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any person re(juiring the siime, at the rate of four cents for every ten worths
on tlie list recjuired, or to furnish printed copies at the rate of six cents f(M'
every ten words. Tiie alterations made therein shall be verified by the
officer, placing his initials in oloso ])roxiuuty to such alterations, (^r the
person may, in lieu of the Voters' List, recpiire from siicli officer a copy of
the statement of the alterations and corrections made 1 y the Judge at the
same rate as previously mentioned.
?i44. Ward Lists The remainder of the matter concerning Voters'
Lists given here applies to cities having a population of over 100,000,
in which a by-law has been j)assed for taking the assessment at a
time prior to September .'JOth, and fixing prior and separate dates for the
return and final revision of the Assessment Rolls for each ward or sub-
division of a ward.
1. Within fifteen <lays after the final revision of the Assessment Roll
for any ward or sub-division of a ward, the Clerk of every city shall make
up, print and distribute the alphabt^tical list of voters for such ward, and
forthwith up the list in his office, give notice in the manner mentioned
in Section 2.*J0, and the notice shall state the boundaries of said ward.
2. The time for making complaints as to errors or omissions in such
lists shall be within seven days after the publication of the notice. •1|
3. If no complaint respecting the list is received by the Clerk within
seven days after he has posted up the list in his office, he shall forthwith IN
iipply in person, or by letter, to tlie Judge lo certify three copies of the
lists as being the last revised list of voters for the wanl, one to be retained
by the Judge, one to be transmitted by him to the Clerk of the Peace for I til
the county in which the city lies, and one to the C'lerk of the Municipality,
to be kept among the records of his office.
4. The County Judge must arrange so that all complaints maj^ be
heard, and the lists for the ward finally i-evi.sed and corrected within ten
ilays after the last day allowed for making complaints. The lists for each
ward shall be made uj) and finally levised iicfore the 1st day of December.
5. Forthwith after the printing and posting U]) the last of such lists,
levised and certified toby the Judge, the Clerk shall have them bound up
together. Immediately after posting up the last of such revised list, the if
Clerk shall give notice in each daily newspaper published in the city,
calling upon all persons who are aware of any ei'rors in the said lists, or of
changes which have been rendered necessary through any cause, to give
notice of the same, and naming a time and place when the Judge will finally
revise the lists for the whole city.
0. The Judge at such last sitting will make whatever changes are
rendered necessary in his certitietl copy of the Voters' Lists for each ward,
;',nd initial the alterations so made. The Clerk shall also make the same
alteiationsin his certified copy, and when so made the Judge shall initial
the same. The clerk shall then prepare a list of all changes made in the
lists at the last sitting, which shall bt> certitieil to by the Judge and delivered
to the Clerk of the Peace with the last list as revised, who shall l)ind U])
the same with the copies previously certified by the Judge, and deliver the
same to the Clerk. The sai<l lists as so tit lallv revised, corre(•ted an(
certified, shall form the last revised Voters' List for the city within the
meaning of this Act.