Page 285 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 285
The counly council has the sarne powers as an administrative com-
rnittee and deals with aIl the affail's of general interest to a municipal
county. Hs officers are the mayors in office of aIl the corporations of
the county and are governed by the municipal code (1). In the absence
of the mayor, the pro-mayor beeomes the offieial repl'esentative of his
municipality. The head of the council or prefect is appointed by the
members of the council and remaills in office, ulliess deprived of it,
until his successor i8 sworn in, e,ren if he no longer forms part of the
council. The expenses of the cOllnty couneil are met by the taxes
imposed on every local municipality in proportion to the estimated
value of its taxable real es111te and the requirements of the locality.
The secretary tren SIlJ'('r of the IOl'{'l 00U neils alitl ,s this asse30!'ment on
the property by men']l", of a :l:('cial collection roll or le'vies the amount
allotted to the county counr,il out of tbe l'eceipts cleriveù from gene-
raI taxation.
YEARS Ordioary
r"" ip.
Il}~a -.; ;\ 1,'Iil , OO.71~
W~! 005,~lc' hU,llil.
l''~a.. 5:11l,~07 .; 'l, I~,ï
lq~~~ 11~IJ,JI1;1 $:),().(J
I:JiL .'HIF:,i.J~1 7a,:l8~
1~20. J.5~!l7·1 7 ,~118
1019 4 '1,1\.\. .~"j.I~.J
HlHl 4N7.t1'I" 6 ,3~12
1017 J:'l;.~lJJ 40,1.'\1
Hl!6 276,32 IH,Z9S
)91.).. 3 ,I,IU
1014. 1~~.n~;{
The debts contracted by county councils are paid with interest
and costs by the local municipalities of the connty and t.he amounts
requir d for this pUl'pose are levied on the taxable property.
Should the disbursements affect only certain municipalities, the
cOl'pOratiolls thereof cnntribute solely to sl'ch debts,
29-Balance Sheel of Counly Councils.
AII"dlra Ll.iBJLrt'IE&
C·O. h 00
YEAR9 hand, Value of Amount
o.rref\r3 movnble Boods olother
o( t.axt's, and immov- Total nol Joans Total
sillki.os.: able redeerned nnd
fuod ele. propl'rty debh
. 11Ij/~ .........••..•.. 1 39',U.0 $ 4"'4,l37 S50,297 $ 200,.',:\7 li 308.738 li .51';,275
JÜl24......•••....... . 3,~2,411 4..)~.H20 ,~I 1,334 1z:H',ü.",1 27.),810 4û~,-t9l
1\123 , . :nl.!o6 4til,317 81 ,423 19,1,.;36 2!>fl.093 ~ -3,'2
1822 , :t:.'I&.1l3S 481,6l4 820.55~ 14.2.637 2113,880 436,517
687,9 ..
W2l . 402,~90 6Sfl.208 1,08S,79~ J,.9.2:IO .5" .660
1920., .. , ...•.. , . 385,019 4S7.724 872,70[3 108,('li~ sa ,.'foi 646,067
19l0 \ •.•..•.•. 391,7,0;" 52J,047 gl'I,8~:! 2.31,67' H3,J05 674,784
1018 ,' . 336,IS9 330,OH 656.236 247.79S 249,130 496,028
1917 "" •.•. , .. 101/1\19 383,001 674...;00 2-H,010 250,J86 494,205
10\6 . 2:>2,786 278,283 63l,069 238,769 2110,270 529,0.19
1915 , .......• 2J3.91l7 279,061 512,971 3l9,073 237,971 557,944
L IIl14 . ~HJ,1~û 288,003 507.229 31& 475 202,831 539.306
III The rural munieipalitie. (viIlRge, pnri.lo, lown8hip. or par\.s of p8ri.he. or lo •..-e.hipe) nre governed by
Lhe Mu.nici~aJ, Code of ll~ Prooince of Quebcc uml the urba.n mUDici~Rlil,je8 are governed by the Citits and
TOton8 Ac' or by fi 81Jedo.l charter granted by tbe Le~:~\ature.