Page 283 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 283
20-Basis oI Taxation in the Rural Municipalilies.
Nurober Number EstimAtcd value 01' th. LsLimat....:d
of oC aC(.~B value of property ;'"lue Othe;
YEARS persona of taxaLle taxabl. but of Ihe llon- lal'aLle
paying land real tempomrily tRahi" >alue
tnxes t",able es ~ate Ifl;n o mptad r d tate
1925. 279"186 20,672,787 M76,~15,6.17 s;:;,,'i.: . ,2~H $70,6~,619 :Il-~RR,2~
1024. ?79.)9~ 20,497.917 47.1,~77,6~1 5.1I1lfl,iJlfO 7U,27 .077 1 o:lt',4·1Y
1023 . 377,~17 20,771.074 470, I~,.6UÜ 5,$)" 8 •.j:~7 68.4:li.0.10 654,290
1922............•.... 313,3ôl 21,375,286 46;,,783,276 6,020.568 .;9.938.756 785,12û
102L. . 278,082 20,431,982 456,066,IN 7,046,:80 59,121.639 1,226,000
1920 . 276,050 20.096,838 4'14,397.327 7,104,877 57.904,017 825,428
I~IO .. 269,015 19.9"~,808 408,066.705 9.917,039 50,38.),086 1,107,1 Iii
1918 . 26:>,114 20,2IJI,889 390,555,667 9,003,279 4S,9R.),804 ),3-17,073
1917.. . 568,091 19,832,0·10 379.3'>S.20S 0,168.462 49,4R2,086 3,047,R13
1916 . 266,576 19,352,.182 310,413.240 8,802,SZ7 45,946,481 5.45G,615
Ifl!.)" H" ' ~1,J,27 1fI.R33,042 30~.r.2.",066 6,370,."tl!3 '1 ~~~·111.979 So7.flOZ
21-Basis oI Taxation in (he City Municipalities.
Numbel' Number EstiOlated vn,lne of the Est.imatec1
of of a.cres vfllue of prQpe,ty vAluf; Ot.he,
YEAR,S per-;;onB (If ta,,",ble hxable but of the IlÛr.\- tl'xol>l.
payiog Iflnd rOllI temllon:n;ly taxable value.
taxes tsxflble eslate exempt~>d ,eal estMe
--_··__.._------1-----1----·1----1- ---- ----
1925... 301,11~ 76,)71 1,181.().'oI.':l,It>3 $jO,!l74,~m 13375,,-,04,812 llll,261,3JB
192,4 .. 264,617 '( 5.465 l.) 25.UlI5, 177 ~P,057 ,354 3~~.:;RI7'~~ ~ H,41Q,672
1823 , . 253.:1(12 ;-,,1.399 1.08·I,n4,203 50.0:19,(;72 3lll,2~11.159 H.622,5:l~
1922, , '._ 246."[K> 7,'),584 t .027.Q.13,206 31,(;52.275 335.2':;2,0193 10,6.05.709
1021 . 155.693 63.(;92 1.001,0:.5.392 42.484,8:16 317,2"'i.234 12,6l18.'>-13
1020 . 220,Z:: 1 2 61,2ii6 933.6()6.41>1 30.00.3,150 318..-.66.076 15,212,9;,9
1919......•.•...•.... 217,903 59.601 8:,6,.',62.911 14,939,G20 307,201,2.;1 4.878.333
1918............•.... 233,47.) 50,721 8-'.4.078.379 30,&37,0% 299.589.3.;2 3,311,6'19
1917 . 233,008 00,107 1 864 ,460,172 J3,23J.002 29().IJ5,957 28,496,486
1016 . 209,793 55,181 847.643,91!1~ 30.$034,720 290.790.4n 27,256,0) 1
1915 .. 213.710 ";6.f.22 R.14.r,~2.96G :J 1.~03.476 288.9$2.074 lI4,007
22-Basis oI Taxation in the Town l'vlunicipalilies.
,",umber Numbe, E.timat.ed vnhle of the E.timnted
of 1 01 "ere' ",due of property vf\lue Other
YEARS persona 1 of to."'o ble Ilall:6b!C hll t of [,he non- taxable
l ,l"ln 1 land real t.empora,ily t'"nLlll v81u~
esta te
real Lstale
---------- --- - --- ------ ---- ----------
1925., , .52.266 118,000 $1 JO,t-i97,221 $2.j.523.-I4~ $H.787,046 ::>2,455.723
1024... 40.732 115.594 )50.lil4.759 31.179.,0<10 r ·1ô.2~5>~55 1.43 ,23fl
1023. nO.. 72 116,263 l-l.;'900,OA7 30.002.094 1 '10.027,190 ,j.405,-t~
1922.. ........... . .. 50,:'>~:,< ) 17,456 146.259,(\~.) 25,400,~47 :H),819,042 2.501,zr:j
1921. .............. 49.290 121,823 144.4.,].739 27.910.798 34,231.015 2.097.6;
1920.. " 51,0911 122.213 146,956.259 18,248,637 34,763.260 1.262,242
1919................. 51,275 128,572 13l.886.285 4-1.962,904 3[,.537,566 2.058.801
1918................. 50,240 1 123.936 12-1.698,5.j6 39,986.76-1 34,213,299 1.913,600
1917.. .. ....... , ..... 40.317 120.749 126.254.333 33.904.237 33,746,:>45 2.409.760
1016.. ., ............. 53,038 120,295 125,114,937 32,485.044 35.021.626 1,518,007
1915" ., .• ____ 42,334. 11 n.275 119.941,660 Z7 ~'4.ilf\4 :1.'1,29".37 t 3"1),969
23-Basis of Taxa Lion in the Independent Rural Municipalities.
Number Numuor E~liOlf,ted vahle of the Estjmaied
u{ oI ocrcs "a)ue of p,o]:>e,ty value <'ther
vEARS persona of tnxable toxaLle but of U,e noo- taxable
pf\yiog land reaJ temporallly taxable \~ldue
taxes taxable estate. eX~Jllptcd real ...tate
'.-'--- ----
J925...... 1,364 285,028 Sl.779,617 $,';98,885 $341.815 S 287
1924 ........... 1,201 279,86~ 1.715.313 339,074 407,375 177
1923.............•... 1,194 2;}2,178 1,700,341 306.949 350,450 172
1922....... ,. , ...•... 1,129 80.763 J,480.250 6,250 4-16,IJO 13,642
1021.. ....... , ..... ,. 1,250 80,753 1.479.529 6.250 358,400 19, 134
1920................. 1,259 80,753 1,520,799 925 342.460 19.068
1919............ , .. , . 1,125 69,226 J,286,573 020 303,410 6.762
1918..... " .. , .,., ... 1.145 81}.549 1,I}92,862 6,925 304,550 19.074
IM7................. 1,110 67,650 1,767.969 24,000 224.260 13,461}
1916................. 856 22.432 2,344,479 42,950
1915............ 853 23,962 1,706.909 ........... 42,550 . .... ' ....