Page 172 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 172

FORM OF GOVERNMENT                              145

                                             8-Mernbers or tbe Legislative Assernbly.
                            Alphabetical list of the Electoral Districts and N ames of the Members
                                            of the Legislative Assembly in 1927.

                                        SPEAKER-HONORAOLE JOSBPH NAPOLEON FRANCŒUR.
                                                 DEPOTT ••»AXER-Mr. l:!ECTOR  LA FERTÉ
                               ELECTOnAJ,                        ET,ECTOTIA1,
                                               N A.M'P.B OF MZldBB'R8           /'l'AMES OF MDM:BERB
                               DISTRICTS                         DŒTHlCTS

                            Abitihi.        Hector ,\ uthier.  ·Montmagny. '"  Charlo, A. Paquet.
                            ~\TgeRteuil.. .. . . .. ..  Georf.t('~ VD.n~pr~R\l.  !v]ootmorenoy.. .. .. .  Ls AJexandro Tnscbereau.
                            Arth~b~elm.......•.... Joseph F;<lou~rd Perr~ult.  Montreal-Darion  AldéTic Blain.
                                                                    l ..ourier  Ernest. Poulin.
                            B~80t . . . . . .. . . ..  Josepo 'Emery Phaneu!.  Mercier  Anatole Planle.
                            Beauce.  .      Joseph Hu~ue Forl.ier.  St. Aone .. ' ..•~ellh Henry DUloo.
                            Boauharnois.........  LouiBJo.'if:]ih l u:pineau.  St.. Mary  I~~oeph Gn.utbier.
                            Ikllechasse •. '"  Antorun G"lip  ult.  St. George  I....hnrl  rnest Gault.
                            Berthier        Clp.oph". n~.lien.      St. Henry. '  Alfred Leduc.
                            Bonaventure     Pierre Emile Côtl:.     St. James  Irén(o Vautrin.
                            Brome.....  . .... :Carlton Jo.mes Oliyer.  St. L."\wrenco .. J(».~pb Cohen.
                                                                    St. Louis  1  •••  Peler Bercovilch.
                            Chumbly         A.Jrx:l.ndre T'hurber.  Verdun   Pierre Auguste Lo.llcur.
                            Champlain  ,    William Pierre Grant.
                            Charlevoix-Saguenay...  Edg~r R.ochette.  Napierville-Laprairie  J. Euc. Ch[
                            Chatcauguny..   HODor~ l\1~n:i,·r.  Nicolet      Jo.ep). ~\lcidc Sa,"oie.
                            Chiooutimi..    GU5tave I>eli.le.
                            Cornptoo. .. . . .. ..  Jaeoh Nicol.  Papineau   Désiré tahai•.
                                                             Pootiac         Wrn. Reginald McDoD"ld.
                            Two Mountain•... ,.  Arthur S,,"v~.  Portneuf    Pierre Gauthier.
                            Dorchester      r. Char\c" Ernest Ouelle!.
                            Drummond.      Hee!"r La Fer~.   Quebec         .  Jos. Eph"im B~dnrd.
                                                               Il  Centre   . O. SalO.on.
                            Frontenao. o •• '  ••••••••  Cyrille BaiUnrs:eon.  East  .  Louis A. IAtournco.u.
                                                                  West    ,.  Joseph I. Power.
                            Gnspe           Gu..slnve Lemieux.
                                                             Richelieu    .  J. B. Th~ophile Lafrenière.
                            fIul\           Aimé Guer.;n.    Richmond  .     StauÎslas R. DesmnrD.ia.
                            Huntiogdon      Aodrew Philp•.   Rimouski.       Louis Jo'!.pb Moreault.
                                                             nou\~Jle......  C. Aml'ric Beroard.
                            Ibervill  .     Lucien LnmoureID.
                                                             St. Hyacinthe ...  Tél.sph. Damien Bouchard.
                            Jaeque. Carf.Ïer..  Vietor i\wTchnnd.  St. Johns.  Alexis BouthiUier.
                            Joliette       J. Alfred Lucien Duga•.  St. Maurice.....  JO.l'ieph Auguste Frigon.
                                                             St. Sauveur ......•...  Charles Edouard Cantin.
                            Kamouraska      Phydime Gagnon.  Shefford  .     Wm. StepheJl Bullock.
                                                             Sherbrooke  .   ArmAnd Charles Crépenu.
                            Lahelle... .. ..  .. . Pierre Lorli •.  Soulanges  .  J. B. Avil•. Fafard.
                            Lako St John   Emile Moreau.     Stanstead      .  Alfred J. Bissonoet.
                            T./Assomption.  '\\'A.lLcr RCf'd.
                            Laval          Joseph-Glier R.enaud.  Temiscomingue  .  Joseph Edouard Piché.
                            Levie          Allred Ynl~Te Roy.  Tcrniseouat.a  .  Léon Cfl.sgrnin.
                            L'lsleL        Eli"~o Th~riault.  Ter:Tebonnc  .  Louis Atb.oase David.
                            Lothini~re•............ J u.epb Napoléon Francœur.  Three Rivers  .  Maurice L. Duplessis.
                            ~lagdalen Islands  JOllepb Edouard Caroo.  Vaudreuil.  Hormisdas Piloo.
                            Mo.isoIlDeuve..  VtfjUinm Tremblay.  Vercheres  ,  Félix Messier.
                            lIfa.k.inonge  J. Welly Gagnon.
                            Mat.lio         JOS"!,)' Arthur Bergeron.  Westmount.  Cbarle. AliDn Smart
                            Matapedin     : Joscph Dufour.   Wolfe           J. P. Cydnus Lemiour.
                            Megantl:c      Laur~nL Ln.pierre.
                            Mi9Rièql1oi.  " .lAleroodre Sauret~c.  Yema.ka  . Dav'id LaperriÔre.
                            Mootcalm •.....•• '  J osepb Ferdinand Daniel.
                                               CLEnK-LOUI8 PHILIPPE GEOFFRION.
                                                  ABar8TANT CLERK-C...... :pounNJE1Q.
                             'Extraot of tbe 17l.b Report of Genoral E1eetion., 1927, Quebeo.
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