Page 280 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 280

238                           FINANCES

                                             PROBABLE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDlTURE.
                               The following are the particulars of the Budget for the year 1927-
                          28, submitted by the Treasurer of the Province at the last session of
                          the Legislature. The anticipated revenue was arrived at on the results
                          of preceding years taking into consideration financial conditions gener-
                          ally; the expenditure was based on the reports of the Ministers of the
                          various departments of the Civil Service.     The surplus for the year
                          1926-27 estimated at $246,839.95 reached $520,146.75; that of 1927-28
                          was fixed at $243,033.12.

                                           17~Budget submilled for the fiscal year 1927-1928.

                                                       l)-Probabl.. '6'.iplo

                            DOMmION O}~ CAN AOA:                              s   ct.s.  $
                               Sub.idy b:m·tl on ,be popul~'ion under the B. N. A. Act, 1907.  1,R 8.9-,9.20
                               SpeciRI nllIJwa(tt:è under the f3. t\. A. Aot. liJ07  "  ~  :~40,000. 00


                               SpE.'cial Sub~idy uodf'r 47 Vict. cbap. 4, Dominion Aot:.  .  127,460.68


                               InUle•• t 00 Trust Fund.:! ...........•..•..........•..•.....•.....  59.Z77.97
                               I{lt..ere~t on Sinkiul-t Fuod uuJer 60 V.~ o. 2. sec. 5 ......•. , ..... "....  33,245.00
                               Int.erest on LonDe and Dopoflit.s ..........•.......•.................  5fill.l>OO .ZO
                               Interest from Municipali'i•• under tbe Good Hond. hct  .  587,282.02
                            L AN OS & FOR'CST                              .           6,500,000.00
                            MTNE••••••.•....••.••••••••••••••.••••••• , •••••••••••••••• ,., ••••••  ZOO,OOO.OO
                            FISBERTflS & GAUE                              .  350,000.00
                            GROWN LANOS                                    .   00.000.00
                            AD1d.I!'HBTRATIOi\"" OF JU~l'nCE:
                               Law 8t"mp•.......................•...•...•.....•...••...  000,000.00
                               JudicJal fcer!', excluBivo of law ebuDpa....•..•.•....••....•....•••...  50,000.00
                               Buildin~ "nd J.:.ry Fuon ...........•..................... , .•...•.  50,000.00
                               Maintenance oC P[isooers............................•............  15.000.00
                               Gaol Guard., Montreal "nd Quebec ..•..•.. ,  .  4,000.00
                               Montresl Court Hauset ex:o:\l~ ve of law st.amps ........•.•. ,_ •..•.  5,000.00
                               HiS;b Comt~ble's Fee., Quebec               .   2•.;00.00
                               Juvenile Doünqueotoo                       ..   0.500.00
                            RelÜSI.r"tion St"mpo (ioc1udiog fces of ...I"ried Registrar.)..•...••.........  250,000.00
                            LicuDsee .............•..•..•.•.•.••••.•. _...••...••..••  1 ••••••••  1  •••••  1.200,000.00
                            Liquor L"w (trooing acooun')                          .    3,000,000.00
                            Revenue lrom },IIoving picturcB ..•.• ,....  . .••.............••....................•.. J  10,QOO.00
   275   276   277   278   279   280   281   282   283   284   285