Page 128 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 128

SECONDARY EDT;CATION                            101

                                                  CLASSICAL COLLEGES.

                             There were ln 1925 twenty-one chssical colleges in the Province oC
                        Quebec. The particular characteristic of secondary education is general
                        culture in history and letters as weil as sciences, mathematics and phi-

                                                  30-AII Clnssical Colleges.

                                           YEAR8                    of     of     of    a,vernp;:e
                                                                          pro-   pupil.  att,end-
                                                                  college.  fessora  enrolled  ance
                           1925-26, . , , , ' , . , . , , , ... , , ' , , .' , . ,  ' , . , ,  , . ,  .  21  88.'1  9,712  0,126
                           1924-25. , ' .. , ,., "'" """""  , ,  ' .,  , "  .  21  882  9,363  8,l\93
                           1023-24, . , .. , , .. ' . ' , , , . , . , . , . '  , , , , , .•. ' . , •.........  21  81\5  9,2B5  8M7
                           1922-23              , ....•.................  21  819  9,225  8,557
                           1921-22 ...........................................•..•  21  830  9,321  8,502
                           1920·21 ......•....................•......•............  21  797  9,033  8,1:,0
                           .1919-20    '                        .    21     742   8,632  7,940
                           1918-19              .                    21     744   7,711  6,33~
                           1917-18                              .    21     747   7,622  6,95&
                           1916-17                              .    21     747   8,128  6,790
                           1915-16...............................•...............  21  704  7,606  1\,602
                           ]914·15. ..       .  .      .             21     75-4  B,251  7,664
                           1913-14 .......................•.............•........•  21  721'>  8AH  7,BH
                           1912-13                              .    21     687   1',189  7,677
                           1911-12                              .    20     662   7,818  7,2ll0
                           1010-11 .........•.............•.............•.......  19  642  7,140  6,.;21
                           1909-10 ......•........•....•........•....•.......  19  642  6,509  6,053
                           1901'-CO.. " .......•.................•.............•...  ]8  609  6.307  5,>\72
                           1007-08                         "    .    19     624   6,274  5,700
                           1906-07..•............•.•.............•.........  ]9  624  6,268  5,796
                           1903-0e       '"                     .    ]9     621   6.318  0,895
                           1904-05  _. _........•...........................•.  19  621  6.269  2.772
                           190]-02                         .         10     562   6.096  5,1\98
                           1896-97                  .                18     509   5.399  5,000
                           1891·92..............•.....•..........................  17  372  4,221  3,805
                                        31-elassÎCa) Teaching in the Province, in 1925·1926.
                                    CLAssrCAL COLLEGEB OF          of      of     01
                                                                 foundation  pro~  pupil.  1 Averait"
                                                                         feSBDfB  onrolled lettelldnnce
                          Chieoutim.i                           .  18n      38     393    553
                          Joliel.te ..........................................•.  1846  42  398  377
                          t;~::~~~i~~:~ ::::::::~ ~ ::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::  18-32  39  ïl\3  340
                          1vront-Lo.ul"iel" ...............•....•....•.......••.•.....  1915  27  155  140
                          Montr~nl(Loyola)..             .         1890     28     410    385
                 (St. M".ry al ..........................•.......  1848  56  875  852
                           Mont.reaL (St.. SulpIce)        .       1767     31     430    396
                           Nicolet....................................•..........  1803  4L  374  340
                          Qucbcc (f.o,,·crseroinnry)           .   1663     60     872    844
                          .R.i~:lurl...    . .....•....            1851     48     372    310
                          RiltJouslci ...............•.......•........•....•.......  L855  38  331  320
                          St. Ale•. de La G"I.i,,,,,,u......•....•......................  1911  12  180  176
                          St.. Anae de 10 PounLiêre          .     1827     54     644    610
                          St. Hyacinthe                    .       IBll     40     461    4·30
                          St. John..             ..        .       1911     35     280    250
                          St. LOluept. .  . ........•........•.    184ï     71     528    492
                          St. Tbér~se                          '   }~~5     39     3';2   33C
                          ~berbrooke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..  .  .  1876  50  543  483
                          Three RI ""'ers  .                                41     500    41'>5
                          Valleyfield.. ,  .                       f~? 3    36     290    278
                                          TÛ'J'A.LB•.                      881    9,712  9.126
                               The ro~)owing oollE~lr.·Q _~ive a preliminilTY commercial courBe: Cbicout-lmi, St. Anne de)a Pocn.t)~re.
                          LeviB, Sherbrcoke, St. John, TllI"ee Rjver'~1 St.. L3.urent J Joliet.te, nigaud, Valleyfield nad 1fonl. Laurier.
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