Page 277 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 277

236                          F]NANCES

                                            PREPARING AND VO'l'ING BUDGET

                               The budget estünates arc prepared by the 1\Iinist~rs before each
                           Session of ParlinlI1cnt and submitted to the Execut'ive for its approv::lJ.
                           At a sitting of the Cabinet, the 1iinistcl's diseuss their forecasts; the·
                           !Provincial Treasurer plays the part of critie and proposes whatever
                           redLCtions he may think necessal'Y in view of the anticipated revenue..
                           The final decision, howevcr rests with the Cabinet.   AUer the budget
                           has been decidcd upon, it i printed and a copy is distributed to the
                           Memben3 of Pmlimnent. The e;'timntes are studicd one by one Iby the
                           Legif'lativc Assemo~y) sitting as n com'llï,i'f((;r, on 8II.bsùiies, upon motion
                           of the Provincial Trcmmrer.     The opposition ma.y make whatever
                           observations they see fit and thc }Iembers take part in the di~cus~ion~,
                           but they haye no l'ight to propot'.C IL measure caIling for an expenditure of
                           money Or for any clwnge in the a.ppropriatiun of credits, as t'hey have no
                           responsibility in the mùttrr.   The rc:>ponsible l\linisters reply to aIl
                           critici~ms and give the necessary explanations. The Assembly may cut
                           down or strike out certain clauses, but in practice, for Ulany ycars, the
                           credits prcpared by the Execut·ilJe have been adopted without any modi-
                           fication.  The authorization of the commitlee on subsid'ies is not suffi.-
                           cient to allow budget exp0.T'ses to be paid from the Consolidated Reyenue
                           Fund, the vote of th0 commÛlee on U'O-]jS and means is nlf'o required,
                                Cert[l,in estimates \vhich are known as IOtntut.ory are disbursemcnts
                           which have been autllürizcd once for aIl; the Assembly merely takes
                           note of them.    Among cha.rges cf this kind are the interest on the
                           pu blie debt, the sinking fund, the salaries of the Speakers of the two
                           Bouses and of the permanent employees, the sessional indemnities of
                           the Members, certain subsidi    for public instruction, ft portion of the
                           costs of the ndministration of justice, gmnts to ngri.culturc, expenditure
                           fol' the mnlntennnce of roud::; und sev~ al charges agaimt the revenue.
                           The total expenditure authoriz .d by S· ,tute fol' the budget. of the year
                           endi-.g on the ;lOth of Ju  l  92,'w s 10,367,02S,] 3 ::md the estimates
                           to be voted [lmountcd to . 15,410,8 5.80.
                               The supp1cmentary hudget is voted in the saille manner as the
                           regnlar  stimates 'for whatever amount may be found necessary and
                           which has not bccn ot :lerwise provided for.
                                A·latter eoneernin J'  . e .~.nnua.l budgets is conta.ined at the beg-inning
                           of the 8tll.tute:o of ench Sion.  Schedulr A contains the supple;ncntary
                           budget and Schedule      the l'crulaI' esti1l1 {ltes for the following yenr.
                           The;'e st.ntements, howev ~r, merely contnill the :1Jllount voted during the
                           previolls Sesfüon. The stat.utory credits are not JUcntioned. The Provincial
                           TrcasUl'er's budget speech dea,ls with ID[l,ttcrs in conne< tion with the
                           suosidics.  The Public :\ccounh., puoli:ôhcd by the Tren.surer give full
                           illfol'll1ation cOl1cprning the credits nt the CoverJlluent's disposaI for the
                           admini.:-:>tratiull of the Province. The Imdget it:,elf ihO\vever iB the official
                           docUfllcnt eontaining the clanfes submitted to the Legislature for it's
                           approval and prillted for the l\Œembers.
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