Page 243 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 243

PUBLIC CHARITIES                             213

                                              IN8TITlITIONS FOR THE YEAR 1926.
                              The fo1Jowing pag-es contain a synopsis of the information collected
                         and published every year by the Bureau of Statistics of the Provincp.
                         of Quebec concerning charitable institutions and hospitals.    The facts
                         related are in connection with the year 1925, and were taken from the
                         rep'drœ received from the authorities of each establishment.

                                                HOSPITALS FOR THE INSANE.

                              The Provincé of Quebec has six hospitals for persons who are suffer-
                         ing from mental disorders. One of these is a private establishmlO'nt, the
                         hospital of St. Benoit Joseph, whose patients are not a public charge.
                         The othe;r hospitals receive insane indigents at the cost of the Govern-
                         ment and rnunicipalities.

                                         118-----Statislics of Hospitals for the Jnsane, for 1926.

                                                                                 Po·tient.  Number of
                                            Dnt< of        Sn.h\ries  Patient.  Plltient. ad· di.chnrgcd patients on
                             N.,\}4'f!) Of R08PIT.\(..  e.tabliah·  Staff  of  on tho  mitted dur- during the  the 3 rat
                                             menL           _taff  lot Jllnuory ing the y"ur  yrnr  Deoember
                            St. Ann ..  ..   1891      56   $ 1,025  381     41      3l    391
                            St. BenoltJ0geph.  1885    40    6,000   100     40      53     81
                            St.. Julien .....  1812    45    3,515   1(11    143     9     295
                            So.i nt Jean de Dieu  1813  578  143,803  3,3';6  189   641   3,408
                           8 ü int Ivlichcl ArchfLoge...  1845  218  114,100  1,708  418  607  1,519
                           The Prat. Ho.p. for In.  1 10  133  89,514  805  204     230    820
                                             --- ----                                   ----
                                  TOT.\e.. .....  .... . . . . ,  1,130  358,557  6,611  1,751  1,686  6,676

                              Of the .total of 1,751 patients admitted in the hospitals) in 1925,
                         104 men and 186 wornen were suffering from simple dementia; 13 men
                         and 2 wornen from alcoholic dementia; 4 men from paralytic dernentio,
                         and 123 men and 188 women arrested development.

                                  119-Number and Cause of Deaths in Hospitals for the Insane, in 1925.

                                                           DE-''l''ff8  CA08~D 91'
                             N ANE OF HOEWIT/t.r,  Cenernl  Dise~e 1 Diaetl5e  Di.ease 1  Diseatlo  Uokno..-n  TOTAL
                                              or    of Lhe  1 of the "Ir-  of the res-  of Lhe  or
                                            epidemic  Oer .....eallS  culrdnry  pirntory  dige~llve  IndefiniLe
                                            di~f~:).B~S;'  1  ~VF:trrn  ",v-lttcm  1  q\'~t('m  nrj'.(f1D:;1  1 di;:eM~es
                           BLAnn... ... .....   ô      8              3       .Jo    2      24
                           St. BenottJoseph ..... ..  3  9  '0'-'  .. ~..!.......  .......  ;  19
                           S,. Julien ..  ' ..  2      2       2  ..... . ....  " . . ......  1  1
                           Sninl.Joandc Dieu .... ..  82  80  71      19     28     79     362
                           Suint }\:[ichel Archf~nge ..  14  28  30  19      la     21     155
                           TheProt. Ho.p. for In.  1   22      8     13  •  _._.-    lB     66
                                                                          ~ ••• < •••
                                  TOTAL. ....  144    149    n5      54      42  ---- ----
                             EXLract from I$ItJJ'stics of Be"""'I.,,! ["~tiltilÜ:m •• Quebec. ]925.
   238   239   240   241   242   243   244   245   246   247   248