Page 53 - index
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                     52                 MUNICIPAL LAW.
                     haviiii,'  Ijocii tondered coniiieiiHatioii for  liis time, at the rate of 75 cents
                     per  (lay, and  lii.s  travelling expenses  if he  resides more than  three
                     miles from the place of trial  ; or if, being present in the court but refuses
                     to be sworn  if re(|uii'ed to give evidence, he  shall incur a penalty not
                     exceeding i*25 and  costs, to be recovered of any person suing for the same
                     in a Division Court.
                        'Z'iH, Proceedings.  Notices of complaint by persons aggrieved or
                     their agents must be given in writing to  tiie Clerk of the Municipality
                     within fourteen days after the day upon which the  roll  is reijuired by
                     law to be returned, or within fourteen days after the return of the  roll, if
                     not returned within the i-e((uired time,  'fiie notice nnist give a name and
                     address where  notices can be served by the Clerk.  Any elector who
                     thinks that another person has been assessed too low or too high, or his
                     name wrongly inserted in or omitted from the roll, may give such notice
                     to the Clerk, and the Clerk shall give notice to such per.son and to the
                     assessor of the time when  such matter  will be  ti'ied by the Court of
                        The Clerk of the Court shall post up in some convenient and ])ublic
                     place within the nnuiicipality or ward, a notice of all the complaints made,
                     stating the names of each, description of the matter complained against,
                     and the time when the court will be held to hear the complaints.
                        The appeals shall be taken  in the ord(!r in which they were received
                     by the Clerk: but, an appeal, may be adjourned.
                        'i'Zii. Appeals from the Court of Revision.  An  a])peal  to the
                     County Judge shall lie not only against a decision of the Court of Revision
                     on an a])peal to  .said court, but also against the omission, or neglect, or
                     refusal of said court to hear an a])])eal.
                        1.  Ivxcejtt in municipalities whei'e provision lias l)een made by by-laws,
                     the per.son appealing nnist, within five days after the time limited for the
                     closing of the Court of Revision, serve a written notice u])on the Clerk or
                     A.sse.ssmeiit Comnn.ssionei', if there be one, of his intention to appeal to the
                     County .ludge.
                        2. The Clerk shall, immediately after the time limited foi- filing said
                     appeals, forward a list of the same to the Judge
                        3. As soon as the Judge notiHes the Clerk of the day appointed for
                     hearing the same, the Clerk  shall j)ut uj) a cons])icuous notice in his office,
                     or  t lie j)lace where the ^lunicipal Council hold their meetings, giving the
                     names of appellants, persons appealed against, the grounds of the a,  )eal,
                     and the date when the  court will  Ixs  Ix^ld to hear the appeals.  The
                     c ecision of the Judge shall be final, and the Clerk shall atnend the rolLs
                     accordingly.  The costs will be apportioned by the Judge.

                                        VOTKIiS'  LISTS.
                        'i'Z^-  The Clerk is re(|uired, immediately after the  final revi.sion and
                     correction of the A.ssessment Roll  in every year, to make a correct alpha-
                     betical list in three ])arts of all persons being of the full age of twenty-one
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