Page 131 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 131

104                         EDUCATION

                                The universities of the Province of Quebec, four in number, are in-
                            dependent of the Government.    That of Laval in Quebec is administered
                            by a committee consisting of the directors of the Quebee Seminary and
                            of-acert.ain number of lay professors, under the supervision of the G0uncil
                            of archbishops and bishops presided over by the archbiahop of Quebee.
                            Montreal University is administered by an academic senate, an uni-
                            versity council, an administrative commission, a commission of studies
                            ,and an executive committee. The officers of the administrative commis-
                            sion are the president, the rector, or vice-rector, a representative of
                            HMessieurs de Saint-Sulpice au Canada", the secretary-general, two del-
                            egates of the aeademic senate, a delegate of the council of administration
                            of each merged faculty and school, and at most fifteen representatives
                            chosen by the administrative commission outside of its staff. l\1cGill
                            University, 80 called from the name of its founder, is administered
                            by trustees in aceordance with its charter; it is affiliated to the uni-
                            versities of Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin.    Bishop's College Univer-
                            sity is under the direction of the Church of England.
                                Laval University was founded in 1852 by the Seminaryof Quebee;
                            that of Montreal, which was a branch of Laval University, was granted
                            autonomy by a decree of His Holiness Benoit XV, on the 8th May,
                            1919. The Legislature gave it a charter on the 14th February, 1920.
                            lVIcGill University has been in existence sinee 1841 and Bishop's College,
                            at Lennoxville, Binee 1845.
                                The following table gives the number of students enrolled in the
                            universities of the Province.  Details of the enrollments for each fa-
                            culty will be found in table 38 on the next page.

                                               3f;-Numbers oC ProCessors ard Students.
                                                 CATaOot.-lC  l N1VEn&ITll!!!o  1  Pf(Ofl:;~1.hNJ' U:"lIVl::~',tWnl~8
                                             1------------ ------------                     Total
                                   YBARS       Numher  Number 1Number  Nurober 1 Numbrr  Number  number of
                                                 01     of     01      01     of      01   s(udent.
                                              univemilies profMsOTS! aludents  UD)versjties prore.,.q,qors  studenh
                              1925-26.........   2     s83   (1)14,720   2     144   3,280  la,OCO
                              ]921-25............  2   470     \1,346    2     427   3,714  13.060
                              1!l23-24..         2     446     8,947     2     465   4,175  13,122
                              1922-23.           2     423     7,930     2     428   4.113  ]2,043
                              1921-22.. .. ..  ..  2   412     7,S37     2     30S   3,S«   11.081
                              1920-21...............  2  432   6,8711    2     214   ~,I53  11,032
                              )919-20...............  2  335   5,995     2     214   2,551   8.."46
                              1918-19...............  1  341   5,493     2     1118  1.447   1\.940
                              1917-18...............  1  360   5,487     2     218   1,231   6,718
                              1916-17...............  1  358   4,679     2     218   1.217   5,896
                              ]915-16........ .. .. .. .  1  372  4.477  1     231   1.388   5$65
                              1914-15.... .. .. .. .. ...  ]  326  4,IH  2     234   1.468   5,GOll
                              1913-H...............  1  322    3.076     2     282   1,762   4.838
                              1912-13....         1    322     2,IM      ?,    261   I.MO    3,704
                              101l-12...... ..  .  1   3l!     2.00S     2     247   1.14 1  3,446
                              lOlO-lI ...... ,    1    290     1.656     2     263   1,478   3.134
                              19011-10...............  1  291  1.587     2     ]85   1;376   2,\1f>3
                              1908-09. .. .... .. .... . .  1  278  1,400  2   ]52   1.420   2.820
                              1907-08  . .. .. .. .. .. .  ]  205  1,341  2    149   1,463   2.804
                              1906-07.. .. .. ...... ...  1  206  US8    2     147   I,3LO   2.468
                              1905-06.. .  .. . .. .. .. .  1  189  1.098  2   138   1,271   2.369
                              ] 9044J".... ....   J     1711   1.071\    2     1Po8  1, 1B2:  2.2.'8
                                  tl) lnaiutlHli; 4,151 Luclcnll in the .cionre llnd letlN. e~~;!lthe collven(s "ffilialecl to the University
                              01 MoolrenJ.
   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136