Page 55 - index
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at the then last election for the House of Commons and for Legisliiti\e
Assembly ; (4) the Reeve of the nmnicipality.
Upon each copy of the list so sqnt out shall be a printed certificate
over the signature of the Clerk, that such list is a correct list of all persons
appearing upon the last revised Assessment Roll to be entitled to vote at the
nmnicipal and provincial elections, and calling upon all electors to examine
the list and, if errors or omissions are discovered, to take innaediate pro-
ceedings to have the same corrected.
'i'Z9. Copies to be Posted Up. TheSheriff shall, immediately upon
the receipt of his copies, post up one in a conspicuous place in tlie Court
House, tlie Clerk of the Peace post up one in his office, every head teacher
to post up one on the door of the school-iiouse, and every postmaster to
post up one copy in the Post-office.
58JJO. Notice in Newspapers. The Clerk siiall innnediately cause to
be inserted once in some local newspaper, or if none published in the juuni-
cipality, then in one published in a neighboring municipality or the county
town, a notice that he has transmitted such copies of tlie list as recjuired,
and give the date of the first posting up of the list in his office.
If within thirty days after the Clerk has jiosted up in his office ni)
complaint is received by him, he shall forthwith apply, either in person or
by letter, to the Judge tocertifiy three co])iesof the list as being the revised
list of votei-s for the nmnicipality. The Judge retains one copy, transmits
one so certified to the Clerk of the Peace, and one to the Clerk of the Muni-
cipality, to be kept by him among the records of his office.
?J3I. Revision of Lists. The lists are subject to revision by the
County Judge at tiie instance of any voter or a person entitled to l)e a
voter in the municipality for which the list is made, or in the electoral
district in which the nuniicipality is situate, on the ground of names of
voters being omitted or wrongfully stated, or of names l)eing on tlie list
who are not entitled to be voters, or persons disiiualiHed under a penalty.
Upon such revision no person .shall be disentitlefl to have his name entered
on the list, either because he did not deliver the .statement reipiired by
the Assessment Act or his name was omitted from the As.sessment
Roll. The Judge's decisioji is final.
'iii'i. Persons Entitled to be Entered. In case of a jteison havii-g
died or parted with property in respect of which his name was legally on
the Voters' List, the person who was in possession of the property at the
time of the final revision, and who is otherwise <iualified to be a voter at a
nmnici|)al election, may apply to have his name entered on the list in plac"
of the first-mentioned j)erson.
Also persons who will be of age within sixty ilays from the final
revision of the Assessment Roll, are entitled to apply to the .Imlge to have
theii' names entered on the V'oters' List, or on the Assessment i{oll and
Voters', as entitled to vote at nnniicipal elections.
Every other person who is entitled to be asses.sed or entered on the
Assessment Roll, has a right to apjjly to the judge to be .so entered on the
Voters' List.