Page 176 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 176

CROWN LANDS                               149

                             The area of lands subdivided and still available 00 the 30th of June,
                        1926, amounted to 8,252,950 acres, The canûelIation of s~lles gave back
                        ta the Crown 100,360 a('res of land in the ('ourse of the same year, and
                        the townships classified as farm lots by the Department of Colonization,
                        covered ~1n area of 11,635 acres, The area of lands sold or granted for
                        agrjcultural or industrial pUl'poses was 179,292 acres.
                             In arder to obtain a farm lot containing u8ually one hundred acres,
                        the purchaser must pay in cash one sixth of the pr'ce of sale and the
                        remaioder in five equal payments, bearing interest a.t 6%. He must also
                        clear, every year, 3 acres and not mOJ."e that five acres per hundred unless
                        he has a Jpecial authorization and cultivates the cleared space.  In the
                        first eighteen month3, he must build a house of certain dimensions
                        (16 feet by 20) and reside therein without interruption until letters
                        patent have been issued. He must build a barn and a stable within six
                        years of the date of sale, When he has cleared and cultivated 30 per
                        cent of the area granted, the settler receivea let~ers patent conveying to
                        him the ownership of his lot of land. The purchaser must, moreover,
                        conform to the regulations regaJ."ding public lands, woods, forests, mines
                        and fisheries in the Province.

                                     14.-Number ef Letlers Patent issued llnd Sales elfected.
                                       Nutl1B{i'.fl OF [.,ETTEns PA'1'.E:NT JBSUI!:D  NU:U1.n~B OF S ..... l.ES 1r1"F ECTED
                                     Lots   Under   Free           Lot.  Lot. of  1  Lots
                                   of 500 BorOs            Total  under  10010121i  o,rer  Total
                                    and ovcr  500 aorES  graots  100 nor6.  lI!Ienm  125 acrM
                           1!J25-26...  , .....  ~e;3  24   677     716   l,lOI    04    1,881
                           1!J2·1-25.....  12  O;J8   27    "'77    7\6    937     92    1,745
                           1923·24 .....  1   9D-3    21    975     807    9·10    88    1.835
                           1922-23.....  ..... "3'  !Jin  34  905   932   1,201    J07   2,240
                           1921·22.....      1,312    30   1.351    888   1,326    91    2.305
                           1920-21. ....  1,';  1,183  30  1,228    989   1,199    05    2,253
                           1919-20.....  23  1,309    28   1,360   1,055  1,185    121   2,3Al
                           1918-19... ,.  10  1,323   21   1,354   1,065  1,135    102   2,302
                           1917-18.....  7   1,291    2,;  1,323   1,65·1  1,802   113   3,619
                           1916-17.....  (l  1.066    24   1,000   l,225  1,  119  2.909
                           1915-10.... ,  2   854     10    866     903   1,201    160   2,264
                           1914-15.....  1    977     10     98&    823   l,I56    169   2.148
                           1913-]4.....  5   1,477    38   1,520    \l89  l,OLS    196   2,203
                           19J2-13.....  18  1.805    63   1,940   1,128  1,059    221   2,408
                           19U-12.....  3    1,8=31   (i(l  1,\lOO  795    986     130   1,911
                           19l0-1I  ... .... j ..  1,121  46  1,407  688   645     96    1,429
                          1909-10.. :: :     1,170    59   1.230    576    (l77    128   ],381
                               E::dracls [rom Tép&rl8 of the .l1l-flister of Lu"nus and f't()r~;:jr.,:J and 01 Ûle Mi71i~ter of Col.onizati<.rn, Mine3 and
                           Fi.hedes, for the yeor "lJdiog th. 30th JUlle.
                             The land agent may refuse to sell a lot, when he has reason to
                        believe that the purchaser wishes to carry on lumber trading witbout
                        fulfiIling his obligation ta clear the land.  He is a1so warned to be on
                        his guard against those who buy lands, in the name of others, in order
                        to get merchantable timber.
                             From the report of the Minister of Lands and Forests it will be
                        seen that the expense incurred in the surveying service amounted ta
                        $215,963 for the year ending the 30th June, 1926. For the years 1925
                        and 1924 there was expended under this head $361,169 and $127,485
                        respectively.                                                 .
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