Page 284 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 284

242                           FINANCES

                                            24-Receipts and Paymenls of Rural Municipalities.
                                    YEARS      Orclinary         RI LOn ht\ud  Ordinar"  Il:xha-  Cash on ~IHlld
                                                                l~t. tbo begin.    ordinary  at the end
                                                recpip1~        nitll::i of thp}T.  p.ymeota  paymcnh.  of the year
                                                       ------   --_.~---         ------
                               1925..          S5,722.:.!:t:l  83,Ü'-15,1l5  ~~(·L350  So,4~4,tlOl  $3,770,738  5\ ,D7G,ûts!>
                               1024    ,     .  /),~5~,lint)  3.IU3,1.1O  ~3G,i20  ,;.4M\,CI  3,260,,~: 10  05:J..()();i
                               1023          .  5,:H~ 12  ::~,81H,552  801l,730  5,);25,013  3,5,~2,782  8IHi,309
                               1922.. ,  ,  ,  .  5,7ïl,3{t.;  4,750,6l8  [,H ,468  7,005,007  2,728,765  &35,717
                               1921..        .  8,GI:I,M  2,S65,639  ,',9,'>,072  8.0n,071  2,501,162  642,,:m.
                               1920          ,  8..381,160  2,505,321  461,526  7,042,190  2,857,710  r,J3,107
                               1919  , .. , .. , " " ., .  6,0\18.940  1,67G,345  HO,R34  (1,053,497  1,651,217  010,3n
                               1918     .       4,7oo,i'i.-3  87:3,823  344,68(j  4,543,688  009,762  4ü!},o12
                               1917          .  3,619,1:\4,  977,800  3r.3,819  3.790,610  799,621  3ÔO,522
                               1916   " ..      a,271:" 3  l ,069,8ti4  322,7ti4  3,332,020  938,313  303,568
                               1915 (1).        2,9r,5,,"12  l,fl!l!l.;ï42  2,879,025  1,761.9\)·'>
                                                25-Receipls und Paymenls of City Municipalities,


                                19~ ,.         ·~:)lI,1 1,.1                                1,013,9&\
                                1"~1 .         39,Wl1.1  1                                  2,:JN,6/8
                                1~23  ,      .  36.  fi,                                    2,OGl; 930
                                1 J2. ..        34,. 4~)                                     1,793,286
                                JI).J..., .....••.• , .•.  31.9ü(},r.                       l,5!'iO,5!iO
                              ,  1920        .  30,iO'l ,0:11                               1,778,070
                               1010          .  2i.'~ 11,191)                                 878,473
                               1018          .  21,5'18.073                                   782.825
                                1017  '" ., ,. , •••.  19.3IlJ.-'l39                        1,491.343
                                101 Il       .  18. :m.m                                    3,76-1,613
                                l!llfi(l) ..    21,.'IlI:'I.1JTI!
                                              26  Receipls and Paymenl.8 of Town Muniocipalilies.
                                                        !{ CE.'                    P,*,tM.t...:'lC°,l
                                    YE,~RS      Oroi'Q1ry                 Onlinnry  EJ<tra-]; on h:11\11
                                                                                   ordiofl.TY  at the end
                                                                          pllyrnentR  payments  of LI," Y"1ll
                               --- --------
                                1 25.                    ' .titil,  l")  s.:.  Sa,iM,lti'l  ~1855.Drm  &!r)S,~lOl
                                IO~4.. ..............    2:n~,I~~  687,~O  3·' 9.173  3,415,oiO  ,j20,1~4
                                1923                     :3,Ç,21,'L19  451.870  3,12~,OO·1  3,7U!J.,~20  5!l1,275
                                1922.......•........     4·,&67,  5  400,646  4, 1 Z,05\)  3,404,613  469,951
                                1921 ....... , ...••.. , .  3,11:1.986  31;>,4%  5,l20.767  2,604,563  400,796
                                1920.................    1,777.001  2G7,ID·1  3,959,114  2,280,70i  2M,22'1
                                1010....... , .........  1.355,943  271,0.'17  4,101,256  1.303,608  30i,'107
                                1918....... , ., ..•....  1,819.!l-IO  303,200  3,653,554  1,349,220  27''''',052
                                1017... " ..... "" ., ,  2,923,773  476,600  4,354,.';39  I,OZI,BHl  430,687
                                1916.................    3,3.03,307  370,887  4,"52,836  2,6RO,703  564,420
                                1015 (I) .....           -l.3~fi.!)13      3.311l,  Il  3,726,'128
                                           27-Receipts and Paymenl.a of Rural Independenl Munlcipaliliee.
                                                         H.c .J~                  PAnnl;;'1'1I
                                    YEARS       Otdinnry  Hum-  1C8Bn on b~n\(J  Ordinary  En.,,-  Cili1h DO hnnd
                                                         ordinar-y  aL t.he bt!g.ill-  prdinary  nt the end
                                                re(;eipte  ree.eipla  ning or the yr.  p,,>'ment.  payme.nte  of the year
                                1925..           $ 17,093  $ 2ü,m9    507  S 12,382  Il 30,251  $ 1,.586
                                1024.. ...............  Hl,S81  !',Sl)(}  *' 8';0  20.206  5,663  58i
                                1023, , ....•..   11,8,'3   6,o:,r;  1,47~   12,9:l:>  12,593   800
                                1922.....          10,102   MOS       696    14,897    1,32     981
                                1921.. .. , . , •.•.••..•.  13,401  300  493  12,366   776     1,052
                                1920... , ..•....•.... ,  Il.711l  1,337  558  11,403  895     1,316
                                1919... , ..... , .•.....  9.;;00  676  400   9,315    988      579
                                1918......... , .......  16,162  401  2112   14,461   1,1l1O    424
                                1917..... .. .........  13,B75  136   472    13,785     14.8    550
                                HU6.................  28,411  50,468  4,402  6O,1l58  25,204   7,11 Il
                                1915 (1) ........ , .....  2:1,990  15.840  -, .........  19,476  20,354  - ...........
                                   (1) For the yCft. 1915, the <::'bh on hand at lhe heginning 01 the year ia included iD the o.dinary receipU
                                nnd the cash on hanrl a.t. the. cm! or Lhe yen·r, )D the ordiu3TY (ll.J.yrr..cutft.
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