Page 137 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 137

110                          EDUCATION

                               The School of Agriculture of St. Anne de la Pocatière, the property
                          of the priests of the classical college of the same place, iB affiliated to
                          Laval University; the Oka AgricuHural Insti~ute, the property of the
                          Rev. Trappist Fathers, is affiliated to the University of Montreal and
                          that of Macdonald College to McGill University.
                               The Dairy School at St. Hyacinthe was constructed by the Govern-
                          ment of Quebec in 1905. To-day, manufacturers of butter and cheese
                          who do not hold a diploma or certificate from the St. Hyacinthe Dairy
                          School are obliged to have in their ernploy sorne person who holds a
                          certificate from this school.

                                          45-Schools of AgrÎC"Lilture and St. Hyacinthe Dairy School.
                                                                                  JJ:tlry ~dlOOI D.t
                                                               801>001. ol Aa1iculture  St. Hy"cjntbe
                                          YEi\RS                                        CertiticJ\te~
                                                              Number    Pupih    Pu))il.  u"d diplorrms
                                                                         ())    enrolled  awürded
                            1926 .........•.•... , ....•..• , •.......•.......  3  503  281  383
                            192.';          .                     3      005      267      444
                            1924 .......•.........                3      704      762      877
                            11123 ......•.............•..•.............•....  3  569  4fll  416
                            1022                            .     3      5ü3      ~:;~     326
                             IÜ21 ..  . .....•....•.              3      332      21(;     271
                            1920  ..........•....•....  . ......•......  3  678   2~8      18B
                             10ID ............•.•..•........•.......•......  497  325      202
                            1918 .................•........•......  " 3  527      2li7     :1l3
                            JgI7.........  ..         .           3      3ïS      215      5G8
                            1916.........      ..     .           3      097      231      408
                            1915                      .           3      407      480      411
                            1914                                  3      413      2,;7     5(H
                             1913                                 :l     308      307      308
                                 (1) Sioœ 101:1, inelude. pupil. r..llo"i"!! sbort rour."",
                                     DOMESTIC SCIENCE. SCHOOLS AND GARDEN SCHOOLS.
                               The domestic science schools are for the purpose of training young·
                          girls for domestic life.  The number of these schools was 100, in 1926.
                              The garden schools are small lots of land which are cultivated under
                          the direction of male or female teachers by the pupils of the primary
                          teaching institutions. The Department of Agriculture is fostering this
                          rnovemen-t by supplying the necessary seeds and chemical fertilizer. The
                          pupils are given rewards. The following table shows that the number
                          of tbese gardens is increasing rapidly,  Table 47 shows the names of
                          domestic science schools together with the number of their pupils.

                               .          4&-Domestic Science Schools llnd Garden schools.
                                          YEARS              ~tJ~~t~.SCil~lH;(~_i3-c1IU~~LraL!n !ic·llo~
                            --_._--------------- --------- ---- -'- ----_.
                            1920.                               100    13,4ï3    1,;167  31,212
                            l02.:J ..                            82    1 L,281   1,.01   33,676
                            liI24.                               6ü     9.276    2.lHS   :):1,844
                            Ill.Z3                               04    IO,4~~    J,II7i.!  S'i,aH
                            J[,:!!!                              63    10,on     1,'159  2J,on~
                            11_1 ..                              5<)    9,116    1,20:'  :'1.217
                            11!20 ....•....•. , ..               59     1<,427   1,41\8  31,217
                            11110 .......                        54     7.362    1,01H   27,326
                            1918 .   ..       .                  52     7,469     !H5    22.7(;1
                            19lï .. _                .           ':~3   6,ÜOZ     8016   21,217
                            H1l6                    ,,_.         45     5,120     750    19,WS
                            1915.            ..            ..    45     4,32:t    710    \. ,:2
                            IÜI4 ..............•.. '"  "  ..•........•....•. ,  43  4,\47  284  9,:108
                            IV13 .......•..•........•....•..... , ..•....• ,'  40  3,0;18  234  7,140
                            1012.                   ..      .    24     2.:~'i'   2;)1     14
                            1911.    ································.·1  19  ],;9!m  11\7  ~,f1.I!)
                            1910                                  fi     1I2l!    1"1\   ;),II{1!j
                                 (1) From 1(>23, g:>rdCll8cbool pupil" iu<:lude [armers in !.ruiniUJ!.
   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142