Page 279 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 279
l&-Summary of the Budget Expcnses of the Province of Quebec for the fiscal year ending the
30th June, 1928, compared with thllt of the fiscal J'car cI!ding the 30th June, 1927.
h 1027-1928 1020-1927 Compared witt l>~propriotjons 01
~ 1926-1927
" Authori,cn 1 Tot"l ~
'0 To be voted by- Tol"l Incrcn9c Decrea,e ~
z o .latut.e 1 Credit.s >-
$ {~li;. ::; ('la. S (:t.B. ~ ct~_ S ct'l. ~~ ct,:=:;. o
1 Public Debl .. 19,3;.(1.00 4,028,089 7., 4,ü~7,4.39 7:; -:1 ,8D3,(l:g."i 00 5!8.2(> 24ï,OM.47
Il Legislatioo : .. 30;',300.00 243,250. OU i't'lR,G50. UO 539,170 00 9.:)80. (~J tr1
lU Civil Governmcnt ,.. . . 1-"!j.700 Ou 1,<,1I12,(H1O 00 l,ü21,,,"00.00 l ,570,970.00 5O.3:JO.UU rn
IV Adwinistration 01 Jus~jce, e~C ..... " .. rom,nOO.DO UOl,(i5,j UU J ,651 ,1'1;;",) 00 1,000.000.OU 1r,l,8.~.~=>. 00
V Public Instruction) etc. '.... l ,!>25,U70. OU 820,000 (lI1 :l.6·15,070.00 ? ,M (,.<1:22. 40 t:lil.i47. oU 10,000 00 o
VI Insane AsyluDlll . ' ..... 1,:HO,fJ!"II.OO 11'I,;UU.00 1,:J~8, 70U ()(J 1,28:s,roo Ou 40,000.00 ~
VII R.formalory and Indus!,i,,) S"hoolo. 4:1tJ.CIIJ!I.OO .... 420,000. Ou 420,Ol~. tJO
œl)fJ,8S~.80 ItHl,l\'lMI Ou 360,888 1;0 1 2.J6,888.80 120,000 00 f-3
V:~I::::;~:~~~'~~·ab·~t~·. . . . , ~
Ordinnry .. :S979,702.00 I-Q
Labour... 80,000,00 ~
I,OOU,:5(C.OO IS!I,500 00 Ul1Çj/~(f2 00 1,1 :lII),3Q:l, 8!l,5fl1' 00 o
:x Agri culture, .. l,:JCIJ,lIfJO (lU rM,M~) 110 1,4{:..l,.'iOO. 00 1.:'ItlÜ.IICJ:J 00 100,1)00,00
Xl Ro~(is... , , .. , . ~,WO.WO 00 l ,flOO,OC"l. 00 5.f>OO,MO.OO ~Mû,'lIlJ" 1!lI l,SSH,OOO.OO -<
XII Land. anù Foreds .. J,320,00û.0t1 2S0~iO!LOO l ,GOU,OOO. 00 1,:)9A,Hltl1J9 214,WI 11 Il,45R.1O ~
XI1J Coloni~atioD1 Mine9 and Fisheries ' .. 1.5H6,OOO.00 l ,.~91';.OOn on 1,-1')(;,<,,'00 OU 2".0,000 00 WU,ClOU.OO
XIV llcne'l'olcDt iD,titulions.. , , .. 26,112(; 00 2g,~.l-.5 OU 30,OCon 00 :li5.OU l,.lOO 00 o
XV Charges On ReveIl ue. , . 427 ,OIJO. 00 2;),'j,O(ïQ 00 il6'i..IW 011 657.0ûU.OO 2[>,IJOO,OO tr1
XV l Mi.,ccllaDcoue Services , , 13:&,700 00 381 ,M.U Q;j 51-1,I50.0U 527/11iO 00 2·1.2fJÜ.UO 38,000.00
15,410',135.80 10',361,044.75 25,n1,180.55 23,U3,15G.1S 3,065.346.91 40.7,922.57
XVIII Raüways , __ ., . 750.00 0,883 38 7,6:)3 38 7,6:n.38
- --~----
15,410,S85.80 10,367,928.13 25,nS,81J 93 23,121.389 53 3,065,34G.97 407.922.51
2,1>57,424 40
"ExLracL from lhe B"l.w!Jet E;cpe~1I.3es o/thf. PrOi:·incp nf Quc~c. for the ':,-to'o;r i:nl.".f-ln/l 30th. .Ju.n.e 1928. CD