Page 286 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 286
The [ollowing table show,') for the whole Province the val ue of the
property belonging to municipal corporations and the extent of their
debts or debentures.
3()-Balance Sheel of Municipal Corporations of the Province of Quebec.
_____..._"_œ_'_s 1_____
Cü.llh V"lue 01 1
YEARS on hUllu.l 1 movuble Siflkinf!. Bonel. Amount of
arrtJ:.!ftl ahd Tot,1 Dot othcr loans ToIni
uf .IJlrTtO ....:.1 bIè fund tedecmed nnd dd,l.
tu:tes. etc. prc(l4trty
-----\.---- ·----1---- I-~-- ----I----{
$ S 8 S ~ S
1925.. " .;5.996,465 203,3'15.,09 20,(';1~,017 219,875.2 1 231.1to~,.2ü {D.350,971
1924. ,:;u,92"l"Il lflti.lSI,m9 JI=i.".5U.720 .t!'ti.-.,r)o9,r170 :!.1u,2~'\ 22ï ~ .72;),667
1923 . 46.357.1.'6 187,720, 75 1~ 1_ ":3,'HG ~,"iU.COO.Ü77 214 H!J.GI;;;S3 42 7-8D,223
1922 . 43. "7;;.403 17. ,520,089 12,!1-o10,481 :l:l:',33 ,973 207,741,3.56 32,741.200
ID21 _ . 37.~59.021 1172,S.I~,38S JO,098 227 ~20,802.636 10'1.718,015 36,5l4.261
1920 34. '96 570 1160722093 8 4JO.381 ~1J4 029.044 190.095,826 30.111,608
1919. 28259203 .157.oH) 790 7.:l3l.?;;"! 103,HO,747 170936.972 36,55],861 207,4, S 83:;
1918. 24.177 063 121 (;:18 774 ',115,029 '150 930Sfifj I<lG3<l9.741 ]9270.750 185.640500
J917 26.:16·l :164 16;;.172 :~81 ~ 089 G57110" 62G 402 17.1824617 1 Z5,Œ6851 /199,311.468
1016 20.776910 1.59.909.3·::J 2,997.763 187.7114,016 !J69 G32.862 ! 2., !,',98 il8 1%,231,7,'0
1915. 28,822.084 I:H,826104 13J G48 218 lu:,.fJ67.-';871 27,158 ~92 1182.835,879
1914. 8.359,810 .122,970,i80 '. 113) ,330,r.!l:, 131,742.109 1O.0!J2,D37 141,834,146
The ctetailed balance sheet of incorporated cities of the Province
for the yea]' 1925, gives an idea of the financial situation of each corpo-
ration. It will be r:;een that the aggregate assets amounted to
$225,203,635 and liabiJities to $225,616,017.
31-Balanc.e Sheel of the Citie~ of the Province of Quehec for the year 1925.
Co,h VaJue or
00 hnnd) mov".bla Sî.Uliil1g Bonds Amount 01
a.rTL'urs and Total noL other lunns Tot.. l
01 immovnbl.. lund redeemed and
taxes. et,c. propcrtv
:$ S 1c,~.9 ' :il $ S
Cal' r.l,,)a 1vI,,,L. 39,013 ·18f1,G41 " ;-,47.6n 200 lHG.li12 .'; ij,3f12
Gr:lI1bv. 41.000 1>l)7.67~ 70.551 77!i,329 490,000 DfJ.750 v . t750
Cfl!l1 il\·h'rp .. fi'.\~~.,:~ 111:lO.:!:,5 ~~.t19.. 1.2·1,1.427 f.HJ.ï 1ôOO UU 1 781 7,1\,3'1
HlIli ... 4911,';.)" 3.0xl,;....;0 [ , 3,677..500 3,[)44,525 a-f,ç,k 3 3,5i!l,n07
JoiJ.t1. 12ti,IG'; 1.01;",1011 127.1.0 ].321,7" ZI,lOOltHl. 71 1,0010,1174
L:-I.l'hine :·:!3.:J;q<~ :3 j lül,SCH 31:.(•.,~2(~ ~.74I),2~17 2,77!1,OOO 2, ~,eH'·;r) 3,01H,6~,)
Lev::}. lJ.~,93:, 1.~10, 105 Q ~ J,~,2l'" 1.lL'Z.29.."l~) 1,27",4,j4
LOtlgueuil, 363,6s~ 1,20\'.):;·1" ;; ,499 l.{].32,0 2 1,004.400 478.141 1,4:>~.S·11
iVlonLrf"al 33 S"'J 742 9 ',100,000 ll,H ,.80 141,07l.ii!!2 136,;',~7,.'91 15,,1-1;;,911 151.8,·';:~.5J5
OUI,tAmoul.. ':')i~':'lti"1 01.',,5.214 ô2,1, j l4 ".,OO7,(1ll2 4,220,000 b77.0\JZ 5,0~7 ,092
QUt·!Je:c. '. .. 2,732.130> ]7.2g0,121 l.OùO.OS8 21,002.;)";'; 18.120,440 2,424,3·+!1 20.',·1·1.7!)1l
~i~~~i~i~;:nLFUfJ· 12:,,8:;0 1,;1400, 117,107 1,4.,1.071 I,G5-t,700 1,535,511; J .i1:l7"J4G
Sherbruoke l' Sll:j,OOa 6,5i1!,5tll 1,.'>611,71.> 8,\102.309 5.972,300 475,041 6,H7.341
Soret. 3!>,89l 711~',~ JO ,SIlO ti-l1,b]6 671,300 2.',9.608 9:jO,901l
St. H.yn~jnih(';. 220.. 216 I,....~/ [ilJ 21.2J:t 1,777,3,~1 1 934,~.'J5 .:,19,330 1..\:>11,785
S~. Johu':,->". o2:l,2aS IlO \ i M 52.2;o.:f l.Ç)~lO,l()U 013,:aO 52f.,4·4ü 1..I:J9,!l:>f1
S{,. La(nl>ert.... 402.(0-14 2,(if\S.H.' 148,571 3,210.066 2,871,2:11) 31;;1,965 3.2:l~\ Iq;:i
Thetforù :MiD 30,:14" tiS3,2,90 713.634 :~~ 4,,:1.397 4t):~,U19
Thre. Rive , 1,242,:,81 5,136.7:33 ] ,(iÙ,;-36 7.·lû7,05(l 6,577,800 74(;,575 7.:l~4t375
Valleyfield, '"JA~' ~9,726 7. ,1Il'I2 Vi,·tl/II 7Ll-J,Oll8 564.000 71.050 035.0;-,0
VerÙun.. . . 496,n9 4,9$ ,121 172, ,5~.0S8 4,726,000 295,655 Il,021,6:;.;
"\Ye3trnount ... 4&4,312 (j,612,174 7sdi97 8,118],483 5,143,lü6 31",361 5,·Lj8.5~7
TOTAL. 43,459.429/163,109,345 18,834,8&1 225.203,635 199,442,143 26.173,874 225,616,1117