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                                     MUNICIPAL LAW.                   59
                 either in the municipality or in  tlie county t<5wn or adjoininj^ local muni-
                 cipality, as the Council may designate by resolution, at least one issue each
                 week tor three consecutive weeks, and also post up a copy of the by-law at
                 four or more of the most public places in the municipality.
                    Appended to the copy of the by-law so published and so posted iinist
                 be a notice sii^ned by the Clerk of the Council, statinjf
                    That the copy is a true copy of the proposed by-law
                    That the by-law will be finally passed, if the assent of the electors  is
                 obtained, after one month from the time of the first publication thereof
                 (statinfij the date)
                    And that at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the
                 votes of the electors, the poll will be held.
                    !J.»0. Ballot Papers.  The Clerk  is required to furnish a sufficient
                 number of ballot papers, to be printed at the expense of the nmnicipality,
                 and to be in form according to Scheilule " J," page 2G9D, R. S. O., 18!)7.
                    251. Summing up of the Votes. The Council shall, by the by-law,
                 fix a time when and a place where the Clerk of the Council shall sum up
                 the votes given for and against the by law  : also a time and place for the
                 appointment of persons to attend at the various polling places, and at the
                 final summing uj) of the votes by the Clerk on behalf, respectively, of  tin;
                 persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passage of the by-law.
                    Ha'i. Selection of Agents.  At the time and place named (previous
                 section), the Mayor or head of the Council shall appoint, ni writing signed
                                                                                   'iL' i
                 by him, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes, and
                 ()i\c person to atten<l at each polling place on behalf of the persons inter-
                 ested in and desirous of i)assing the by-law, and a like number on behalf
                 of the persons interested in and desirous of opposing the passing of the
                    Before any jierson is so a])pointed he shall make  n. declaration before
                 the head of the nuniicipality that lie is desirous of promoting or opposing
                 the pn.ssage of the by-law (Schedule " K ").
                    'iHll. Admission of Agents to Polling Place.  Persons so appointeil
                 sliall, before being admitted to the polling place, or the summing up of the
                 votes, as the case may  be, produce to  tlie Deputy Returning Officer or
                 Clerk of the Mimicipality, as the case may be, his written appointment.
                    In the absence of any person duly authorized, any elector in the same
                 interest as the person .so absent may, upon making and sub,scribing before
                 the ])eputy Returning Officer or the -Clerk, as the case may be, a declara-
                 tion as before mentioned, be ailmittetl to the polling place in  ))lace of the
                 person .so absent.
                    */Ji»4. Exclusion from Polling Place.  During the time appointed
                 lor polling no person shall l)e admitted to the polling place other than the
                 officers, clerks and persons or electors authorized to attend.
                    !455. Voters' List.  In a municipality divided into wards the Clerk
                 is recjuired to prepare ami ileliver to each <leputv returning ofHcer of a
                 ward or polling sub-division, before the poll  is opened, a Vciters' List for
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