Page 132 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 132

SUPERIOR EDUCATION                             105

                            3&-CIBssifiCBlion, by FBcullies, of Students enrolled in the Cntholic Universities of the
                                                               Medical          Ar.lPlied  Total number
                                 YEARS       Theology  Law     sciences  Arta   SCleOC68  of oath/lHo
                                                                (l)               (2)    stnflenta
                                  l                                                        ---'--
                            HJ25-26... ..........  661  234     920    11,277    1,628   14,720
                             H)2~-2';... ........ ...  6·10  239  881   5,739    1,838    9.346
                            1\'2;1-24..............  &72  216   916     5,:192   1,7nl    8,947
                            1922-23 ..............  6&3  202    848     4,810    1,407    7,930
                             1921-22 ... _..........  6H  203   8~4     4,707    1,102    7.537
                            11120-21 .......... _...  648  109  8-15    4.285     002     6,870
                             1010-20 ..............  691  207   852     3,864     381     5.!J95
                             1918-19 ..............  501  2·14  781     3,530     428     5,493
                            1917-18 ..............  408  254    712     3,571     452     6,487
                             101&-17 ..............  45.5  250  &08     2,933     43.3    4,670
                            1015-16 ..............  422  218    551     2,R22     4&4     4,477
                            1914-15 ..............  411  211    507     2,562     450     4,141
                             1913-14 ..............  421  230   477     1,565     383     3,076
                            1012·13 ......... __ ...  393  220  481      701      350     2,154
                             1911-12 ........... , ..  404  228  406     671      304     2,00.5
                             1010-11. .......... , ..  376  216  4U3     293      278     1,6[,6
                            1009-10 ..............  378  100    610      212      288     1,587
                            190fl..09 ..............  306  172  460      175      197     1,400
                            J907-08 ..............  423  178    440      102      198     1,341
                            1006-07 ..............  356  J74    400      106      122     1,158
                            190f>-06..............  383  162    352      101      100     1,098
                             37-Classification, by FBcullies, of StudenlS enrolled in the Prole<stBnt Universities of the
                                                               l\'L~t.Üt:1I.1   A\,fJ\ied  Total numbe
                                 YBARS       Theolol:Y  La,..  eciences  Arta   scleocea  of prote_tun
                                                                (1)               (2)    atudent.
                            1925-26.............  2';   72      628     1,821     734     3,280
                            1924-25..............  20   66      690     2.101     834     3.714
                             1023-Zi ..............  16  76     88.'\   2,113    1,' 16   4,206
                            1022-23 ..............  13  74.     048     2.123     955     4,113
                            1921-22 ..............  11  05      908     1,,,03   1,027    3,544
                             102~21 ..............  8   132     017     2,221     875     4,I1i3
                            1910·20 ............. ,  11  135    718      802      88,'\   2,551
                             1918-10........... , ..  9  62     544      5(.0     202     1,447
                             1917-18 ..............  7  44      446      493      2-\1    1,2,31
                            1916-17 .... , .. , ......  1)  62  373      6311     251     1,217
                             1915--16 ..............  10  63    339      MG       430     1,3il8
                            1914-16 ............. ,  9  69      389      508      493     1,4G8
                            1013-14 ..............  Il  76      373      518      754     1,762
                            1012-13 ..............  16  64      385      530      555     1,~50
                             1011-/2 .... " ........  31  59    337      400      524     ],4-\ 1
                             191(>-11 .... , .........  31  60  300      1)13     574     1,478
                            10'19-10 .... , .........  2~  fiO  317      4-15     541     1,.176
                            100S·00 ..............  26  42      333      445      574     1,420
                            19(17-rJ'! ..............  22  37   3"02     6&7      485     l,4R~
                            1906-07 ..............  13  33      364      446      45-1    1,310
                            1nn!'~I1... ..... .. . ..  10  29   172      H,t)     400     1.271
                            3S-C\assificafoll, by Faculties, of Students enrolled in the Universities of the Province'
                                                               Mpdi~al          A(>l>li.d  Total
                                 YEAM        Theolol:Y  Law    SC'Lences  Arta  SCLel:ll"eS  numher of
                                                                 (I)               (2)  -_.._._-
                            1925-26...........  68&    300     1.548   13,098    2,362   18,000
                            192<1-25..............  600  305   1,571    Î 843    2.072   130UO
                            1923-2-1 ..............  683  202  1,801    7505     2"Q67   13,152
                             IOJ~-23..............  676  276   1,796    6.033    2,~62   12,043
                            IIIJl-22 ..............  622  298  1,732    6.300    2,120   11,081
                             102~21.... , .........  65G  331  1.762    6.506    1,777   11,032
                             1919-20 ..............  702  342  l,.'i76  4.6G6    1,206    8,54G
                             HIlS-19 ..............  510  296  1,~2.5   4,089     720     r..040
                             1017-18 ..............  60S  298  1,1.">8  4,06-1    693     6,7\8
                            1916-17 ..............  460  ~02    081     3,469     684     5,89f>
                             1915-16 ... ...........  432  281  890     3.368     891    .5,80.;
                             19H-I"- ... .........  420  280    896     3,070     0·1~    5,6f,9
                             1913-14 .... .........  432'  306  8.50    2.113    1,137    4,838
                             1912-IJ ...  ........  4lJ9  293   860     1,231     905     3,704
                            ]011-12 ..... .........  135  287   835     1,061     828     3.H6
                             1910-11., ............  407  276   793      806      852     1,134
                            1909-10 ..............  401  249    827      6~7      l'lZ9   2.96.1
                            1908-00 ... ....... ...  422  214   793      620      771     2,820
                             l007-0il ... ...........  445  215  792     GG9      G83     2.8()1
                             19nO-01 ... ....... ....  360  207  7G4     552      516     2.4GI\
                             190.';..(\fi.     1!\1     l'lI    7">4     !;fil    !i()()  2,369
                                 (1) Inc'uriLo~ rnedi~ine, veterinnry ~cionoo, rJenl:d ~urgery. pha.rmney a.nd bygiene.
                                 (~) Inclurling "lcl-),iloeture. civil, minlog and :·i)rc....lry en.gineering, OooOllstry, surveyiog, ôlectrlcity,
                             meohanlca and met.allur~y.
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