Page 287 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 287
32-Balance Sheel of Rural MunicipaliLies.
YEARS on hundl SinJ....iflg Bond. Amount. of
nrrears TOL'! not other lonus TOL~!
of fund redecmed a..nd dcbls
t.:lX ;, etc.
------1----1---- ---·-1----1----1
S , $ $ S j S
1D2:;. 4.209,'140 II,iHlI,.190 291,706 16,431,636 6.0iJfj,H2 6,~\J6,ü5~ 12.9;;:1,394
1921. 3.991.777 ;<,IMI.821 3H), 2 12"l'J.210 5.8" ~,6;'j: 6,9 l l5,S(" 12,71,'1,502
1923 . 3.97<1.2.34 (;.3'1",384 ~"6.231 10.57;;,a49 "',007.366 6.:;<1'\~:!] Il,!H~,687
1922 " . 4.3ll,443 6.2::12.508 2., ,371 1O.· ..13.a~ 4,053,846 6,LJ3.0~) Il,07l,896
1921.. .. 3,537.885 5.1m 284 241,102 8,939.961 3895.6;;r, 6.;;.;0,002 IO.H8.7
1920 , .. 3344.944 '1.9;)3,772 225,2~ 8.503,9·;1 3,514 368 62:,4.017 9,7G9,315
1910 , .. 2.532062 4.ll1 l'Iii 17411> 6,818,976 3,245.353 1.8(;;;,953 8 III ,30(}
1918 , . 2.005.930 .1,H .111 122,ô74 6,871,715 2.764,912 3.9B!!.1 j5 ti,73'1.067
1017 .. 1.66.8734 447G.:tW 137,321 r..2k2.:311 2.701,843 3,:1611,100 6.070,!l43
1916" 1.573.482 3.6.98,902 7:;.689 i;,34iW73 2.9Ho413 3,602,18.', 6,,,76,~98
1915.. .,1.;0 0 66 <I.f>r,,\, 2 47n 703 ~.7,q7,1l. ô,266 ~18
33-Dalance Sheet of City Municipalilies.
I--~--- ~-=:~--------- LIA ILITtk:t3
1 Cosh Value 01 ~
YEARS on Jland, mova.blt· Sinli:ing Bonds Anl;j,lnt of ;
:).rrellrs and Total oot other lon.n~ Tob.1
of immovoblL fuod "odcemed u-od debt.
e ""S, (·.te. propcrty
------1---- --- .~----.----
1925. 43,.-!39.42~ IG3,109,:Hj IS,634.~~. 2~.1.203,(I;l,', 199.442,143 2G,173,874 :22.5,616,017
1924 40,:Hl,086 [59,701.017 16,9H.~57 2lG,U4~,,,;60 19S,2'1~,fi~2 21.:J7.1,1' 'j 219,G~2,718
1023. 36,496.156 155,421,730 14.1r,),~j~ j2C'G'06!l']IS lSG,S81,Ou-O 75,'-'41.2 S ~1l,422,908
1922. 33,518,790 147,712,638 11,755,9110 19.3,017,3.<,.;; 179,331.391 18,6«;J,167 197,974.558
Inl 28,746 fl14 145,211,140 9,222.917 1a:U~,1I71 IW.mO.341 2~,4~,5.1r;r. ]92.115,496
1920 27.114.166 134.J69370 7.549.90" 168S63..i41 IM.600.766 17,877,1 1 ]82,477,947
]919 22,122.438 132,~72.616 6.593.669 161.2-%,7;; 116,706,~r.g 26.772,6.~~ ]/:1,479,027
1918. 19,711.060 98.715,.J\1.> 4307,112 1 21S2.],667jl14,987.658111.3();).435 1.'>6,211.093
1917.. 21.935.573 HI !HO,8;'.:! 3 ;,fiR 700 167.~~",1:::» 1.;2,~01 24~ 1~5,1?,_,4.13 171.,~,-::~.688
I916. 20,540.076 137.7f>4.0.-.a 2.4S4.323 160" .9,3u-,. J48.i46,331 11S._..1o.803 100. _.140
1915 , 238SfI loi 13, 737.71'\7 l1V,11W7 r,!11 j, ,1.',11,7'10 la 2!lR,~,'i2 Il.,7,45-!.5
34-Bulunce Sheet of Town Municipali(jeR.
~h Value of
YEARS on IlotlIld, mo\'nbl.: Sinking nond.
an r8 and Tot"l OOL Tot~)
cr Imnlovable redecmed
t.U11'S, etc. property
,231,KSi 2~.;~~jJ.i7·1 1,606.-1'- 2:,,(;2~,3.lt7 : .!JIZ,r';m
5,f:!:;l.2111 2;;.~~7,7·H 1"·ll.3~1 Z'l.ll1fJ.lIJfl :3".,4G,O.~ 1-
IO~;L . .).8~,,· 3 2!j,~';,'\8.~t r, ,,;•. 3 23,1I''7t~:~!-) ?:!,7i9, 106
193J........•. , 6,0,;15,'"11 :?·I,ô,1~_\~1'i 8~J5,1.5t1 10,-45 ,Il!) :: l ,4.32,620
IP21 5,!Yi:tO ' CI ·!:l,4(i:·~111 6:t) .·d~ 21.1:4ft,OIS 2:; (}(,3.332
1920 .. 1.40·1,39'1 2L6(1!l.7....1 G:l4,2;L~ Jl.1hO G!f! 27,9;,1,-109
1919 . 3liOO,~9 20 ,~·l:-.i,0;51 !":fi;}.J~- ~n fil}:l,2;JO ~. t ~9n 940
1918. ~.4·,:;4,,lj1l IS,l2~!ô"'2û f:~;.1,O 0.,; 1.•u'Jü.rH < !,tA·i.ti:'O
1917. 2.7.;(;,1; IH.7i\i.10·' :':"16:Jô ~l "M !l61! 1~ :,:!1.5~/il :..:' l,ô'I". r~7':;1
1916. :". 1f>.7M, 17.4~i>,81 1 43~2fi2 :lU))!)~:W l, .16 ~.I2 :1.1 ,'<:JJ/m3
1915 :1.21 .211 In.I04.1~~ HI.a~~~7n 14, H~·).1 '~~ 1"'I.. 1 11S.....: 1l"
3'1 ·nalan~e Sheet of RU.ral [ndefJendenl
A l':'J!.. L~A'I'~l LI'I'{P:H-
O,,·h \'01'" or
YEAHS 00 h:md, ffilll"jitl>le Dond. -\rn/mnt.o(
ilITÜ(\T;:I and not ,")tb(H' k~' n.;'· Totol
or Hnl!!ù"'~IIJle fund re·decmed "od.<1cb\.
t~u:P.'~, e te. rJ peTly
----- ----_. -----~ -----
1925. 7,'o.IOa 23.000 6, \66 ;H,166
1924. 5, lti~ 1 11,(,2e Il,620
19Z'] . :;,(ll:! )(;,777 10,777
1922 4.6:7 3.487 3,1S7
1921. .......... 12,4Zil .......... 5,700 5,700
1920. . . . .. ... . . 1.000 13,26<; 5,763 5,763
lOlO ........... 23.950 7,GGO 1.560
1918. 175 fl3,082 1,000 46.71)1 41,701
1917. .......... 40.006 41,208 41,2;;8
1916 .. 4,489 140,75'1 95.500 4(iJ>Z9 142,029
19]3 .. 131.4Û' 7B,-JOO 77,961 1;;(}'26l