Page 170 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 170
7-Lisl of members of lhe Legislative A9sembly of the Province, by electoraJ dislricls,
showing lhe pnrly lhey belonged 10, logelher wilh lheir majorilies al each
eleclion sinee 1867.-(Continued).
Date Majo- Dllle :I1ajo-
COVNTJES A:":D i\1EMBB:H5 oC Pnrty COUNTIK8 AND l\/IE~BEns of 1Parly
elecllOn rity clection nt,y
Peoneton. L.-Edmood. 18\l7 C. 400 :l-Ctlillou~,Eli •.... 1867 C. Aeel.
Pelle~ier,Panln,l,éoo .. 1000 L. 91 1871
1904 Accl. De8ch,~neo. George~.-Honoré. 1875 J•. 226
1908 1878 C. 376
ThorricTI, CIIJixte-EJoilo.. 1011* 18Rl Acel.
1912 Hl! lSSti 208
1916 Acel. l'ouliot, Ch.-F.lIJl~ne. lR!JO L. 81
Lornay, .Jo'"jlh-Henri. 1919 Rioux, Napol '·OH. 1~9~ C. 89
Fore5l 1 Luclgur .. 1022* Talbol, Félix-A........ 1897 L. 808
O'Brcooy, .Moi,o.. 1923 C. 298 Di,?n, Nap?léon .. , . 1900 Accl.
CTépeau, Armaod-Cbarles 1924* 203 ........... 1004 1,437
1927 400 1908 345
B~l'ubé, Jo•.-A.-Léo........ Hll2 207
bOULANGES l'arroi., Ls-Ellg1~ne-A..... 10111 1,479
Il 01 1919 Acel.
Coutlée, Dnmimque-Arnable. 18117 C. 165 Godboul, Eugéoe ... 1921* 2,402
Beaujeu, R. S de.. 1871 292 Ln.ngh..i~1 Jules ... , ..... 1923 C. 103
1875 C.I. 120 Ca~KrBin. Uon, . 1927 L. 3,41:>
Duckell, William 1878 C. 31\1
:: ::::.1 1881 70 TERREBONNE
Dourboonai 5, Avihl.-G ...... 1886 N. 10
1890 360 , Cbnplc"u, Jos -Adolphe..... 18117 C. Ace\. .
1892 L. 50 '.. Il 1871
1897 243 1873*
)900 577 1875 600
n;""onnette, Arcade-II'I ..... 1902" C. 21 1876* Acd.
l\1ou56eau,.1 .-O,~tave.. 1904 L. 204 1878 220
1908 42 1879* Acel
1012 132 188J
Farancl. Avi,),a..... 1916 305 :'<n~,tel,Guill.-A ~~hon....... 1882"
1919 a94 1886 321
Lortie, Joseph-Arthur.. 1923 C. 66 1890 149
Faf"rd, J.-B.-Avill\.... 1927 J,. 442 1892 Accl.
1897 290
STANSTEAD Prévo~t,JeAn-B .. 1900 L. 20
19()4 1,507
Locke, Thomns .... 1867 C. 42 1005* Acel.
.. l' .......... 1871 Acc\. .... . . ... . 1008 465
Thornton, Jobn ...... 1875 152 .......... 1012 1. 890
Lovell, He"ry. 1878 L. 263 David, L -Alh""A.e .... 1916 L. 2,000
Tbora tou, Jobu ... 188l C. 252 1919 Ace\.
Baldwin, OHO.......... , .. 1880 lI8 1919*
Lovell, Moodie Brock, ..... 1~90 L. 144 1923 1,359
Ha~~etl, Miob...", Feli~ ..... 1892 C. 600 1927 2,4l5
189.')* 7211
1897 78 T}[JŒE mVEflS
Loven, Moodie Brock ... 1900 L. 2 Il
Saint-- Pier re, George Heury .. 1902* C, 2411 Niverville, Charlee 1867 C. 43
Bi890t~~ette, ProBP~r-AJfred. 19()4 L. 1RO DumouUll. Sévère.... )868* Accl.
1908 35~ Geueet, Cb.-Berromée... 1860* 51
1912 229· ~1nilhiot, HeDr~~Gedéon.... 1871 91
Bi••onnct, AICred-Jooeph 1913* Aocl. 1874* Aecl.
191G 1,182 1875 114
19J9 Accl. Tu~~oLte, AT~?Ur.... 1876* C.r. 204
1923 924 1878 Accl.
1927 720 Dumoulin, Sévère....... , .. 1881 C. :>l
l'urcotte, Artbur .. , ..... , , 188t* L. 184
TBMISCAMINGUE .1 '0' 18811 ... 14
.......... 1888* 191
(Pormrd of pôr' of Pontiac) Normand, TéJespbor.,.Eue. , 1890 C. 43
u ..
1892 3
Devlin, Cbarl.. R. ....... 1912 L. 211 1802· 18
Simard, Télesphore.... , , .. 19111 538 1897 224
1910 455 Cooke, Ricb6rd-Stnni.J~~~ : : 1900 L. rceJ. ..
1923 1172 T""~,ier, Jooepb~~dolpbe. , •. 1904
Miljour, Jooepb....... 19:M* 117 1905 283
Picbé, Jo•.-Edouard........ 1927 486 lOI: 297