Page 133 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 133

106                          EDUCATION

                                              SUPERIOR COMMERCIAL EDUCATION.

                                The School for Higher Commercial Studies of Montreal, affiliated
                           to Montreal University, was founded in 1907, by the Gouin Government,
                           for the purpose of developing competent business men with a solid and
                           efficient training. The only one of its kind in Canada, this institution
                           is a regular university of commerce. The different classes are taught by
                           eminent professors who give the pupils a general proficiency.

                                The curriculum of the School for Higher Commercial Studies, being
                            t.heoretical and practical, i'3 to the advan~age of aIl young men who
                           intend to devote themselves 1,0 a. commercial career by extending their
                           knowledge of businesa and their spirit of initiative. Political economv,
                           commercial and industrial,ncy, organization of modern indUfl-
                           tries, commercial, maritime a.nd statutory Iv,ws, science of finan('~H.
                           statistics, geoglaphical economy, technology, publicity, financial mathe~
                           matics, insurance, stock trani3actions and various other matters form
                           the course of studies. There have been added to these subjects the practice
                           of business methods, visits to industrial establishments, a museum con-
                           taining sorne 13,000 natural and manufactured products of the universe
                           and moving picture demonstrations.      The schooi has a library con-
                           taining about 15,000 volumes and periodicals concerning the different
                           subjects taught.

                                In order té) extend the advantages of its I,eaching, the Scho;)1 for
                           Higher Commercial Studies has' inaugurated night and correspondence
                           .courses and with the assistance of the Department of Trade and Com-
                           merce, special training in export business is now given.

                                The graduates of this school are called upon to hold important
                           positions in commercial, financial and industrial corporations.  Several
                           for~er pupils are now managing prosperous businesses.

                                Since November, 1926, the School for Higher Commercial Studies
                           is administered by the director assisted by a council composed of the
                           Secretary of the Province, two professors of the school and five citizens
                           of the city of Montreal, chosen among its commercial and industrial
                           men.   The director is responsible for the administration to the Secre-
                           tary of the Province.

                                A jury of seven members appointed by the Secretary of the Province
                           together with the director and professors of the school, examine candi-
                           dates who desire to obtain a diploma.
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