Page 175 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 175


                                                ADMINISTRATION OF CROWN LANDS
                                  The surveyed Crown lands adapted to agriculture are granted by
                             the Department of Colonjzation, Mines and Fisheries to settlers desirous
                             of devoting themselves to farming, while lands unsuitable for cultivation
                             are reserved for forestry operations.

                                 The land'3 so sUl'veyed and destined to cultivation are divided into
                             farm lots to be sold through the intermediary of Crown Lands Agents
                             located in i.he various colonization regions of the Province,

                                 As t.he lands are cleared, the Government has new townships
                             surveyed and sells the lots at a very moderate figure (60 cents pel' acre)
                             payable in yearly instalments. An inspection service composed of people
                             residing in the new parishes watches over the clearing in order to prevent
                             abuse and pillage. In this manner the Department can make sure that
                             the lands are not neglected.

                                            13--Crown Lands Sold or Granled and lands nol allo·led.

                                       YBARS          o(public  [ree  territory  reverted  t,otal  D,rel\.  Amount.
                                                     bnd••old        didrled  to the Gov-  of land.  resulting
                                                      and 01  grant!:l  ioto  ernmr-nt  aubdivided  Ironl eaies
                                                      land. or      farm lot.  "rter cnn-  and
                                                     the clergy             ceJhtlion  disposable
                                                                           uf "0\'"  1])
                                                       acrell  l\.crQB  acres  nr_)'l;?~  acr...  S  c.ts.
                               1925-26.. .... ......... -  175.31 1  3.7~1  !I,635  100,360  8,252,9 0  64,959.29
                               1924-25. ..............  16~., 11(;  2,702  238.977  77.rosa  8.~20!~H:'  '6!),ï7G.OD
                               1923-2~ .... .....................  174,2UI  3,289  20,319  89,7.;1  8.170,185  81,545.78
                               1922-23 ........................  212.615  5,146  343,:;RO  66,328  8,237,(;%  8·1.4:'9 A9
                               1921-22 ............. ..........  216,133  5.229  107.~71  6~.RIg  R,O 15,,;1\8  107,365.50
                               1920-21 ........... ............  177,313  1.313  421,261  100,301  l;,08~.241  i H8.0H. 06
                               19J\l·20 ... ....................  lf)7,2~G  184  1;'7.682  207,977  7.7;;0.::;0:>  l46,:J98.21
                               1918·19 ......................  186,08,;  94  3~O.956  175,362  7.582.0:'6  !lI.j,4:J5.82
                               1917-18 ...... ... .........  297,409  59  128,720  75,646  7.271,')07  151.3.;0.87
                               1916-17..... ...................  2.;6,H7  2'C3  199,108  96,390  7.3n5,009  143,373.36
                               191.'>·10 ..... ..........  20'i,380  lAD  339,72;;  1O:J.65S  7,:1~5.1).15  65,596.3S
                               1914-15 .......•..•......•......  2üti,!JGS  350  2.S0.621  80,490  7,O"9,7Q:1  70,212.82
                               1913-14 ............•..... , .....  202.;.1:17  089  41,705  97,466  (;},0:.!~".~Çl6  103.800.32
                               1912-13 ....... ................  194,091  1,2RO  62.307  6,90:),701  110,626.31
                               101I·J2........................  179.130  1,.205  710,628  OS,095  7,121;.155  ',:J.6R9.10
                               1910-11 ....... , ................  1l9.4f'!i  1,984  :129,432  07,340  13,;;2~,a77  47,806.02
                               1909-10 .... , ....    124,819   77;;  S9.2é>6  91.315  6.:153.0,.4  41.270.39
                               1908-09 .. ....................  220,6015  615  12.S75  41,84.2  6,298.rOS  77,448.73
                               1907-08 ......... _..............  292,479  050  2:J.373  86,4.31  6,464,650  99.099.80
                               190G-07 ........................  227,O:n  916  37,768  1l0.7.26  6,647,\)75  100,028.29
                               lV05·06 .... ..................  19.1.n6  322  209.182  l!2,O53  6.727,428  67,063.01
                               1904-05. " .........•...........  189.8S:J  9.350  2.;'200  58.H5.'l  6,(}02,~.jl  !l7.668.48
                               1903-04 ....•........•..........  1:1:;,752  Il,038  40,027  43,481  6,717,HI  ;}9,585.25
                               1902-03 ........................  150,ri38  8,026  80.398  46.;06  0,780,718  :;1,818.74
                               1901-02 ........................  190,231  10.200  5,872  40.779  6.S03,473  89,174.10
                               1900~1 .......................  186,090  12.600  33,000  3!i, !}.1;j  6.957.263  95,886.91
                                  (1) Binee 1911/, land. relurned to th. Crown followinll exohaDll8' have been olas.ified under thi. he"dinll.
                               The year begina on the lst July &nd end. on 30th June.
                                 Extract Irom lh. &nnual report. of the MLnislers of T..aDda llnd Foreste lLnd of ColonizlLlion, Mine. and
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