Page 282 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 282
The Law obliges every municipal eorporat.ion to Rend ta the Prov-
incial Sec.~retary, in the month of January eaeh year, !1 statcment of its
operations. The secl'otury-troasurors who refuse or ncglect ta give the
information asked fol' on the forms pre$t:l'ibed Illay be sued under an
[l,l'ticle of the Municipal Code, l\1ol'cover the officer:" of the Bureau
of Statistics may go ta the defaulting secretul'y-trea6urers, and their
transportation costs are repayable by the corporation which has
recourse against its employec. The statistics required relate ta the
value of the propel'ty, bath ta:mble and non-taxable, the area in acres
of the lands of the municipnlity, the number of persans taxed, the
rate of assc'isments, the value of the property belonging ta the corpo-
ration, the arnount of the fll'Clinary reeeipts and laans, the extent of the
debts and bonü,;, the 81ll0l'lltS JT('eiv(~d hom the Govcmlîlcnt, the
expcme" ineFJTed or any other f:,tatl'IW'nt ,y1Li,:h U.e Licutc1!ant-Gov-
ernor-in-Council may reqLire.
The Province is organized into urban (113 in 1925) and rural
municipn.lities (1,255 in HJ25), Tr(~ former inchlde 90 town and 23
city corporations. The COllntry, ,vhit'h iucl ,. es 74 municipal counties,
is divided into municipalities formed aJ parishf's, townships or portions
of parishes and tmvnsPÎps, numbering 977 and into villages, numbering
278, The total numher of municipalities is 1,268.
18~Receip(.s llnd Expenses of Municipal Corporations of the Province of Quebec.
I(Dtl][ "
C"lIfl On hnod
\'EARS O!"di-I.HLry OrrliIl!1.TY Extta- or in bank
reccipt~ l):I.,Y01 'ot! ol'diIlHTY lit t,l.c "cl
DILymr-utH of the Y(~flr
IfJ25... $.ja,1R0,25G S 3,~51,2lU5 $ ~.Hll,9(i1
1!)~·1.. . 4'.77·1.ü2,~ a,U' 2.~q2 " 3<\0''''
102:, .....• ' . 4·] 1)""(rO 1 , .0 ~,21u 3:'>3 L:383
ltl~:3".. 4'(124,:937 2.~",",095 :l,O"~l,lj;15
IfJ,21' , ..•.... 48.:I!Jl,I·t:1 2.1DH,'il3-t Z,ljI2.91\1
IfJ20 .. 4:~.()1.1,770 l ,3"8 ,O:i5 1,t)" ~.Î2f)
lOLO .. 37,U~U'12'13 1,510.Z72 1,(\(i(;.~:H
Wllj ,., . 2f),H9 ..W5 1,1,11,072 IJ.Z:l.I11:J
1917.. ....•.•...... , . 2(\2[i~.,l20 3,8Hl,lflO ~..~l!3,Jfi2
l,Olf , ..... 2:;,701.2-12 2.127.826 4.72U,7:W
1015 , .•...... 27,29/,Z78
19-Basis of Taxalion in Municipal Corporations of the Province.
NUlnbt""J:f 1\umbcr F.I'II 1.('<1 E.timnt.ed Other
01 of R(;ru8 vnlu(~ of v!Ùue tll.,,,blo
YEARS pcr901l.~ 01 tiullbl.. oC HlI~ J1{)JJ- vl1-lue
p.p oinp;: land f'tlfiJ 1"-,,,1,1.. (1)
th:tes taxable f,l::-lt!Lte t"te
$ i 1 $
t02,;........•..... O:H.~'l 1,81O,bill,G61 72,l~50.802 491.2(~I),:.Hi2 5,10';,585
1!)21.. , . 5!H:74.~ l.1m,zI2,!lIO ~- 1 "'-;:UiM 476,a7 ".7~H ]fJ,4.83,ii37
192:l..., , ..•..•..• .::iS2~7 r. l, 702~83K.2:i( 86,·t2'''Si1.52 45;\070•. -3.1 20,6c0,·1·18
Jtl~2.....•..• IHl.5<l4 1,{)40,.'50,:I07 G:l,079,740 ·t32,.W;,402 :l2'.~JD5,6;)O
1\1'2! .......••.•..••.. 4!H.:1l5 20,698,2:,0 1.603,%2,7;54 {j,H8,7tH 4tO,!lûfi,:H8 1tJ,!!.; l ,336
)\)20 , ......•. 54Jl,G31 20,:>61,000 Il,r-26.54U,8W [,(;,347, 89 41 l,576,713 2(i,31 fJ,llfJ7
l\llfJ , .. , .... , 5:IO,:W; ~().2IO.297 1,:\IJ7,8(,Z,"IH 6G,S21.4n ~fJ:I,42f;,213 R,I4LlOI
] Ol:'!.. , , . , , • , .. Mn,V71 20,172,41>:l 1,:177.02:;,'164 70,X~4,tJ64 3iQ.OO:"OO.; 6,';V2,291l
1017" .. 547,3ô[ 'l0,OBI,HO ol,:~71,8](l.772· 76,:\27,701 ..379,',f!H,!l4R " 33,%7,525
1f)/6 . 530.36:1 . If) ,,;';1:,200 1.28.'i':,1l1,G·j.j ~~:l\~~;~~ll m:~;:kM~ 34,2~(\,;;~:1
19!.; " . 511\,J21_' 20,1I20,K02 '1.274,R99.GOI LOI U,78
Cl) To.xccl nnrle' Art. 60,q nnd followin~ of l,h~ rnlllli()ipai Cude for rural IDuuicil'aiiliea nnd ch. 102
..:\rt.. fi2:3 nud fuUowiIl~uC the (~. H.. S.t (IU25), [Dr cîticB Pond tO'o"i'I1..'i.
Exltacl from Municipal S/ali.tic8 0/ the Proûnco 0/ Quebec.