Page 179 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 179


                                 Colonization in the Province is progl'essing in a continuous und
                            l'egulur way. The counties situated in the North Westel'll pal't of the
                            Province (Abitibi and Temiscamingue) get the greatest number of
                            settlers; development of this region has been greatly accentuated by the
                            disC'ovel'y of important mineraI deposits in the last few years.

                                 The egular colonization grants for the year ending the 30th June
                            1926, amounted to $939,000. This total includes an amount of $4,000
                            for work perfol'med on the recommendation of Colollization societies.
                            A sum of $143,236 was paid as premium for clearing land for the same
                            year as against $67,240 in 1925.

                                 In 1926, the Department of Colonization opened 218 miles of
                            winter rouds, completed 230 of wagon roads and repuired 787 miles of
                            bad roads.   Bridges and culverts built in the same period reached a
                            length of 12.422 feet.

                               17-Work perrormed on Colonizalion Ronds rrom the month or July 1899 to the 30th June

                                             Wint,cr  Wagon        }4'sacine9  Bridges
                                   YBARS     rond8   ronds  Rond.  1  lUld  nnd   Amounh   Municipal
                                             opened  cOmpletod  repnired 1 corduroy  cuLver ,.  paid (1)  contribuLions

                                               rniles  l'nileS!  mile'l  milea  rael  •  cta.  S  ct•.
                               1925-26  ,. ,  218,32  230,2"  787,29 " , , , , , , , '  12.422  939,000.00  27,742.60
                               192·1-25    ,  429,4g  392.10  782,41 ","""  19.706 1,504,000.00  51,942.25
                               1923-24, .  ..,."  536,06  017\).30  70(;,89  ",,'"''  25,U(l!l 2,117,AG2.04  37,0~Jo;.BK
                               1922-23     .  561.42  HSO.:l:l  8S0, 00' "'"  29,47~ 2, •.'.4,000.00  52,600.80
                               1921-22.•. ,  .  55274  712 14  597,07  57.74  32 961 2,000,000.00  68,1.'>3.16
                               1920-21    , .  411 33  49032  512 66  W,88  21.437 1,436,097.16  77.333.19
                               1919-20. ,  '  277,45  332.91  509 3,;  34. 38  20.818  700,000.00  44,091.48
                               1918-19 .. ,  ,  288,05  279.07  359,80  40,43  16.4.14  53'1,935.32  24,399.36
                               1917-18  _.•... ,  169 64  176.41  337 46  24 55  16181  308,0-18.45  20.3~8.16
                               191&-17     .  193.63  216.31  374,33  23,61  12,460  250,000,00  JO,675.13
                               191 frI6    ,   154,45  173.62  261.80  L8,33  12:962  200,000.00  13,359,83
                               1914-15     .   178,G6  152.50  2r>8,50  19,03  12,13/;,  22.'>,000, Où  8,593.21
                               1913-14     .   148,32  214.11  221.01\  20,66  12,22.;  24(),545.47  15,442.50
                               1912-13  , .....•  138,18  1~1\ 91  246,00  29,21  13.697  217,206.01  Il,093.02
                               1911-12     .   166,30  229.52 j  387,27  32.48  13.457  228,336,80  9,354.90
                               1910-11     ,   177 ,59  240.881  412. 19  37 ,76  15,523  216,857.69  16.233.60
                               1909-10,   ..   138.47  175 ..55  279,63  30.23  15,903  170,000,00  17,859.49
                               1908-09   , .••  174,21  189.l4  65.1 ,00  35,59  15,654  215.000 .00  19,680.38
                               1907-{)8  ,  ..  105.48  147.24  3~3.071  24.30  15,9\0  114,000.00  16,953.56
                               ]900-07     .   112,76  149.36  320.21'  24.44  9,,0;96  13-1,000.00  13,072.62
                               190&-06  , '  ..  287,78  147.39  369.49'  26.85  Il,356  ]31,000,00  18,410.41
                               1904-{)f,   .   100,2';  171.64  3.;0.39  21.08  13,550  134,000.00  31,479.23
                               190:Hl4     .   98,65  205.27  3-\0.29  32,711  14,074  131,000.00  17,958,67
                               1902-03     .   122,32  18.'i,31l  367.39  25.37  14,517  109,000.00  54.071.03
                               1001--02 .. ,  .  123,86  170.01  329,96  25.3-1  12,753  106,000.00  9.197.85
                               1900-{)1.   ,   105,27  223.97  440.10  34.15  15,119  ]]9,000.00  10,528, al
                               1899-LOOO .••......  105,86  184.87  270.45  26.21  16,280  124,000.00  12,712.63
                                   (1) locludiog certaiD SUlDIl paid to colani'8Hon socieLie9.
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