Page 245 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 245

PlŒLIC CHARITIES                            215
                                     SANATORIA AND ANTI-TUBERCULAR DISPENSARIES.

                             There were five sanatoria and anti-tubercular dispensat'ies in the
                        Province of Quebec, in 1925. They are the Laval Hospital of Quebec,
                        Lake Edward Sanatorium, Bruchesi Institute of Montreal, the Brehmer
                        Rest and the Mount Sinaï at St. Agathe des Mon~\S, in the County of
                        Terrebonne.    The sanatoria are of recent creation, the oldest is the
                        Brehmer Rest, which was founded in 1905.        The salaries paid to the
                        staff of sanatoria amounted to $50,704. for the year 1925. The number
                        of beds for patients was 438.

                                          123-StalisticB of Sanatoria. fGr the year 1925.
                                                                   L"ke          MOllnt.
                               CLASblFfCÀTION      La,·.l  BTucheai  EdWBJd  BrehmeT  Sïoa]
                                                  Ro.pit,,1  In8t1tute  Sannt.Olium  Rest  SanntoJ-
                          Date 01 e.tnbü.Jw'Ient..............  1018  1911  1909  1905  1912  ... i7's'
                          Stat!.............          76     44      38      4      16
                          SaIIL.rieR oI staff .................•.  $23,967  10.431  3,686  2,300  10,320  50,704
                          Number 01 bed8 for patient8.. ' .....  255  2J  100  15  45     438
                           Pal1'c'ni8 ;-
                             PrcA.nt on the ht JanUat'Y, ....  208  17  ..........  14  35  274
                             AdmiHed during yr"IT......  406  82  ..........  43  73  604
                             Discharged dutin~ th(\: y~!\r .....  844.  87  55     68     5M
                             Present on tbe 31et Oeccmber..  244  21        11      48    324
                          Medical E:cami7tatl'(m.8 :-
                             Numbcr declered i.ubet'cular ....  449  515    41      55   1,060
                             Number decJared non-tuberculer.  165  1,859  .. . . . . . .. .  5  6  2,035
                             Out of a total of 3,095 patients examined in the sanatoria of the
                        Province in 1925, 1,060 were declared tubercular, 251 being in an
                        advanced stage.    According to reports received 81 persons wel'e dis-
                        charged from the hospitals during that year as completely cured.
                             Table 124 is a statement of the expenses and disbursements of sorne
                        of the sanatoria for the year 1925.

                                124-Financial Statement of Anii-tubercular Sanatoria, for the year 1925.
                            FINANCTAL STATEMENT    J~f\vn  Brucbesi  Edward  Brehmer    Total
                                                  Ho.pilllil Sa.natorium  Retit
                                                    $       $                             S
                          Ilet;t;;pls :-
                            Ca8h on hand on l.t January.. . . .  3,073  3,049            6,722
                            Arnount paid bv patients odriend.  21,758  3,147  2,470     27,381
                            Governmen t gronLs .. . . .. . . . . . .  lU2}5S8  12,800  200  14,405  130.0J3
                            ~~i~~~~Pd~~~~~~é:.:::::::~ :::~:: ..  7,500  ... ...... lOS'  2,982  12,472
                            oth or revetlu.s. . . . . . . • . .  '1'0',7'ii;' .  3,478  3,3~8  19,928  4,3,450
                                  TOTAL .......••.•  144.735  39,-l56     6,lU   37,375  227.578
                          Expen-diluro ;-
                            Foe. to pby,ieia".. .. .  6,076  2,000     '   500   2.468  11,944
                            Salari.e of .t"ff.. .. ..  16,964  8,4,30     1,799  7,853  35,040
                            MNlirin. and etlendenee...  5,388  6,867        45   1,083  14,283
                            Food lor Patiente.. .. .. . . ..  35,749  '"  1,910  H,003  51,752
                            Laundry und c10Ihiu~...  350    323  .,. _. . . . . . . .  2UO  952  1.831
                            Henting....... ..      11,138     ,..          431   3,144  14,713
                            Henl" taxe•. in"ur""ce, etr  4,78B  3,002. '. '.' . . ..  431  630  8,858
                            Other o.penoea....   -.:~S,ii22__-!~~4_1:"~'...:-.:..~_'._ _~  0_,2._4_3_,._1i_2_,5_29_
                                  TOTAl,,,,.....  119,873  27,596  '. . .  6,lU  37,375  190,956
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