Page 171 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 171


                              7-List Gf members or the LegiSllafive Assembly or the Province, by elecLoral districts,
                                   showing the party they belonged to, together with their majorilies at eath
                                                   election ::;ince 1867.-(Conclllded).
                                                 Date                               Date       jn-
                               COUNTIEIi AND l\f:tlrlBGlt8  of  }'arl.y              of  Parly
                                                1 elccLion                         e.1cctioo  nty
                                 THRF..r. lUVER8                .,. ERCflEIŒ8-(Co<,
                                                                Rid rd. Jp. n-~·lnTle....  1923  L.  420
                              Tess)er, Joseph-Adoll)he.. ..  1914",1  L.  276  Me:>'licr. Félix..  1927  606
                                                 1916  1     996
                                                 1919      Ace!.    WESTI\WUNT
                              M'e~;ier, LudHe;j-Philippe. .  1921'"
                                                 1923        2&4  (f'o'fmed 0/ patl 0/ Hochd,,:!,,)
                              Duple89i~1 :\.fo.urice-L.. ..  1927  126
                                                                Smart, Cbu•. Allan  191Z  c.   484
                                                                       "            1910     Acd.
                                  VAUDREUIL                                         1919
                                                                                    J923      2.269
                              Horwond, À.. C. deLotbin.  1867  C.  Accl.            1927      2,104
                              Lolonde. EDI~ry  .  1871       'l4
                                                 1875        32        WOLFE
                                                 187!!       387
                                                 1881      Ace!.  (l"orme<l of 'P"" of Rich-
                              ArchamiJD.ult., Fre-Xo.vier . .  1882·  162  "",nd-Wolfe)
                              Lo.pointe, Alfred.. .  lR~4·  Ace!.
                                                 Hl.'!;      184  Pio,.rd, Jacque••.  1890  C.  12
                              Lalonde. Eméry, file .....  1."90  L.  94  r:hic~;yne. Jérôme::AdoJp}le..  1892  160
                                                  1890*      14                     1897       701
                              CholeLte, Hilaire  .  Ui92  C.  1fJ                   1900        III
                              LoJoDde,},;m .ry. fils  .  189i  L.  34[')  Tangua}', Napoléon-Pierre ..  1904  L.  543
                                                  1900       145                    L09S       234
                              Pilon ,HorRli.da.   1901'"     53                     1912       171
                                                  1904     Ace!.                    1910       505
                                                  1908     •  324  1Rbeoull, J08epb-Eugène ..  1919  Ace!.
                                                 1912        677                    19ZI·
                                                 1916      Ace!.                    1923       949
                                                  1919                              1927     Aoc!.
                                                  1923       632  1~.."'~:::::". .
                                                  1027       730
                                                                Snénéoal, LouiB-AMlard  1867  L.  18
                                  VERCHERES                     Gill, Chor!es.      1871  C.   178
                                                                Doguny, Jos.-Ne~tor..  1874'"  507
                              Craig, ,\. Boniface...  1867  C.  169  Wurtle, J. S. C  1875  L.  25
                              Daigle. Jo""vh.     1871  L.  Accl.                   1878  C.   810
                                                  1875       186                    1881       246
                              Drou..ese3.U, JO:l.n-Bte  .  1878  5                  1882·    Ace!.
                              J,aro.e, Ac~ille  .  1!!70·    41  Gladu. VicLor  .   1886  L.   281
                              BeT~ard, A~;aham ..  laSI      11                     1890       307
                                                  18S6·      Hl                     1892       136
                              LUSBier 1 Albert  .  18x6      21  Moodou, Albêric·Archi.  1897  C.  3
                                                  18110    Ace],  Gladu. Viclor.    1897·  L.  219
                                                  1892       54  Allcrd, LOllis-Jules  1897·    71
                              Blanobard, ElieDne..  1897     177                    11100    Ace!.
                                 1.    ••
                                                  1811S·     228                    1904
                                                  1000     Acel.  Ou~].lette, Edouard  .  1905·
                                                  IQ04       33                     1908       711
                              GeofTrlon, Amédée ....  1908   10Z                    1912       311
                                                  1'.112     200                    1016     AccL
                              Perron. Jo•. -Léonide.  191Z'"  Acc!.                 19111
                              Bea.~dry, A?,rien.....  1916   389                    1923       224
                                                  1919     Ace!.  Luperrière, David..  1923·   III
                              Ricbard. JeaD-Mario  .  1021·  472                "'1  1927      ô71
                                                                                . "
                                Ex~ract from tbe 14th pen."'''1 elrr./1On "'PO'/ (1916) and brougbl to date (rom subsequent "porta.
                                Informalion r.oncerniug  by-el~cLiona ",a. eupplied b.y ML L. P. Geoffrion, Clerk of  ~he Crown ID
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