Page 134 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 134

HIGHER COMMERCIAL EDUCATION                            107

                                For the year 1925-26 the number of pupils enrolled in the School
                           for Higher Commercial studies was 491. This total included the pupils
                           attending day and night courses as well as those taking correspondence
                           courses.  The number of scholal'ships granted was 69.     For the same
                           yeal' the government grants amounted to $77,000 and the fees of the
                           pupils to $16,051.

                                               39-School for Higher Commerciol Studies.

                                                                              Y~.'\.l(LY CON'T1HDtrr"(Oil;~
                                              Number  Number  NlImber  Number
                                  YEARS         of     of   of ,o}lOl~r-  of licen-  from t'he  from t'ba
                                             pro{easorB  pupil.  .hip8  tintes  GoverD-  studeub  TOL~l
                                                       (1)                   ment   and
                             1925-26, , .............  43  491  69     17  $77.000  $16,051  $93,051
                             1924-25, . ...... , ......  41  563  75   17   105,000  16,lal  121,181
                             ]923-24.. ..........  ~4   405     83     10   85,000  10,317  85,317
                             1922-23 ..          26     421     81     14   65,000  6,lI9  74,119
                             Hl21-22 .. .............  28  277  57     18   65,000  9,794  74,794
                             1920-21. ..............  27  253   60     10   60,000  6,940  66,940
                             1919-20..           28     340     70     13   65,000  7,422  72,422
                             1918-19, .          27     126     1>7     7   70,000  6,606  76,696
                             1917-18 ..          127    108     46      6   50,000  6,352  56,3;>2
                             1916-17 ............ , ..  21  46  35      5   1>0,000  3,788  53,788
                             1915-]6.. , ...........  22  85    72      2   50,000  1,380  51,380
                             1914-15 ..............  27  61     54      9   50,000  1,298  51,298
                             1913-14 ......•. , ... , ..  24  6':>  54  8   60,000  1,371  51,317
                             1912-13 ........ , ......  24  62  59      9   63,000   908   63,908
                             1911-12.... , ...   12     42      40          50,000   245   50,24.3
                             HlIo-J 1. ..        12     33      30          50,000   470   SC,470
                                 (1) Inclpding pupit. of the mi hl os weil a. those of the correspondenco cour'e'.
                                                 oto-Number of Pupils from 1918 lo 1926,

                                  YEJ\R8      1919-20  1920-21  1921-22  1922-23  1923-24  ]924·25  192:;'21\

                             DAY CLI-SSJ!.8:-
                                Preparatory.     36     27      31\    45      4()    49     20
                                First. year... "  54    32      3ï     38      41     40     40
                                Secolld yenr....  14    26      24     24      23     22     26
                                Thin! yenr, ....  14    12      20     14      14     15      19
                                Special pupil•......     2      2              4       G
                                    TOT.....L.  U8      99     119    121     131    132     Ul
                                '.-cl,' '~'~....L 43  ....  132  123   160    210    193     159
                             N1GBT OLA85ES:-
                                Reg<llar pupil.. . . .
                                Speciat pupi)•.... , .
                             CORRESPONDENC& COVR-
                              SE.................. , .........                       H\S     194
                                    TOTAL....•.  222   154     158    300     274    431     380
                                   GR.o\.ND TOTAJ;...  340  253  XT7  421     405    563     491
   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139