 55.50
1922................ 18,7.36 288 15.50 364 1.26 53.10
1921. ., ........ " ... 24,940 430 17.25 538 1. 2.5 53.88
1920................. 28,462 534 18.75 1,004 1.88 55.70
1919 ................. 33.481 578 17 25 1,156 2.00 55.~7
1918.•...... , , ... , ... 29,063 H2 16 25 991 2.\0 54 .78
1917................. 22,450 37G 16.75 6G9 1. 78 53.36
1916...... 8.300 lI8 14.25 165 1.40 53.97
1915................ 8,700 145 lG.71 162 1.12 55.90
Mon~hly BoUe~in of Agrieu1turnl St.ati.tic•. O~tAwa.